Chapter 215 Royal Eyes

Feeling emotional, Xu Jingzong said to himself: "I am used to the life in Jingyang, if I go back to the court, I am afraid that I will never be used to such intrigue again."

Once you are at ease, you will lose a sense of utilitarianism and no desire to fight with others.

"Burning the kang?" Zhang Qi, the head craftsman, looked at the drawings suspiciously.

"It's actually a heating facility." Li Zheng explained.

Zhang Qi's eyes were still on the blueprint, he hesitated for a while, and then said: "Xianhou, people who do this will not be..."

"By what?"

Zhang Qi said: "By that..."

Li Zheng nodded slightly, "Do you mean that people will be steamed, or become teppanyaki?"

Looking at the drawings again, Zhang Qi then asked: "What is this long thing that connects to the outside?"



"It's a bit complicated to explain. Anyway, it's just like this. You can build a kang for my house in the stables first and see if it works."

Zhang Qi observed the drawing for a while and said, "It's not difficult to make this thing."

Seeing Zhang Qi glance at himself strangely, this guy must still be worried whether he will really steam him.

"Then let's make arrangements here." Zhang Qi turned around, hesitant to speak.

Looking at his expression, Li Zheng said, "Don't worry, I will arrange the printing house."

Zhang Qi nodded and left, still curious in his heart about the expansion of the book printing house, and now the book printing house is also making a lot of money.

Li Zheng is not short of money, and the book printing house can continue to expand.

However, the printing shop is in the hands of Li Zheng, and it is also a business between the queen and Li Zheng.

Zhang Qi thought he was just a craftsman and shouldn't ask so many questions.

Especially if this business is involved in the royal family, you should be more careful.

Zhang Qi took his team to build a kang.

As the queen's confidants, she not only has to take care of Jingyang, but also takes care of the book printing house.

Today's printing workshops are fully capable of normal production.

There is no need for these craftsmen, but it is not a big problem.

Li Jiangshan found Li Zheng.

"Why do you let those craftsmen build you the so-called warm kang?" Li Jiangshan asked Li Zheng who was fishing.

Li Zheng held the fishing rod and explained: "Sister Killer, please be safe and don't be impatient."

"The queen is very concerned about the affairs of the printing house."

After catching a river crucian carp, Li Zheng patiently put the fish into the bamboo basket.

Li Jiangshan is the queen's eyes, used to stare at her, and she knows it clearly in her heart, but letting her stay in Jingyang can also make the royal family feel at ease.

Li Zheng explained with a smile: "If the killer sister intends to file a complaint, she can go anyway."

"This is not a complaint. I have to report the affairs here to the queen every month."

Li Zheng nodded and asked, "Sure enough, I'm still making a small report."

"Are you kidding me?"

Li Jiangshan took a step back vigilantly, and looked at Li Zheng's expression again. He became more vigilant in his heart, and he couldn't underestimate this kid.

During the period of acquaintance with Li Zheng, Li Jiangshan did not dare to look at Li Zheng with the eyes of a ten-year-old child.

Sometimes I feel that Li Zheng is more mature than many people, and his eyes don't have the slightest childishness.

More often, Li Jiangshan felt that Li Zheng was hiding very deeply, and it was difficult to see through him.

"The queen put you in the book printing shop to keep an eye on the business of the book printing house, and see if I will print books for some people when I print books for those people." Li Zheng sighed and said, "Of course I don't feel disgusted." You're in my turf and I need the Royals to reassure me that at least I don't look like a threat to them."

Hearing these rebellious words from him, Li Jiangshan asked: "Are you not afraid that I will hand over your words to the queen?"

"I don't mind." Li Zheng said with a smile.

"I'll ask you again, why do you let those artisans make other things."

"For life."

Li Jiangshan said again: "It has been three months since the building of the book printing house. Li Zheng, when will you expand the book printing house?"

Holding his chin with his hand, Li Zheng looked melancholy, "The time has not yet come."

"What time did you say it was?"

"I don't know either, it depends on God's will."

"God's will?!" Li Jiangshan looked up at the sky in confusion, "What is God's will?"

"It's God's will." Li Zheng emphasized again.

From the boy's mouth, it seemed that there was nothing to ask. Li Jiangshan then turned and left, writing down everything that happened today and Li Zheng's conversation, and sent them to the palace.

At night, in the palace.

Empress Changsun passed the news from Li Jiangshan to Li Shimin, "Your Majesty, this is news from Jingyang Bookstore."

Opening the sealing wax of this case file, Li Shimin looked at the contents carefully.

Unexpectedly, not only did this kid not expand the book printing workshop, he also asked those craftsmen to make other things.

These craftsmen were master craftsmen who followed Yan Liben in the palace, so the so-called good steel was used on the blade.

It is natural to let them go to the printing house to do movable type printing.

It is also beneficial to the country and the people.

After reading it, Li Shimin thought, "God's will? What kind of God's will is Li Zheng waiting for?"

Empress Changsun whispered, "Your Majesty, doesn't it mean that Li Zheng doesn't want to expand the book printing workshop?"

Li Shimin smiled self-deprecatingly, "Guanyin servant girl, don't underestimate Li Zheng."

"Is there something in the words?"

Putting the file in his hand aside, Li Shimin said in a low voice, "This Li just asked Li Jiangshan to hand over these words on purpose."

After listening to Li Shimin, Queen Changsun also understood.

Li Shimin clapped the case and said, "Well, Li Zheng, you dare to threaten me."

The matter of the printing shop has always been on Li Shimin's mind.

Empress Changsun naturally understood, "Your Majesty, if Li Zheng wants anything, you might as well give it to him."

"My daughter is so cheap to him?"

Empress Changsun really wanted to say, you can't do anything about Li Zheng, why not follow Li Zheng's wishes, but naturally you can't say such words.

The two secretly competed not once or twice, Empress Changsun let out a long sigh, how could such a monstrous young man get involved in the Tang Dynasty.

The first impression is very important. If Li Zheng is a gentle person, Li Shimin will of course follow him.

But Li Zheng is really a philistine.

It doesn't matter once or twice, how many silver cakes were given to Li Zheng at the beginning.

There are some things that happen the first time and the second time, and countless times, this time it must not be so cheap Li Zheng.

When she was about to go to bed, Empress Changsun asked again: "Today, the concubine discovered a debt in the internal affairs."

"Yeah." Li Shimin nodded.

"After checking my identity, I found out that it was used to buy wool." Empress Changsun asked in a low voice, "What does Your Majesty buy wool for?"

"Ahem." Li Shimin cleared his throat, glanced at the night outside the hall and said, "It's getting late, it's time to sleep."

(End of this chapter)

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