People in Datang have been expelled from school

Chapter 206 The sky has changed, to make a fortune

Chapter 206 The sky has changed, to make a fortune
"Don't make trouble, Your Majesty, I'm not that kind of person."

"You can be a concubine." Li Shimin said jokingly.

"It's really a blessing to suffer, my life is the most important thing, and now that Princess Changle's swordsmanship has improved, it's better not to be like this."

Li Shimin felt much happier, and you, Li Zheng, will also have a day of fear.

"Now that Lu's parents and daughters can't get married, they even gave me perfume. What do you think I should do?"

"Your Majesty means..."

Li Shimin opened his mouth and said: "I want the Lu family to take back this marriage willingly. No matter which of my sons, I don't want them to marry women with five surnames."

"Your Majesty doesn't want to marry, but also wants people to take back the marriage?"

"Yes." Li Shimin nodded.

"Your Majesty might as well send troops to surround the Lu family, put knives on their necks, and ask them if they are afraid." Li Zheng looked at Li Junxian and said, "General Li Junxian must be very happy to do this."

Li Junxian glanced at Li Zheng, not knowing how he offended him.

Li Shimin laughed three times and said, "I will leave this matter to you."

After speaking, Li Shimin patted Li Zheng on the shoulder.

Looking at his eyes, Li Zheng was inexplicably uneasy.

Looking at Li Shimin's smile, it was a hidden smile.

Sure enough, it would be no good to meddle in Li Shimin's family affairs.

Li Zheng said angrily: "Why can't I control my mouth?"

After seeing Li Shimin leave, Xu Jingzong walked forward with a smile, "Mr. County, the one who just left is His Majesty?"

Li Zheng nodded expressionlessly.

Xu Jingzong saw that Li Zheng's expression was not right, and said again: "Is the County Marquis in trouble, or is it that His Majesty has something else to entrust to the County Marquis?"

"Troublesome." Li Zheng looked worried.

Xu Jingzong nodded with a clear face and said: "I don't know what trouble it is, maybe I can share the worries for the county marquis."

"How can you prevent the eldest daughter of the Lu family from marrying the royal family?"

Xu Jingzong thought about it carefully and said: "There are many methods, such as framing people, killing people to silence them."

"But I'm a good person." Li Zheng said.

Xu Jingzong said again: "It's better to let me do these things."

Glancing at Xu Jingzong, Li Zheng said, "You take people to build roads, don't worry about it."

Xu Jingzong was a little discouraged, thinking that Li Zheng would leave this matter to himself.

Looking at this Jingyang County Hou, he was still wary of him.

Xu Jingzong has naturally seen many people and things.

On the one hand, Li is a very mysterious person.

I always feel that Li Zheng is not such a child who can be easily approached.

Coming to Li Yi's mansion, Xu Jingzong asked in a low voice: "Do you think there is something strange about the county marquis?"

Li Yifu thought for a while and said: "You said it this way, I have known the county marquis for more than half a year, and I really have a very strange feeling."

"What does it feel like."

Li Yifu whispered to him: "It's very mysterious, I can't see through it."

Li Shimin asked Li Junxian in a low voice on the way back to the palace, "Today Li Zheng suddenly talked about you."

Li Junxian was also very puzzled.

Li Shimin asked in a low voice: "Has Li Zheng noticed the eyeliner you arranged in Jingyang?"

"Probably not." Li Junxian said: "Those eyeliners are absolutely trustworthy, they are all brought out by the last hand."

"Really? Then today is Li Zhengwu's target?"

Li Junxian lowered his head.

Li Shimin instructed again: "Be careful in handling things, if possible, change more people, so as not to be arrested by Li Zheng again like last time."

"I will understand at the end."

On the third day after Li Shimin came to Jingyang, Li Zheng had already figured out how to deal with the affairs of the Lu family.

This is the way that many villages invite people to perform rituals after the autumn harvest, praying for a good harvest next year.

The ancients believed in destiny.

In order to consolidate their status, emperors pretended to be emperors in order to convince people of their orthodoxy.

Of course, this is also under the premise of a strong empire.

If you are about to perish, who cares whether you are the emperor or not.

The Son of Heaven is self-proclaimed, but it is just a coat.

True domination still depends on hard power.

Just like the celestial phenomenon of Taibaijin star that appeared before Li Shimin launched Xuanwu Gate.

Taibai Jinxing dominates killing and war, which means that the sky will change.

Not a good sign in a sense.

In fact, it's just a morning star. There's not much to say, it's just the foolishness of those Taoist priests.

In the early morning, Li Zheng was still looking at the shining morning star in the sky, and said to Xu Jingzong: "Go and tell Yuan Tiangang that the sky has changed recently."

"Has the celestial phenomenon changed?" Xu Jingzong was a little puzzled, "The county lord still knows the celestial phenomenon?"

"I understand a little bit." Li Zheng replied.

Xu Jingzong asked: "May I ask how the current celestial situation is?"

"The sky is very good, and the Taibaijin star is shining in the sky, implying that I will make a fortune recently."

is it?Xu Jingzong also looked up at the sky, looking at the blue sky, he didn't know where Li saw the Taibaijin star in the sky.

At noon that year, Xu Jingzong still came to Chang'an. He was the admonishing doctor of Yushitai. Xu Jingzong could enter the palace at normal time.

Although he is no longer an official, the Ministry of Officials did not remove him, and his official position is still there.

Walking into the palace, Xu Jing came all the way to Qin Tianjian.

Said to Yuan Tiangang: "Master Yuan, Li Zheng, Marquis of Jingyang County, said that the sky has changed recently."

"Really?" Yuan Tiangang still meditated on the ground without changing his face.

Xu Jingzong said again: "The county marquis said that today the Taibai Jinxing will shine in the sky, and he will make a fortune."


Yuan Tiangang thought carefully whether Taibai Jinxing is a good celestial phenomenon, prone to wars, and a celestial phenomenon that symbolizes catastrophe in the world.

How can you still get rich?This is obviously wrong.

"Li Zheng, did you really say that?"

Xu Jingzong nodded.

Yuan Tiangang stood up and looked at the sky, walked out of Qin Tianjian, and walked all the way to Jingyang.

Seeing Yuan Tiangang coming to the stables, Li Zheng hastily poured him a glass of cold water, "Long time no see Yuan Daochang."

Yuan Tiangang didn't like Li Zheng very much, and was very wary of this mysterious child.

"Please sit down." Li Zheng said with a smile.

Yuan Tiangang sat down and said: "Why does the county lord say that Taibai Jinxing is alive? Could it be that he wants to confuse the people?"

"No and no." Li Zheng waved his hand and said, "Recently Taibaijinxing will indeed appear in this world."

"You can't talk nonsense like this!"

Yuan Tiangang blew his beard and stared.

Clearing his throat, Li Zheng said, "I did expect that."

Yuan Tiangang said: "Li Zheng, these words are not a joke."

Li Zheng pointed to the east of the sky and said: "Did Daoist Yuan know that in the northern sky, there will be a falling star every 76 years."

Yuan Tiangang looked puzzled.

Li Zheng also went on to say: "Taibai Jinxing will be very bright recently, Yuan Daochang might as well think about what major events will happen in the court recently."

Yuan Tiangang glanced at the sky, "You mean..."

(End of this chapter)

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