People in Datang have been expelled from school

Chapter 216 We will always be poor people

Chapter 216 We will always be poor people

Di Renjie, Pei Xingjian and Daniel felt a little uncomfortable wearing the cotton clothes made of wool at first.

A piece that looks thick is actually very light.

Di Renjie felt it and said, "It's very warm."

"Yeah." Pei Xingjian also nodded.

The aunts in the village plan to make clothes for the children first, which can be regarded as making new clothes for the New Year. They just want to make a few more clothes.

Li Zheng and Zhang Qi are thinking about renovating the house. In fact, they are building a fire-burning platform outside the wall and connecting it under the stone bed inside.

Although the project is very simple, Zhang Qi still asked: "Xianhou, does this thing really work?"

"It works." Li Zheng watched the craftsmen busy and said, "If there is an electric blanket, what should I do with this thing?"

"What's an electric blanket?"

"This thing is quite complicated, and it's hard for me to explain it to you." Li Zheng touched his chin and said, "How long will it take to finish it?"

"Three days at the fastest, five days at the slowest." Zhang Qi replied.

After finishing his work here, Li Zheng came to the greenhouse field again. There are more than 600 acres of fields here that have been covered with greenhouses, and many villagers are watching.

Walking into the greenhouse, Li Zheng saw Li Daxiong who was frowning.

Seeing Li Zheng, Li Daxiong said, "Can these vegetable seedlings grow?"

"It should work, but maybe not as well."

Li Daxiong muttered to himself, "Really?"

"Of course, we can also eat fresh vegetables in winter."

Scratching his own head, Li Daxiong was still skeptical, with a tangled expression.

"What's on your mind?" Li Zheng asked.

Touching the stubble of his chin, Li Daxiong heaved a long sigh, turned around and walked out of the shed.

Li Zheng also walked out of the shed, looking at Li Daxiong's back and thinking.

Seeing Li Zheng, the old village chief smiled and said, "Zheng'er, you are really capable. You can grow vegetables in winter."

"Where is it, I'm just messing around and lucky enough to get it out."

"Good luck..." The old village chief smiled kindly, "I don't know what's wrong with your father recently, he has something on his mind."

"What's on your mind?" Li Zheng asked in a low voice.

The old village chief also shook his head, "You are his son, you ask me what the old man does."

Leaning on crutches, the old village chief smiled and left.

When I got home, it was time for dinner. I boiled a bowl of fish soup and fried a plate of peanuts. The father and son sat opposite each other and ate.

One after another, he put peanuts into his mouth and ate them. Seeing Li Daxiong's expression, Li Zheng asked, "Do you have something on your mind?"

Li Daxiong looked up at Li Zheng, "Don't talk while eating."

After dinner, Li Zheng asked again: "Is there something on your mind?"

"You kid is never finished." Li Daxiong shouted.

Li Zheng asked curiously: "Are you looking for a wife for me again?"

"You're already engaged to the princess, so there's no need for it!" Li Daxiong said shamelessly.

"Then what's wrong with you?"

Li Daxiong said with a melancholy face: "We are poor people."

Li Zheng nodded, "I know."

Li Daxiong said: "But now our family is rich."

Li Zheng nodded vigorously again and said, "If you are rich, you are also poor."

"Yes!" Li Daxiong stood up and said, "Our family is still poor. Whoever dares to say that our family is rich, I will be impatient with him."

Li Zheng agreed with Li Daxiong's thoughts very much, and stood up and said: "In the future, whoever dares to say that our family is rich, I will pick up his family's ancestral grave!"

"Good son!" Li Daxiong nodded.

Early the next morning, Li Daxiong picked up the hoe again and excitedly went to farm.

Li Zheng also walked out of his house, breathing in the fresh morning air.

Morning jogging is too hard, so Li Zheng chooses to do morning exercises.

Just like Li Daxiong said, our family is a poor family, even if we have a lot of money now, we are still a poor family.

There is still a long way to go to get rid of poverty and become rich. To earn money, you need to earn a lot of money.

Li Jiangshan was standing on the attic of the book printing workshop, not far away was Li Zheng who was sitting in front of his house eating something.

After observing Li Zheng for so long, Li Jiangshan took out a case file, which recorded Li Zheng's words and deeds these days.

What did Li Zheng do and who did he have contact with.

Pretty much all on top.

One thing can be determined, Li Zheng's life is very punctual, and he eats on time every day.

He also goes to bed very punctually, and has already started soaking goji berries at a young age.

Li Jiangshan let out a long sigh. Li Zheng looked like he was only 12 years old. How could he live like a 50-[-]-year-old man? He paid great attention to health preservation.

Even the daily meals are very balanced, with vegetables and meat.

Could this be the purpose of Li Zheng to grow vegetables in winter, to let so many people grow vegetables in greenhouses for his own health.

Li Jiangshan felt that this was the first time he had seen such a strange person since he was a child.

On the other side, a child who was about the same age as Li Zheng was playing with catching bugs in the field.

As for Li Zheng, with a bowl of hot tea by his side and a book in his hand, he had already started his leisurely day.

Everything about Li Zheng seems to be on the bright side, and he never hides it.

Daniu was going to the academy to listen to Chu Suiliang's lecture. He passed by the door of Li Zheng's house, and when he saw Li Zheng, he saluted, "Teacher, don't go to the stables today."

Li Zheng kept his eyes on the book and said, "The horse circle is repairing the house."

"Oh." Daniel nodded and went to the academy.

"Wait." Li Zheng called Daniel to stop.

Daniel also turned around and said, "What's wrong, teacher?"

Li Zheng put down the book in his hand and said, "Is the teacher poor?"

Daniu thought for a while and said, "They all say that the teacher is very rich, and some people say that our Jingyang is already the richest village."

"Daniu, those are all rumors. In fact, your teacher is a poor man."

"But..." Daniel thought for a while and said, "The teacher made a lot of money, and our family also made a lot of money with the teacher."

"Wrong, the teacher must correct you." Li Zheng said patiently to Daniel: "Actually, we are all poor people. We are rich because others think we are rich. The rumors spread outside are all rumors."


"Yes, they are all rumors." Li Zheng nodded solemnly.

Daniel nodded vigorously, "Yes! The students listen to the teacher, and the teacher is poor, so the students are also poor."

"Well, that's true. Remember not to say that you are rich when you meet anyone in the future. We are poor."

"Well, we're poor."

"Go, you can go to class."

Daniu walked back to the academy, firmly in his heart, we are poor, we are not rich.

Li Zheng continued to pick up the "Taijiquan Crash" in his hand

After reading it, Li Zheng started to practice according to the moves in the book.

(End of this chapter)

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