Chapter 211
Dai Zhou observed the hands and feet of these people, and said, "How can you be sure that it is the salt field in Longyou based on these."

Li Zheng rubbed his chin and thought for a while, "The fishermen on the seaside will also have the same situation, because the seawater is salty."

"Have you ever been to the beach?"

"I also heard what others said."

Li Zheng shook his fan vigorously, this excuse should be able to fool him.

"This murder happened in our field. Someone wanted to kill me. Naturally, I want to know who the murderer is."

"Dali Temple will check it out."

Li Zheng smiled and nodded, "Thanks for your hard work."

Seeing Li Zheng leaving, Dai Zhou thought for a long time and told the servants beside him, "Hurry up and go to the salt field in Longyou to check."

"Here!" A servant left in a hurry.

Li Zheng walked out of the room and said to Li Lizhi: "Let's go, I'll treat you to hot pot today."

Li Li asked curiously, "Do you know who the murderer is?"

"It's not very clear, but it can be roughly guessed. Other matters will be left to your father and Dali Temple to investigate. They will definitely investigate and find out."

Li Lizhi followed Li Zheng all the way, "So now we can be sure that those killers were not sent by Li You?"

Glancing at Li Lizhi's expression, Li Zheng said, "It doesn't matter who the murderer is."

Li Lichen followed Li Zheng's footsteps suspiciously, and the two just walked side by side.

The villagers in Jingyang avoided the two when they saw them.

Now everyone in the village knows that Li Zheng is going to be a son-in-law.

Maybe the luxuriously dressed little girl in front of me is the princess.

The further she walked into the village, Li Lizhi's face became redder.

"I..." Li Lizhi stopped and said, "It's getting late, I should go back."

"We're going back in less than half an hour?"

"En." Li Lizhi nodded,

Glancing at Li Zheng, Li Lizhi blushed and followed her guards away.

After sending Li Lizhi to the entrance of the village, seeing her leaving back, Li Zheng muttered, "What's wrong with this girl? She left without saying a word."

His shoulders suddenly sank, and Li Zheng looked back and saw Cheng Chumo, "Chumo, you said that if you slap me to pieces with your palm, do you want to lose money?"

After thinking about it, he felt that something was wrong, so Li Zheng changed his mind and said, "Should I pay for my life?"

Cheng Chumo withdrew his giant spirit palm, "Your body is too weak, and you will fall down when the wind blows."

Seeing that there was no one around, Cheng Chumo said, "Li Zheng, do you know? Li You was taken into the Zongzheng Mansion last night."

"real or fake."

"Of course it's true." Cheng Chumo said again: "And Li You's uncle Yin Hongzhi was exiled for three thousand miles, not to mention how miserable it is."

Royal? Li Zheng smiled bitterly.

Whether Li You will be safe or not is unknown.

Yin Hongzhi can be said to have watched Li You grow up, and maybe he is also the person who has the most profound influence on Li You.

Now that Li You is getting more and more stubborn, Li You may not be unlucky.

Yin Hongzhi, who was by Li You's side, would never end well.

Li Zheng couldn't help but start to worry.

Cheng Chumo looked at Li Zheng's expression and said, "Aren't you happy that Li You was sent to the Zongzheng Mansion and Yin Hongzhi was exiled?"

"I have nothing to be happy about."

"Those who can kill you, they are all under the law, shouldn't you smile happily?"

Li Zheng let out a long sigh, "Brother Chu Mo, do you know why your father beat you?"

"He has nothing to do all day!"

When it comes to Cheng Yaojin, Cheng Chumo is unhappy again.

Dali Temple and the Ministry of Criminal Justice began to investigate for the time of the dead man.

First of all, they checked Li You's gang of dead soldiers.

After interrogating Dai Zhou, he realized that these so-called dead men were nothing more than a group of dead men. Thinking that someone was raising them, they would naturally be willing to do it.

These people can be ruled out.

They were just gangsters from the countryside, and they had never been in the army. It's okay to ask them to show off their prestige, but it's okay to let them kill chickens and pigs. Kill people?
I'm afraid these guys can't do it.

The spies from Dali Temple were sent out to investigate for more than half a month and finally found some clues.

Dali Temple Minister Dai Zhou immediately handed over the found results to Li Shimin.

Li You, who had been imprisoned in the Zongzheng Mansion for more than half a month, was finally released.

Looking at the blue sky outside the prison, Li You rejoiced that he had finally escaped.

Seeing Li Tai standing outside Zongzheng Mansion to welcome him, Li You sniffed and cried again.

Li Tai looked at him and said, "Okay, you don't have to cry."

Stopping the crying, Li You sobbed and said, "Brother Huang, did Emperor Father forgive me?"

Li Tai gestured to the prince beside him.

Wang Gonggong smiled and said to Li You: "His Royal Highness Qi, His Majesty has a decree for His Royal Highness Qi to go to the fief immediately, and he is not allowed to leave the fief without an edict. Before His Royal Highness Qi comes of age, all living arrangements of His Royal Highness are up to Quan Wanji Come and preside over, Quan Wanji will be appointed as the male of Jishi County, and he will be the governor of Xihan Prefecture."

After hearing this, Li You froze in place.

Eunuch Wang pointed out again: "His Royal Highness Qi Wang will accept the order."

Li You bowed and saluted, "Your minister receives the order."

After receiving the imperial decree, Li You said again: "Why is it Quan Wanji, my uncle?"

The prince smiled meaningfully.

Li Tai instructed: "These days your mother is so worried, you should hurry up and see your mother."

Only after seeing his mother did Li You know what happened to his uncle, Yin Hongzhi.

I regret going to Jingyang.

Concubine Yin asked: "Concubine Mother asked you why you went to Jingyang in the first place."

"Uncle said Jingyang is fun." Li You said.

Looking at her son, Concubine Yin's expression became more and more disappointed, it really was her younger brother's idea.

Li You went to Ganlu Hall again, but this time he did not see Li Shimin.

Taking several carriages of luggage, Li You left Chang'an under the leadership of Quan Wanji.

When passing by Jingyang, I came to Jingyang.

Coming to the stables again, Li You respectfully said to Li Zheng, "Li Zheng, it was all my fault before, and I hope you don't take offense."

Li Zheng grinned, "Would you still dare to provoke me in the future?"

"I won't provoke you again. I, Li You, have never admired anyone in my life. You, Li You, are the first person I admire." Li You swore, "From now on, you will be my big brother, Li You!"

Hilarious, to be your big brother Li You?I still want to live a few more years.

Looking at the middle-aged man beside Li You, Li Zheng asked again, "Who is this?"

"Old man Quan Wanji is the official of Prince Qi's residence."

"Brother Quan, I've admired you for a long time." Li Zheng said, cupping his hands.

"Have you heard of me?"

"Just heard."


Quan Wanji said: "Then you have been admiring him for a long time?"

"Be polite, don't take it seriously."

Seeing the virtue of Li Zheng, a philistine, Quan Wanji turned his face away, unwilling to look at him.

There is already Yin Hongzhi, and Quan Wanji doesn't want King Qi to get too close to such a person.

Li You asked in a low voice: "Brother, do you know who assassinated you last time?"

(End of this chapter)

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