Chapter 210 Li Zheng's Case
Li Shimin shouted: "Take Qi Wang Li You to the Zongzheng Mansion to await trial."

"Father! My son was wronged! Even if I had ten guts, I wouldn't dare to kill Li Zheng..."

Li You was dragged away by Jin Wuwei's guards all the way.

Li Junxian came to report with the file, "Your Majesty! Yin Hongzhi has recruited."

Li Shimin sat down again: "Speak!"

Li Junxian handed over the dossier and said: "Your Majesty, after we tortured several times, Yin Hongzhi said that His Royal Highness Qi Wang did indeed raise dead soldiers, and two hours ago he was still discussing whether to assassinate Li Zheng. I am trying to persuade His Royal Highness Qi Wang not to do this, and His Highness Qi Wang has not yet decided to assassinate Li Zheng."

"According to Yin Hongzhi's confession, we did catch the dead men raised by His Royal Highness King Qi in Xishi, but these dead men were not dispatched, and they were all under Yin Hongzhi's control."

Li Shimin thought to himself, "It's true that Li You didn't send dead men to assassinate Li Zheng?"

Li Junxian replied again: "Although it is not yet known, the people from Dali Temple have arrived in Jingyang and are investigating."

"Dali Temple Minister Dai Zhou has seen the characteristics of the dead men and their clothes. Those dead men are not from Chang'an, but some deserters from Longyou."

Ganlu Hall was very quiet, Li Shimin listened to his own breathing.

Li Junxian said again: "We also found a few fast horses outside Chang'an City. The grooms outside the city confessed that these dead men came on horseback at that time. They arrived only this afternoon."

Even if Li You, a dead man in Longyou, wanted to give orders, it would take three days. Li You didn't have time to give orders at all, the matter was too strange.

Li Shimin wondered whether Li You sent those dead soldiers or not.

But a king of Qi dares to support the dead!

Li Shimin absolutely cannot tolerate it!
"Take off Yin Hongzhi's official clothes and send him into exile!" Li Shimin said coldly.


The prince responded and left to deliver a message.

Li You's disposition Li Shimin knew in his heart why Li You went to Jingyang and what he was doing in Jingyang!
Does Li You know the value of printing?

These are all worthy of scrutiny.

For Li You's son, Li Shimin felt that he had to give him a good beating.

Didn't Yin Hongzhi advise Li You beside him?Li Shimin didn't believe it in his heart.

Why did those Li You feed the dead listen to Yin Hongzhi's orders!
Li You can be spared, but Li Shimin will never forgive Yin Hongzhi!
As for who would dare to assassinate Li Zheng.

Someone wanted to kill Li Zheng at this time, taking advantage of the feud between Li Zheng and Li You this time.

Even if it fails, Li You can still be blamed. This idiot has been used by others.

"Check! Find out the origins of those dead men."

"These dead men came from Longyou, so it shouldn't be difficult to find out." Li Junxian said.

Li Shimin hated this feeling very much, someone was making trouble under his nose.

Concubine Yin knew that her son had been imprisoned in the Zongzheng Mansion, so she knelt in front of the Lizheng Hall and begged, "I beg the queen to save Youer! Save Hongzhi!"

Back to Concubine Yin, only Empress Changsun said coldly, "Your Majesty is already very kind to save Yin Hongzhi's life."

Seeing Concubine Yin kneeling on the ground, Empress Changsun went on to say, "This palace is beyond my control."

Seeing the door of the Lizheng Hall close, Concubine Yin's face was full of despair.

Li Li looked at Li Zheng worriedly, "Are you okay?"

"It's okay, I'm lucky." Li Zheng said.

Li Lizhi observed Li Zheng after confirming that there were no wounds on his body, and then she was relieved.

"What are you going to do next?"

Li Zheng waved the fan in his hand and said, "I'm going to see who is going to kill me."

"Isn't it Li You?"

Li Zheng tapped Li Lizhi's head with a fan and said, "No matter how stupid Li You is, he would not be so stupid as to come and kill me so soon. If he dared to do this, wouldn't it be obvious that there are four big characters written on his head."

"What four characters?"


Li Lizhi pondered what Li Zheng said, and suddenly felt that what he said made sense.

"You mean someone else sent the dead? And they used Li You?"

"That's right!" Li Zheng nodded.

Take Li Lizhi to a dilapidated wooden house, which is guarded by people from Dali Temple.

"You don't need to come in, I'll go in and have a look."

"What are you going to see?" Li Li asked.

"Look dead."


Only then did Li Lizhi stop.

Entering this wooden house, Dali Temple Qing Dai Zhou has been inspecting it for a long time.

Seeing Li Zheng coming, Dai Zhou asked in confusion, "Mr. County, why are you here?"

Li Zheng smiled and said, "I also want to see who is going to kill me."

Dai Zhou said: "I'd better ask the county marquis to go back first, and we will come to inform the county marquis when we find out in Dali Temple."

Li Zheng ignored Dai Zhou and looked at the corpses on his own.

Dai Zhou asked, "Could it be that the county marquis will also settle the case?"

"I often watch other people decide cases."

Dai Zhou smiled wryly and said, "You should go back, County Marquis, just leave it to us in Dali Temple."

How many times has a teenager seen a dead body?What else to say.

Dai Zhou watched Li Zheng undo the clothes of these corpses, and smiled helplessly. If the murder didn't happen to you, Li Zheng, he really wanted to drive this kid out.

"These people are all darker, they should have been in the sun for a long time, right?" Li Zheng said.

Dai Zhou nodded.

Li Zheng looked at the spots on their bodies and said, "These people have all been soldiers."

Dai Zhou looked puzzled as to how he could tell.

However, these Dali Temple can also be found out.

Li Zheng looked at the hands of these people again. There were many folds on the hands. These corpses looked like they were in their 30s, but the skin on their hands was very aging, and there were old skin and blisters.

Dai Zhou watched Li Zheng's every move, and this kid even sniffed the corpse.

Dai Zhou asked several yamen servants of Dali Temple to sneak Li Zheng out.

"I know where they come from now." Li Zheng struggled to push away a few officials from Dali Temple.

Dai Zhou said with a bitter face: "Xianhou, can you stop making trouble, and you can do whatever you want when we find out."

After being kicked out of the cabin again, Li Zheng said to Dai Zhou inside, "I know where they came from."

Dai Zhou looked at Li Zheng suspiciously.

"Longyou Salt Field."

Dai Zhou said, "Your Majesty, you can't testify indiscriminately."

"You let me in, and I will testify to you."

Dai Zhou asked the Yacha to let Li Zheng in.

Re-entering the house, Li Zheng raised the hands of the corpses and said: "The corpses of these dead men all have a characteristic. The skin on their hands is very aging, but other places are very normal, which shows that they have been doing damage to their hands for a long time. Hazardous work."

"In addition, there are many sun spots on the body." Li Zheng mentioned a corpse's clothes, "Dali Siqing, smell it and see it."

Dai Zhou stepped forward and sniffed the clothes, "There is a salty smell."

Li Zheng took off the shoes of several corpses, "The skin on the feet of these people is also seriously aging. When people's hands and feet are exposed to salt for a long time, it will lead to severe skin dehydration, which will accelerate the aging of the skin in the long run."

(End of this chapter)

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