People in Datang have been expelled from school

Chapter 219 Jingyang is very poor

Chapter 219 Jingyang is very poor
Li Shimin said: "There are a lot of lotus vegetables in the palace, and some are eaten."

"Lotus vegetable."

"Yes, lotus."

"That kind of dish is indeed edible, but the taste is a little bit worse."

The prince who had been standing aside said, "If the county marquis wants it, His Majesty can reward some."

"You're welcome." Li Zheng quickly waved his hand and said, "I'm not used to that kind of food."

He glanced at Li Zheng with displeasure, could it be that this kid can really grow vegetables in the winter.

Li Shimin followed Li Zheng into the greenhouse, looked at the green here, squatted down and looked at a vegetable seedling for a long time, speechless.

At a glance, this greenhouse covers five acres of land, and there are more than 30 such greenhouses outside.

There are more than 100 acres of land, all covered with greenhouses.

Li Zheng said with a smile: "If Your Majesty wants to eat someday, I can also send some to Your Majesty."

Eunuch Wang put his hands in his hands, his expression was not very good, Li Zheng sent the words back again.

The greens are growing nicely.

This kind of green vegetable tastes best when it is cooked for a while.

Especially after eating meat, it is really a good product to relieve greasy.

The most terrible thing in winter is that you can't get tired after eating meat.

Looking at the green vegetables all over the floor, it would be a lie to say that I am not moved.

Wang Gonggong grinned, "The county magistrate is so polite."

"Where is it?" Li Zheng cupped his hands slightly and said, "Actually, the cost is higher."

All around are greenhouses made of a kind of gauze with good light transmission.

According to the current price of cloth, a piece of gauze like this in Chang'an costs at least [-] yuan.

It's much warmer in the shed.

Li Shimin observed one by one, each one seemed to be confirming the authenticity.

Pulling up one, Li Shimin looked at the root of the vegetable and confirmed that it was the root and it was real.

In the winter when everything is dying, there can still be such a green field.

Li Shimin swore from the bottom of his heart that it was the first time he saw green vegetables in winter when he grew up.

It just appeared in front of me, and I even wanted to slap myself to see if I was dreaming.

Seeing Li Shimin stunned in place, the prince called softly, "Your Majesty?"

Li Shimin came back to his senses and said: "Li Zheng, not everyone can grow like this."

"It's true that the cost is quite high. I spent more than 300 yuan just to toss these greenhouses."

It's true that ordinary people can't afford to grow such vegetables. Li Zheng thought about it and said: "If synthetic materials can be made, maybe some costs can be reduced."


"It's a bit complicated to say, and I can't do it in a while."

Walking out of the shed, Li Shimin thought of the case file sent by Li Jiangshan, which said that Li Zheng asked those craftsmen to repair the house for him.

The small house next to the stables was originally a dilapidated small house, but now it has been repaired very neatly.

Li Shimin walked into it, looked up and down, saw the stone bed and asked with a strange expression: "Why did you build such a bed?"

"Your Majesty, this is actually a kang, and it can be regarded as a bed." Li Zheng explained.

Generally, few people will use stone as a bed, and better ones will use it as a wooden bed.

Almost everyone sleeps on the ground with a blanket.

"Hot Kang?"

"Yes, a kind of heated kang, sleeping on the heated kang will be warmer."

Li Shimin sat down and felt: "Will it be very warm?"

"Your Majesty, wait a moment."

Li Zheng came to the back of his house, lit some wood and put it into the kang, waiting for the flame to burn.

Back in the room again, Li Zheng said, "How does Your Majesty feel now?"

Feeling the warmth from the stone bed, Li Shimin lay down and felt it carefully.

"It's really much warmer." Li Shimin turned over on the bed.

This is my bed.

I don't know how often Li Shimin takes a bath, and being laid down by the emperor, Li Zheng wonders if he should change the bedding afterwards.

Li Shimin noticed Li Zheng's quilt, and asked suspiciously: "Why is your quilt so weird, so light?"

"It's actually made of wool. I call this a wool quilt."

Li Shimin felt the warmth, and his body became tired unconsciously.

Li Zheng called twice and found that Li Shimin was lying on his bed and fell asleep.

Looking at Eunuch Wang, Li Zheng said, "Your Majesty, you won't just hang on like this."

"The county marquis is joking, there are still so many matters in the court waiting for His Majesty to review." The prince smiled.

When he woke up, Li Shimin stretched his limbs. He hadn't had such a comfortable sleep for a long time, and the fatigue of many days seemed to be swept away.

Li Shimin sat up from the bed, "What time is it?"

"Back to Your Majesty, it's still time to apply."

Standing up and stretching the limbs comfortably, it turned out that he had slept for so long.

"I have to say that Li Zheng's heating kang really has a magical effect." Li Shimin said to Wang Gonggong: "Where is Li Zhengren, let him hand over the secret recipe."

"Return to Your Majesty, the County Marquis has already returned to the village." Wang Gonggong said with a smile: "But the County Marquis said, the blueprint is worth a thousand."

Li Shimin smiled coldly, "This Li Zheng really understands my thoughts, he has long thought that I will find the secret recipe?"

The prince nodded.

Stretching my muscles again, I don't have a thousand pennies, and the brat wants to ask me for money again.

Wang Gonggong said again: "Your Majesty, do you need this old slave to bring Li Zheng?"

"No need." Li Shimin glanced at the warm kang with some reluctance, and couldn't remember how long it had been since he slept so happily.

The anxiety in my heart was gone.

It's like Taijiquan that Li Zheng said.

Be calm and calm in your heart.

Walking in the village, Li Shimin found Daniu, remembering that this kid often followed behind Li Zheng.

Li Shimin asked, "Are you a big cow?"

"En." Daniel nodded first, and then looked at Li Shimin, who had a familiar face, but couldn't call his name for a while.

Just knowing that the other party is very familiar with his teacher, he saluted again and said, "Does this uncle have any orders?"

Li Shimin grinned, "I don't have anything to order, but I want to ask you if Li Zheng is really poor."

"Yeah!" Daniel nodded vigorously, "The teacher is very poor."

Looking at Daniel suspiciously, Li Shimin asked again: "Then your village should be very rich."

Daniel replied: "Our village is very poor now, we want to get rid of poverty and become rich."

out of poverty?get rich?
Li Shimin was a little stunned, even a child said that, and the counties and counties around Datang clearly counted him as the richest in Jingyang.

Is Jingyang really poor?
not necessarily!
Jingyang is about to become filthy rich.

Li Shimin asked a few more villagers and they all said that Jingyang is very poor now.

"It's really evil."

When Li Shimin came to the river, he saw Li Zheng fishing.

"I knew you were here."

Without saluting, Li Zheng propped his chin with one hand, "Did Your Majesty sleep well?"

I'm used to Li Zheng's impolite attitude.

(End of this chapter)

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