Chapter 218 Dietary Balance
"Not at all." Li Shimin said while following Li Zheng.

"It will be hot after a while." Li Zheng was still practicing Tai Chi.

After practicing Tai Chi for half an hour, Li Shimin inexplicably fell in love with this feeling.

While punching his fists, Li Zheng said: "Your Majesty, calm down your dantian, calm your mind, relax your mind, and throw away distracting thoughts."

Li Shimin followed Li Zheng's movements and made another move.

"By the way, the movements should be in place to relax the muscles and bones. Promoting blood circulation and dredging collaterals is a must-have exercise for waking up in the morning."

After finishing work, Li Zheng said, "Your Majesty, do you feel it?"

Li Shimin looked puzzled, "What do you feel?"

"Clear mind, refreshed mind."

Li Shimin closed his eyes and let out a long breath, "I don't feel anything, and what do you mean by sinking the dantian?"

"Dantian is the ancestor of life, the source of vitality, and the foundation of internal organs."

Li Shimin asked suspiciously: "Isn't this the words of Taoism?"

"That's right, although the practice is not perfect, it has good effects on self-cultivation and prolonging life. Your Majesty may wish to develop a habit and practice more every morning. After half a year, you will have a different mental outlook."

Looking at Li Shimin's expression again, Li Zheng said: "Your Majesty's footsteps are vain, and his eyes are lacking in spirit. He must always be mentally tired and lose interest."

Looking at Li Zheng in surprise, Li Shimin asked, "How do you know this?"

"Although your Majesty eats well every day, the balance of the diet is not good. Drink more hot water and less alcohol, do more exercise, and less walk around the harem, and you will definitely be in good spirits."

Opening his eyes again, Li Shimin asked, "Sun Simiao also suggested that."

"Really?" Li Zheng stroked his neck sheepishly, and his original high-spirited appearance was instantly broken.

Li Shimin moved to the small stool next to the stables and sat down.

Seeing that he didn't look outside at all, it seems that this place is like his home, at least it's good to be polite.

Li Zheng poured him a bowl of boiling water, "Your Majesty, why come to me so early."

Li Shimin took a sip of boiling water and said, "Tuyuhun is dead."

"As expected." Li Zheng looked indifferent.

Li Shimin continued: "I didn't expect Tuyuhun to lose so quickly. At the beginning, this situation was planned by you, Zhen and the ministers of the Manchu Dynasty. Now Datang is going to face Tubo directly."

"Without the hinterland of the Hexi Corridor, it's not surprising that Tuyuhun will lose, because they have no danger to defend." Li Zheng ate a piece of mustache and drank hot tea.

Li Shimin asked again: "What do you think Datang should do next?"

Tuyuhun is actually not very strong. Tuyuhun was originally a small country formed by a group of soldiers and horses raised in the Wei and Jin Dynasties.

The strength is not as good as Tubo, not as good as Turks, and not as good as the Central Plains.

They can survive for so long in the gap between the three parties, relying on the natural danger of the Hexi Corridor.

Tuyuhun is not a country with inheritance, it is a small country gathered by some sand bandits and some small nomadic tribes in the grassland.

It can be regarded as a small country formed temporarily, and it has been surrounded by three major enemies to this day.

If the Central Plains, the Turks, and Tubo are still in a three-legged situation, Tuyuhun can still deal with the three parties.

But once one side loses balance, Tuyuhun's situation will be very dangerous.

In the battle of Yinshan, both the Turks and the Tang Dynasty were seriously injured.

Just when Tuyuhun planned to attack Liangzhou when Datang was weak.

But he bit down and shattered his own teeth.

Tubo, who was waiting for an opportunity in the rear, saw the situation and rose straight to the hinterland of Tuyuhun.

Songtsen Gampo, who was calm, and King Tuyuhun, who was at a loss, decided to judge.

Li Shimin thought to himself, of course all of this is inseparable from Li Zheng's taking back the Hexi Corridor.

Looking at this kid again, Li Shimin felt more and more in his heart that he must take the kid Li Zheng under his command.

Seeing that Li Zheng was silent, Li Shimin asked again: "Why are you silent?"

Li Zheng shook the fan in his hand and said, "I don't know what to do either."

"You don't know either?" Li Shimin stared.

"Your Majesty, don't be impatient, don't disturb your mind." Li Zheng sat and breathed out, "Your Majesty, come! Let's breathe in."

Li Shimin took a deep breath.

Li Zheng said again: "Exhale."

Li Shimin heaved a sigh of relief.

"That's right, your majesty can live a long life if you keep breathing like this and breathing like this."

Li Shimin took another deep breath, and then took another long breath.

Li Zheng nodded and said, "Well, that's it."

Li Shimin said with a dark face: "As long as I do this, will Tubo not come to fight Datang?"

Li Zheng took another sip of hot water, "Your Majesty, how could I know what Songtsan Gampo thinks."

"So I came here for nothing this time."

The cold wind made people shiver unconsciously, and the horses in the stables curled up to keep warm because of the cold.

Dumb is building a shack to give the horses a place to spend the winter.

Zhang Qi's craftsmen are also helping to build the pillars. The wind and snow will be heavy in winter, so the stables should be built more solidly.

Li Zheng said to Li Shimin: "Your Majesty, drink more hot water in winter."

Putting down the bowl in his hand, Li Shimin glanced at Li Zheng again. The corporal had already come to see Li Zheng, but he didn't expect this guy to not buy it.

"When do you plan to expand the book printing house?" Li Shimin asked bluntly.

"Poor, no money." Li Zheng was melancholy.

After hearing this, Li Shimin smiled bitterly, "Are you poor?"

"Your Majesty, to tell you the truth, I am actually very poor." Li Zheng pointed to the direction of road construction not far away and said, "There are nearly a thousand people who are building roads there, and I will always be responsible for their wages and expenses." Meals, some people who come from afar have to arrange accommodation for them.”

"At least three thousand per month."

Li Zheng pointed to the big sheds in the distance again, "I spent hundreds of dollars to install these big sheds. It's all money, and I haven't gotten it back yet. Does the printing house not use raw materials for printing books? No Pay the workers?"

"Your Majesty, I can't make ends meet now. Regardless of how much I earn, my expenses are like flowing water. Now I am a family with nothing to do. If Your Majesty can relieve the poverty, I will be very grateful."

After Li Zheng finished talking, I was almost moved by what I said, and I glanced at Li Shimin's expression.

"So, are you really short of money?" Li Shimin asked.

Li Zheng nodded vigorously.

In fact, I have already noticed the white sheds in the fields in the distance from the beginning.

Li Shimin stood up and walked towards the sheds.

Li Zheng followed him to a large shed.

While looking at it, Li Shimin asked, "What are you using these white cloths for?"

"This is a greenhouse, which is used to grow vegetables in winter. If you don't eat vegetables for two or three months in winter, people tend to have an unbalanced diet."

(End of this chapter)

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