Chapter 209 Assassination
Apart from Li Zhenghe himself, Li Shimin did not want anyone else to master movable type printing, including his own children.

It would be a different matter if Li You wanted to seek movable type printing.

Empress Changsun also received the news that Li You was beaten by Li Zheng in Jingyang?

After asking about the reason of the matter, Empress Changsun couldn't laugh or cry, and said to the maid beside her, "Call Li You to come to this palace."

"Yes!" The maid immediately went to make arrangements.

When the palace maid went to Prince Qi's mansion to send a message, she received a reply that Li You was unwell and would not enter the palace to meet the queen.

Empress Changsun had expected this news, but she didn't expect that as soon as the front foot went to make trouble, the back foot would pretend to be unwell as an excuse.

Empress Changsun knew Li You's temper, but she never thought that this kid would refuse to come to see her now.

Empress Changsun said: "Call Concubine Yin here."

As a queen, Empress Changsun can discipline Li Shimin's children.

Even Gao Yang was brought up by himself, only Concubine Yin's child was not brought out by the Lizheng Palace.

Concubine Yin's younger brother, Yin Hongzhi is the Minister of the Ministry of Officials.

Because her younger brother is an important minister in the court, in order not to affect the affairs of the harem, he also brought his son with her.

When Concubine Yin came to the Lizheng Hall, Empress Changsun first greeted her with greetings.

When talking about Li You's disturbance in Jingyang, Concubine Yin was also evasive.

Empress Changsun told the court ladies beside her: "Tell Li Jiangshan, if Li You's people dare to go to Jingyang to make trouble, they will be killed."

"Understood." The maid turned and left again.

"Queen, this..."

Empress Changsun said with a smile: "Children are ignorant, and there are always lessons to be learned. I hope Li You will not do anything out of line."

Having said this, Concubine Yin stood up and wanted to leave.

Empress Changsun continued: "Sit down and have dinner here tonight."

Concubine Yin's expression was flustered, and it was the first time she saw such a stern expression on Empress Changsun's face.

I was worried that Li You would make troubles no matter what he did on weekdays.

How could he go to Jingyang to make trouble?

That night, Li Jiangshan received a message from Empress Changsun.

Holding a horizontal knife, Li Jiangshan stood guard at the entrance of the village.

Cheng Chumo and Li Ke also received news to take strict precautions around Jingyang Village.

Late that night, several figures appeared in the woods outside Jingyang.

Li Jiangshan observed the well-trained appearance of these masked men.

When he approached the entrance of Jingyang Village, Li Jiangshan pulled out the horizontal knife in his hand, and under the moonlight, the blade was sharp.

After knocking down a man in black, just as he was about to question him, the other party committed suicide by swallowing medicine.

Li Jiangshan shouted: "It's a dead man! Don't keep your hands."

Hearing Li Jiangshan's call, Li Ke and Cheng Chumo led Jingyang's guards out.

These dead soldiers were well-trained, and it took a long time to fight to take them all down.

Cheng Chumo looked at the corpses one after another, lifted their veils and said, "These are all well-trained, and they don't look simple."

Li Ke said to Cheng Chumo in a low voice: "It is true that some dignitaries in Chang'an secretly support some dead men, this is the first time someone dared to offend Jingyang."

Li Jiangshan came to the hut next to the horse pen and saw that Li Zheng was still reading a book inside.

"Everything has been done, and more than 300 dead men have come." Li Jiangshan said.

Li Zheng put down the book in his hand, "It's getting late, you should go to bed earlier."

Li Jiangshan still held the horizontal knife and said: "The queen has an order that anyone who has a plan against Jingyang must be killed, just in case I will continue to guard."

"Thank you." Li Zheng said calmly.

Li Jiangshan turned and left, returned to the outside of the village and continued to stand in the moonlight guarding the entrance of the village.

Li You was still in his mansion.

Yin Hongzhi, who was in his thirties, said to Li You: "His Royal Highness, it is better not to send anyone to deal with Li Zheng."

"It's not just a small county lord, uncle is too nervous." Li You was playing with the arrow.

Yin Hongzhi said to Li You again: "He is Li Zheng! Not someone else."

"Li Zheng? It's just Li Zheng who came from a commoner." Li You was still playing the pitching pot.

Yin Hongzhi walked back and forth anxiously, originally thinking that Li You would raise some dead soldiers in case of emergency.

Want to send someone to kill Li Zheng now?Stupid, really stupid!

While playing pitching pots, the mansion came down to report, "Your Highness, something is wrong! Something happened."

"What happened?" Li You asked nonchalantly.

"A large number of soldiers and horses of the Jinwu Guard are coming here."

"Jinwu Guard!"

Yin Hongzhi almost fainted on the spot, "Could it be that His Highness King Qi really sent dead men to assassinate Li Zheng?"

Li You immediately jumped up and said, "How is it possible! I haven't done this yet."

Yin Hongzhi calmed down secretly, and Qi Wang was still discussing with him whether to send the dead soldiers to Jingyang, how could they be sent so soon.

The gate of the mansion was suddenly kicked open by Jin Wuwei, and Li Junxian walked into the mansion and said: "His Royal Highness, Your Majesty has summoned you."

"Father... father emperor?"

Li You was so nervous that he stuttered.

Li Junxian said again: "Please."

Seeing hundreds of officers and soldiers of the Jinwu Guard enter his mansion, Li You was so frightened that his legs went limp.

Following Li Junxian all the way out of the mansion, after walking a few steps, Li You turned around and wanted to run.

Li Junxian grabbed his lapel and said expressionlessly: "Your Highness Qi Wang, hurry up, it's getting late, so you can rest early if you finish your work early."

Li You followed behind Li Junxian with a pale face.

Who the hell is Li Zheng!I just ran into Jingyang, and I provoked so many Jinwu guards.

Li Shimin saw Li You enter the Ganlu Hall with a dark face.

"Father." Li You trembled all over.

"Your Majesty!"

Hearing a shout, Li You immediately knelt down.

Li Shimin asked in a low voice: "Do you know what you did?"

"My son knows." Li You sniffed and said, "My son relieved himself in Jingyang and was beaten by Li Zheng."

Li Shimin slammed the case and shouted: "So you have the courage to send dead soldiers to assassinate Li Zheng?"

"Dead man? What dead man?" Li You said in a panic, "I have never sent a dead man to Jingyang."

Li Shimin walked up to Li You step by step, "Really? What happened to those dead men in Jingyang an hour ago?"

"My son... Father Emperor!" Li You said loudly: "My son really didn't send the dead to Jingyang, my son was wronged!"

Li You said in a panic: "I swear to the sky, I originally wanted to teach Li Zheng a lesson, but I haven't sent the dead yet! I haven't had time yet..."

Speaking of this, Li You hurriedly shut up, not daring to say any more.

"You really did raise the dead?!" Li Shimin's tone was cold.

What is the crime for the prince to feed the dead?Seeing his father's expression, the hairs on Li You's whole body stood on end, and he didn't dare to think about it.

Li You knelt on the ground trembling and said: "I did feed the dead! But I am wronged, this is really not what I did!"

(End of this chapter)

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