Chapter 221 Spicy
Fang Xuanling bowed and replied: "Your Majesty's words are very kind. You should not be anxious about Songtsan Gampo's letter of credence. If you are in a hurry to start a war with the Tang Dynasty, your previous efforts may be in vain."

"As for next year's imperial examinations, the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China has made arrangements, so please hand over the regulations." Li Shimin said with a relaxed expression.

"Resignation." Fang Xuanling walked out of the Ganlu Hall with a relaxed expression.

Now His Majesty has caught a cold, so he will rest for three days.

During this period, many ministers came to visit. Li Shimin is in a very good mood these days.

Empress Changsun was also in a good mood, because she discovered a new skill of Li Shimin, as long as Li Shimin went to Jingyang, the difficulties in the court would be solved at once.

Yan Liben, a side hall of the Lizheng Palace, led some craftsmen to build the heated kang.

Comparing with the drawings, Yan Liben could be sure that the drawings were drawn by Li Zheng.

Li Zheng is the only one in Tang Dynasty who can draw blueprints like this.

Although these craftsmen are not as good as Zhang Qi and the others, they are barely enough.

Of course, the heated kang in the palace is a luxurious upgraded version. Yan Liben simply overturned a wall and rebuilt it.

Even if he has a cold, Li Shimin will do Tai Chi every morning.

This situation immediately spread throughout Chang'an's elite circle.

It is a very common thing for the royal family to lead the fashion. For example, what the current emperor likes to eat will immediately increase the price.

Cheng Yaojin and Qin Qiong were also doing Tai Chi slowly.

Asking Li Junxian who was standing aside, Cheng Yaojin asked: "Your Majesty really practiced like this."

Li Junxian nodded, "It's true that I practiced like that."

Cheng Yaojin became impatient with his slow Taijiquan, "Second Brother Qin, what kind of tone do you think this slow and clumsy Taijiquan is about?"

Qin Qiong comprehended while practicing Tai Chi, "I don't understand it either, but there must be a reason for your majesty to practice like this."

Cheng Yaojin got a little impatient with every move.

Qin Qiong can knock down a whole set of Tai Chi.

Cheng Yaojin's irritable temper made him choose to give up halfway through the fight.

Li Zheng was very satisfied after receiving the thousand guan from the Empress Changsun.

Li Tai followed Li Zheng to practice Tai Chi and said: "You said that Tai Chi is not a fighting skill, what's the use of you practicing it?"

"His Majesty King Wei's words are wrong. Tai Chi practice has a certain state of mind, and of course it also has the effect of strengthening the body." Li Zheng finished his work.

Li Tai also stopped, "What shall we eat today?"

"Of course it's hot pot." Li Zheng said, "But the taste of hot pot may be a little different today."

I picked some small peppers from the greenhouse. These small peppers are only as long as peanuts, and they still need to be cultivated for a long time.

I picked a little bit, and the spicy taste is not bad when eaten raw.

Holding a small bowl of chili, Cheng Chumo also came, lit the charcoal fire under the hot pot, and the three of them sat on the warm kang to start another hot pot meal.

Cheng Chumo looked at the objects floating on the soup and said, "What the hell is this?"

"Chili." Li Zheng picked up one with chopsticks and put it in Cheng Chumo's bowl, "Try it?"

Some hesitantly picked up the pepper, Cheng Chumo glanced at Li Zheng first, and put it in his mouth.

Biting his mouth, Cheng Chumo's expression immediately became a little distorted.

"How is it? Is the smell particularly exciting?"

After eating the chili, Cheng Chumo poured another sip of soup into his mouth, only to realize that the soup was also spicy.

Picking up the wine jar and pouring wine into his mouth continuously, it took a long time before he calmed down.

Li Tai looked at him in a daze, "Chu Mo, are you okay?"

Cheng Chu murmured silently and said, "It tastes so spicy."

Li Zheng smiled and said: "Actually, this is not bad, you have never eaten devil peppers."

Pour all the vegetables and mutton into the hot pot.

Li Tai picked up a piece of cooked meat and ate it, the meat was spicy.

At the beginning, I was not used to it, but after a few mouthfuls, I couldn't stop.

Cheng Chumo and Li Tai used chopsticks to search for pieces of meat in the muddy soup.

Another pot of mutton was put into the pot.

The appetite was also stimulated by the spicy taste, and some chili and soup were added.

While eating, Li Tai fanned his tongue with his hands, his expression was painful and enjoying, it was very wonderful.

Finally got the chili, Li Zheng let out a sigh of relief, now the chili is green and not yet fully ripe, it tastes better when it is ripe.

Cheng Chumo didn't know how much mutton he ate. He leaned comfortably against the wall next to the Kang, his legs resting on the Kang, enjoying himself, "It's cool! It's so cool!"

Li Tai also nodded, "It was very spicy at first, but later I realized the taste, it's really wonderful, it's beyond words."

After eating chili, it doesn't seem so cold to go outside.

Before leaving, Li Tai took some peppers and left.

Li Zheng returned to the village and got busy with the woolen clothes again.

Holding the account book in his hand, Li Yifu whispered, "Something happened to the county marquis."

"What happened?"

Li Yifu said in a low voice: "I don't know what happened recently. Suddenly, Chang'an came to ban fishing in the river. They can only fish and catch fish. Many households in the upper reaches have been reprimanded by the government, saying what is the upper reaches of the river?" People who set up nets to catch fish downstream will have no fish to eat."

Xu Jingzong also said: "This is a good thing."

It is not surprising that ordinary people like to eat fish in winter.

Where do the poor come from to catch fish with fishing nets? Fishing also depends on time and season.

If it is overfished, it will be killed immediately, and there will be no fish to eat.

Li Zheng didn't expect that Li Shimin would really do this.

I put down the hook and started fishing, and within a cup of tea, a fish was hooked.

There were fish in the river again, and Li Zheng's mood improved a lot.

More than 1000 pieces of woolen cotton clothes have been made, and they will be worn by the children in the village first, then distributed to the people in the village, and finally whether they should be sold or not.

Movo's second batch of wool was also delivered, another [-] catties of wool.

It wasn't until night that the village stopped busy and went back to rest one after another.

Late at night, the village was quiet.

No matter how much money Li Zheng earns, to Li Daxiong, his family is a poor family. Every time he sees a cart of silver cakes being delivered to his home, he will smile disdainfully.

Then in the middle of the night, Li Daxiong would bury these silver cakes under his yard.

Every time I started construction, I would look around from time to time and listen to the movement with my ears up.

While despising his son's ability to earn so much money, Li Daxiong has retained a very good habit of saving money.

After burying the silver cake, Li Daxiong looked around again to make sure that no one found him.

Seal the soil again and return to the untouched appearance.

Li Zheng knew that Li Daxiong would do this every time he got rich.

Although he said it, every time the silver cakes were shipped to the house, he would be very active in hiding them.

(End of this chapter)

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