People in Datang have been expelled from school

Chapter 220 The Magical Use of Taijiquan

Chapter 220 The Magical Use of Taijiquan
"I still haven't figured out how to deal with the Tubo matter."

Li Zheng looked at the motionless fishing line and said, "Recently, there are no more fish. Could it be that the upstream people are fishing again, so that the downstream people have no fish to eat?"

Seeing that Li Zheng answered the wrong question, Li Shimin said again: "Is that why you don't plan to help me?"

"I have already helped His Majesty," Li Zheng said.

"What did you say?"

"I said that I have already helped His Majesty. It's getting late and His Majesty has a lot of things to do every day. It's better not to disturb Your Majesty."

After looking at Li Zheng for a long time, Li Shimin turned around and left without saying a word.

Back in the palace, Li Shimin was still thinking about Li Zheng's words.

In the early hours of the morning, still unable to sleep after tossing and turning, Li Shimin got up and put on his coat.

Seeing Li Shimin getting up late at night, a group of court ladies knelt on the ground and dared not look up.

Wearing a coat, and the snow in Chang'an has not yet melted, Li Shimin walked out of the bedroom and thought of the feeling during the day.

That feeling of clarity and peace of mind.

Li Shimin stood outside the Lizheng Hall, thinking about the Taijiquan he learned from Li Zheng.

Each move was played slowly, as if the surrounding wind had stopped.

Feeling at peace, Li Shimin practiced Tai Chi over and over again.

That kind of tranquility, that kind of composure, braking with stillness, using force to strike, these moves seem to be nothing, but after repeated practice a few times, they seem to be very charming.

Empress Changsun also got up, watching Li Shimin punching every move outside the hall.

The maid whispered: "Queen, Your Majesty will catch a cold like this."

Seeing Li Shimin practicing these weird moves quietly, Empress Changsun said: "Don't bother Your Majesty, Your Majesty has been so quiet for a long time."

The maid nodded and stepped back.

Unknowingly, the sky gradually became brighter. Li Shimin practiced Tai Chi, and his mind became clearer. No matter how the Tubo made troubles, Datang could solve any problems as long as he remained unchanged.

Stopping with static, that's what I'm talking about.

"So that's what Li Zheng wanted to tell me." Li Shimin smiled heartily.

Empress Changsun hurriedly put another coat on Li Shimin, "Your Majesty, be careful not to catch a cold."

"I'm fine, I'll do another lap." Li Shimin continued to practice Tai Chi.

Li Junxian came to report: "Your Majesty! There is a military report, and there is a change in the soldiers and horses of Tubo."

"I know."

Seeing that Li Shimin was a little unmoved, he was still doing some weird movements.

Li Junxian couldn't help asking curiously: "Your Majesty, what are you doing?"

"I'm doing Tai Chi!" Li Shimin threw another punch and said, "You might as well practice with me."

Li Junxian lowered his head and said: "The last general dare not."

"If you are told to practice, you will practice. Tai Chi will be good for you."

Li Junxian followed Li Shimin's movement and punched a little slowly.

"Why didn't you report to me about those greenhouses and fields in Jingyang?" Li Shimin asked.

Following the Taijiquan movement, Li Junxian replied: "Our people don't know what Li Zheng is doing, so we just..."

"No matter what it is, Li Zheng's every move must be told to me."

Hearing Li Shimin's emphasis, Li Junxian said: "The general knows he was wrong."

Li Zhi looked at the scene in front of him with sleepy eyes and loose clothes, and asked in a childlike voice, "Is the father dancing?"

Empress Changsun also reminded: "Your Majesty, it's time to go to court."

Only then did Li Shimin stop his movements, and after finishing Tai Chi, he went to court refreshed.

Listening to the discussions of the courtiers, now Li Shimin doesn't feel noisy anymore.

A sneeze interrupted the discussion of the officials, Li Shimin sniffed and said: "It's okay, you continue to discuss."

The ministers bowed their heads and dared not discuss any more.

After going to court, Li Shimin felt dizzy when he returned to Ganlu Hall. After the diagnosis of the imperial physician, His Majesty has a fever.

Although he was sick, Li Shimin lay down in the Ganlu Hall and said to Empress Changsun who was waiting on the side: "Tell the villages in the upper reaches of Jingyang that no one is allowed to catch fish with fishing nets in the future."

"This..." Empress Changsun looked puzzled.

"Just follow my instructions. If you fish upstream, the people downstream will have no fish to eat."

Empress Changsun nodded and got up to deliver a message.

"Wait a minute." Li Shimin instructed again: "Have someone bring a thousand guan to Li Zheng, and bring Li Zheng's secret recipe for warming the kang, that would be a good thing."

"I understand." Empress Changsun bowed slightly and left the Ganlu Hall.

On the way to her Lizheng Palace, Empress Changsun was still surprised by the change of Her Majesty, she was not in a hurry even when she was sick, she put aside the court memorials and did not review them, and she didn't seem to care so much about Tubo's military situation.

This is the same as in the past when His Majesty had to review the memorial when he saw it, but now it is too abnormal.

Li Shimin was lying down and was about to fall asleep, when the prince walked up to report with small steps: "Your Majesty, Fang Xuanling is asking to see you."

"Let him in."

After Fang Xuanling received the message from Wang Gonggong, after entering the Tai Chi Hall, she looked at Li Shimin lying on the bed and said, "Your Majesty, please pay attention to your body."

"It doesn't matter, the imperial physician of the Imperial Medical Office said that he will recover after a few days of recuperation." Li Shimin said, "Is that Xu Zhaolin still in the household department?"

Fang Xuanling nodded.

Li Shimin said again: "You let the Ministry of Officials re-register, re-arrange Xu Zhaolin to the Imperial Medical Office, and still serve as a supervisor, and let him go to count money and food every day as a doctor. You really wronged him."

Fang Xuanling smiled, "He is indeed a little powerless. Today, many people in Chang'an are praying for His Majesty, saying that they want His Majesty to get better soon."

"It's just a little problem. I'm not old enough yet." Li Shimin picked up the military newspaper and said, "You know everything about Tubo?"

Fang Xuanling nodded solemnly, "Now Tubo has deployed [-] troops outside Qinghai to confront us."

Li Shimin said in a low voice; "We also added [-] troops to garrison Qinghai, what do you think?"

"Is Your Majesty going to start a war with Tubo?" Fang Xuanling looked puzzled.

Li Shimin smiled and said: "Since they have increased their troops, we will also increase our troops. Tubo is more anxious than us now, let's see who can't bear it first."

Fang Xuanling nodded, "It's really much better to do this. Our Tang Dynasty has the Great Rear Area, Yumen Pass, and Guanzhong can send a steady stream of food and grass. Tubo doesn't have enough food and grass. Besides, Qinghai is such a rich land now. , is now in our hands."

"Now that Datang has managed to regain some vitality, I don't want to make a big move. Although I don't know what Songtsan Gampo wants to do, we might as well respond to all changes with the same, and make complete preparations to stop."

After listening to Li Shimin's words, Fang Xuanling's thoughts suddenly became brighter. It is true that the court is too anxious now. It is said that the Tang Dynasty can indeed adapt to all changes without change. The biggest disadvantage of Tubo is that they have no rear.

Li Shimin said, "What do you think?"

(End of this chapter)

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