Chapter 212 Buying Wool

"do not know."

Li You whispered again: "Brother, I inquired about it. It is said that the killer who came this time is related to Longyou. Could it be that Big Brother has enemies in Longyou?"

"I have so many enemies, all five surnames regard me as an enemy of life and death."

"Why don't I help Big Brother wipe out the five surnames?"

"Okay!" Li Zheng nodded.

Li You hesitated for a while, "I'm not strong enough now. I'll help Big Brother wipe out the five surnames when I become stronger."

This kid doesn't seem too stupid.

Quan Wanji said: "His Royal Highness King Qi, it's getting late, and it's time to leave."

After looking at Quan Wanji tirelessly, Li You said again: "Brother, I'm leaving first, waiting for my good news."

Li You just got into the carriage and drove off like this.

Li Tai said that this kid is very naughty.

It is indeed a little arrogant, but a little silly.

Until now, I still don't know the origin of those assassinated soldiers.

Dali Temple seems to have found out some clues, maybe Li Shimin already knew about it.

Whether Li Shimin wants to let others know the truth is another matter.

Li Zheng looked at the village in front of him. Jingyang today has changed a lot compared to half a year ago.

It was cold when the wind blew, Li Zheng tightened his clothes, it was time to add clothes when the weather was cold.

Back in his stable, Li Zheng said to Xu Jingzong, "How about the road construction?"

Xu Jingzong said: "It has already started to be repaired, and it should be completed before the spring of next year."

"How much do you know Chang'an pawns and traffickers?" Li Zheng asked.

Xu Jingzong thought for a while and then said: "I do know a few people. Is there anything the county marquis wants to do?"

"I have a big business to do."

Xu Jingzong immediately regained his spirits, "I would like to hear more about it."

"Go to the grasslands to buy wool, and find a few people who are more well-connected. I will make a big business of one hundred thousand yuan."

After pouring water into his mouth, Xu Jingzong looked puzzled, "Why do you buy wool?"

"Because this winter will be very cold."

"What does cold weather have to do with wool?"

Li Zheng handed him a bag of silver cakes and said, "Don't ask what's the matter, just let you go to the Turkic people for wool, and bring back some fresh mutton by the way."

Xu Jingzong was carrying a heavy bag of silver cakes, and he couldn't understand why Li Zheng wanted to buy wool.

Seeing Xu Jingzong, Li Yifu asked, "What are you going to do?"

Xu Jingzong frowned and said: "The county lord asked me to find a Turkic merchant who sells wool."

"What do you buy wool for?"

Xu Jingzong also shook his head, "Turks despise wool, and they don't know what the magistrates want to buy it for."

I think it's because Li Zheng is very rich. Young people like to spend money if they have money.

I had no choice but to follow him, Xu Jingzong shook his head again and walked into Chang'an.

Chang'an is divided into east and west cities, and most of the people living in the east city are rich and famous.

And Xishi is more mixed with dragons and snakes. There are Tubo people, Turkic people, and Hu people from Mobei, everyone.

Xu Jingzong found a Turkic man with a relatively large business in Xishi, and asked him to buy wool.

Hearing that it was a big deal worth a hundred thousand dollars, the Turkic almost jumped up in fright.

"This guest, dare to ask who is going to do this business."

The Turkic businessman asked in unfamiliar Guanzhong dialect, this guy is still a bit thoughtful, and he is not an ordinary rich man who can make a business worth [-] yuan in Chang'an.

Xu Jingzong whispered, "It's the Marquis of Jingyang County."

The Turkic businessman immediately became interested, "It's really the Marquis of Jingyang County."

"Is there another one in this world?"

Xu Jingzong brought him to Jingyang, and the Turkic man looked around all the way.

Taking him to the stables, Xu Jingzong introduced: "This is our county lord of Jingyang. The county lord is a Turkic businessman who has done the best business in Chang'an."

This businessman looks rich in gold and silver.

The Turkic businessman was also looking at Li Zheng. The reputation of Jingyang County Marquis had long been spread in Chang'an, and he looked curiously at the youngest County Marquis in the Tang Dynasty. He was very ordinary in clothes and appearance.

"Respected County Marquis, the villain is silent." He first performed a Guanzhong salute and asked, "The County Marquis wants to do wool business?"

Li Zheng stepped on a small stool and held a big bowl to drink cold water, "How much wool can you give me?"

"Dare to ask how much the county marquis wants." Mou asked in a low voice.

"I want as much as you have, and I will pay ten Wen for a catty of wool."

Listening to Li Zheng's words, Mou quickly said: "The county marquis has too much money, and there are sheep everywhere on the grassland, and the wool is even more numerous."

Li Zheng put down the bowl in his hand and said: "If you can give me [-] catties of wool a month, I will only do this business with you, and I will ask for more in the future. If you can't give me [-] catties, this business , I can still talk to Zhishisili.”

Although Zhishisili is not the current Turkic Khan, his prestige is still there. If Zhishisili lost this business, he would not be able to earn the money.

Mou has been doing business between Guanzhong and Turks for so many years, and this is the first time he has received such a big business.

Quickly saluted and said: "This business, the villain has done it, and it must be delivered before next month."

Li Zheng picked up the bowl with a smile and made a gesture of toasting, "I'll wait for your good news."

Li Shimin was puzzled when he heard the news, "What does Li Zheng want wool for?"

Li Junxian replied: "I don't know yet, and many people in Jingyang don't know what Li Zheng is going to do."

I have known Li Zheng for more than half a year, and Li Zheng is not a kid who can do business at a loss.

There must be something tricky here.

Li Shimin thought about it and asked, "What is the use of Turkic wool?"

Li Junxian replied: "The Turkic people hate wool, but those herdsmen like animal fur. Most of the wool is lost."

Li Shimin thought to himself, the lesson of Crab is still vivid in his memory, do you really think that I will be fooled by you, Li Zheng?

After clearing his throat, Li Shimin asked Li Junxian, "How is the matter in Longyou?"

Li Junxian replied, "There will be results in a few days."

"I see, you go and buy some wool."

"Here." The God Li Junxian was a little surprised, "Huh?"

Li Shimin said in a low voice: "You buy some wool secretly, you don't need too much, keep a low profile."

"The general understands." Li Junxian felt a little baffled, why did he suddenly want to buy wool by himself?
Could it be that His Majesty also knows the usefulness of wool and wants to grab business?
In Jingyang, Li Zheng is leisurely watering the potted peppers and sunflowers. Now the seedlings are growing well, and they can be planted in the field in a few days.

After finishing the work, Li Zheng returned to his room and took out a book "Making of Down Jackets" from the system

Although the shelf life of wool is a bit shorter, it should be enough for winter.

(End of this chapter)

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