People in Datang have been expelled from school

Chapter 207 Ah!His Royal Highness King Qi

Chapter 207 Ah!His Royal Highness King Qi
"It's better to give Yuan Daochang a chance, but help me settle one thing. No matter what is right or wrong, as long as it is not achieved, no one will know what will happen in the future. Yuan Daochang only needs to say one word, even if it is false, but As long as it is stopped, it will be due to Daoist Yuan."

What's happening in the palace recently?

Could it be the marriage between the Lu family and the prince?
Yuan Tiangang thought of this very quickly.

Li Zheng said to him: "The Taibaijin star is the brightest every 220 days, and the broom star, the rumored disaster star in the northern night sky, will appear every 76 years."

Yuan Tiangang looked at Li Zheng suspiciously, "How are you sure?"

"Yuan Daochang might as well go and read the records in the classics. You will understand from the time of Jiang Ziya."

"Do you want to tear down the marriage between the Lu family and the royal family?"

Li Zheng smiled and said, "Don't talk nonsense, Daoist Yuan, I didn't say anything."

Looking at Li Zheng suspiciously, Yuan Tiangang doubted what Li Zheng said.

Let's talk about destroying other people's marriages, this kind of thing is too wicked.

Back in Chang'an, Taibaijinxing will appear recently?

Yuan Tiangang checked Qin Tianjian's classics and looked at the contents.

At that time, Jiang Ziya saw the disaster star fall, and Shang was destroyed.

When the catastrophe fell again, Zhou died and the Six Kingdoms rose.

When it fell again, Qin left the six kingdoms.

Seeing this and calculating carefully, Yuan Tiangang discovered an astonishing fact.

These are indeed corresponding to 70 years, although there are differences, but the difference is not big.

However, some turmoil is not related to the disaster star.

However, there are historical records that the number of occurrences of disaster stars is indeed almost the same as what Li Zheng said.

After careful calculation, fortunately, the 70-year period has not yet been reached, which means that there will be no catastrophe landing in the last 50 years.

If what Li Zheng said is true, is Taibaijinxing really going to reappear in the world recently?

For three consecutive days, Yuan Tiangang only slept for two hours a day.

Look at the sky and count the stars.

What Li Shimin did at Xuanwu Gate four years ago was a sign of Taibai Jinxing.

Yuan Tiangang looked at the sky, and vaguely saw a star hanging brightly in the sky. At this time, he saw that Taibaijin was not so bright.

After waiting for another two days, Yuan Tiangang watched the Taibaijin star in the sky become more and more conspicuous, and asked Li Chunfeng with a flustered expression, "What time is it?"

Li Chunfeng said: "It's already noon."


Yuan Tiangang looked flustered at the still bright Taibai Jinxing, but Li Zheng was right!
Taibai Jinxing is really alive.

Could it be that Li Zheng is really a child of the Immortal family, who can count what others can't?
Yuan Tiangang hurriedly found Li Shimin and explained the situation of Taibai Jinxing.

Li Shimin is very jealous of Taibai Jinxing, which is how the Xuanwu Gate Change was initiated.

"Is Daoist Yuan able to resolve it?"

Yuan Tiangang remembered Li Zheng's words, and said: "Your Majesty, I have checked the birth dates of Lu's parents and daughter, His Highness the Crown Prince, His Highness King Wei, and His Highness King Shu. If you get married, it is a bad omen. Your Majesty, please think twice." .”

Li Shimin nodded and said: "I understand, you can step back."

After resigning, Yuan Tiangang will think about what Li Zheng said. If it is true that the disaster star will appear in the world on time according to what Li Zheng said, is he still a disaster star?
However, according to the allusions, it seems that they are all 70 years before and after, even if they are separated by hundreds of years, they can be divided by 70 years.

This is the first time that Yuan Tiangang has been shaken by what he has learned all his life. Is the astrology really predictable?
In Jingyang County, Li Zhengzheng was explaining to Di Renjie and Daniu, "Actually, there is no so-called calamity star, and there is no so-called Taibaijin star at all. It's just some rumors."

"But everyone says that." Di Renjie said.

Li Zheng smiled and patiently explained to him: "For example, if you want to start a war, but you can't find an excuse, and you see a star falling, you can use it to make up a theory to start a war. It was just an excuse.”

Di Renjie was still a little skeptical.

Li Zheng said to the two children: "The operation of all things is regular. In fact, many ancient books have clarified this point, just like the Book of Changes and the Tao Te Ching."

"That means the catastrophe will come after decades, right?" Daniel asked.

Li Zheng nodded, "Many times we can see it coming, sometimes we can't see it coming, and we can't see it coming during the day."

"Taibaijinxing is a very bright star, but its flickering is hidden in the sunlight on weekdays, but when the sun's light is not so bright, we can see it in the daytime."

"It's like the stars and the moon, but their trajectories are not a very complete circle. They will change every moment of the day. For example, the sun is very close to us, and sometimes it is far away. We revolve around the sun. turn."

Li Zheng lit the oil lamp and said to them: "You can see that the heat is the hottest when the oil lamp is closest to us, but the shorter the shadow is, the farther the oil lamp is from us, the less heat we feel, but our shadow is very long."

I don't know if these two boys can understand what I said, some education should be started from the baby, so that these two boys will not be fooled in the future.

Li Tai came to Jingyang in a hurry, "Li Zheng! That's great, the eldest daughter of the Lu family is not married anymore."


Li Tai said again: "Did you know? It turns out that the horoscopes of Lu's parents and daughters are incompatible with those of me, the prince, and the emperor's brother, and they cannot be married."

"His Royal Highness King Wei cannot be so happy."

"Yes!" Li Tai quickly pretended to be sad, "It's a pity, who made my horoscope conflict with theirs, but it's strange, how could Yuan Tiangang be interested in such a trivial matter as a birthday horoscope? .”

"It may be that the old man had nothing to do after eating, so he made a calculation, and then he figured it out."

Li Tai pointed at Li Zheng and said, "Does this matter have anything to do with you?"

"Are you kidding me? I'm busy farming. What does it have to do with me?"

Following Li Zheng's gaze, Li Tai looked like a field and asked, "What are you doing?"

"Growing vegetables."

Li Tai smiled awkwardly: "Stop making trouble, it's already late autumn, how can we grow vegetables."

"The diet needs to be balanced. You can't eat meat all the time in winter. Just eating pickles is not enough."

Looking at the scene, Li Tai asked, "What are your white cloths for?"

"Greenhouse, I want to grow greenhouse vegetables."

"The greenhouse?"

"A way to grow vegetables in winter."

"Li Zheng, are you confused, can you really grow vegetables in winter?"

Li Zheng whispered: "Believe it or not, I can grow it anyway."

While the two were walking, Li Zheng was telling Li Tai how to grow vegetables in a greenhouse, and out of the corner of his eye, he saw a kid urinating anywhere.

"It's unreasonable, how dare you defecate anywhere in my territory." Li Zheng raised his foot and kicked the man to the ground.

The man fell to the ground with a scream.

Another scream came from nearby, "Ah! His Royal Highness King Qi! What's wrong with you!"

(End of this chapter)

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