Chapter 222 Heavy Snow Comes
After packing everything up, Li Daxiong smiled disdainfully and spit on the ground.

Put the hoe back in place, and return to the house to sleep with some sense of accomplishment.

That night, Li Shimin was still awake, but was sitting with Li Chengqian and Li Tai eating hot pot.

Apart from Li Tai, Li Chengqian, Li Shimin and his son were very curious about this pepper.

While eating, Li Shimin sweated all over his head, "This chili is really..."

Li Tai explained: "It's very exciting in Li Zheng's words, isn't it?"

Li Chengqian stuck out his tongue, feeling that his tongue was numb.

Li Tai used almost twice as much chili this time as Li Zheng.

There are a large piece of chili floating on the soup.

Li Shimin wiped the sweat off his forehead. Although it was a bit painful, he couldn't stop eating it.

Li Shimin, who is tired of eating big fish and meat on weekdays, has not had a good appetite these days.

Seeing that His Majesty's appetite has soared now, Empress Changsun felt a lot more at ease after seeing it.

On the morning of the second day, Li Shimin still got up early and practiced Tai Chi for half an hour.

Xu Zhaolin, who returned to the Imperial Medical Office, came early to check Li Shimin's pulse.

Your Majesty is the most important person today, and the emperor dare not have anything wrong with his body.

After finally returning to the Imperial Medical Office, Xu Zhaolin swore from the bottom of his heart that he must stay away from Li Zheng this time.

Taking His Majesty's pulse and looking at Li Shimin's complexion, Xu Zhaolin asked strangely, "How did Your Majesty sleep yesterday?"

Li Shimin said: "I slept well, I had no dreams all night."

After so many years in the Imperial Medical Office, Xu Zhaolin actually knew that His Majesty's sleep was not very good, especially during the period when he first ascended the throne and after the Xuanwumen incident.

It can be said that His Majesty is having nightmares again and again. At that time, in order to let His Majesty sleep well, Yuan Tiangang was not only asked to do things.

And there are Qin Qiong and Yu Chi Gong guarding in front of His Majesty's bedroom.

Xu Zhaolin bowed and said, "What kind of medicine did Your Majesty take?"

Li Shimin asked in a low voice: "Just tell me how my condition is."

"Your Majesty has recovered." Xu Zhaolin bowed and said, "It is reasonable to say that Your Majesty should rest for a few more days. I just want to know how Your Majesty recovered so quickly."

Li Shimin recalled: "I just ate some peppers yesterday and got a little sweaty."

"What chili?"

Li Shimin asked Wang Ding to pass the pepper to Xu Zhaolin.

Xu Zhaolin took the pepper and looked at it for a long time, "Your Majesty ate this thing yesterday?"

"You try it."

Xu Zhaolin bit a chili pepper into his mouth, and a spicy taste rushed to his forehead from the tip of his tongue. After a while, he felt his mouth was burning.

Seeing Xu Zhaolin's reaction, Li Shimin smiled triumphantly and asked Wang Ding to hand him another glass of water.

Xu Zhaolin felt better after drinking the water.

Wiping the sweat from his forehead, Xu Zhaolin said, "Your Majesty, there is something called black pepper in the Western Regions. It seems to have the same effect as this, but it is so spicy."

After thinking about it, Xu Zhaolin came to a conclusion, "Your Majesty, this thing is indeed a good thing for sweating, but in the future, Your Majesty..."

"What happened next?"

Xu Zhaolin plucked up his courage and said, "From now on, please Your Majesty, please don't eat such a strange thing. I have never seen chili peppers, and there is no record in the medical records. I dare not judge whether this thing is good or bad."

"I understand, you step back." Li Shimin sat on the newly repaired kang and prepared to review the memorial.

Xu Zhaolin was still a little puzzled when he walked out of the Legislative Hall, "Why did it suddenly heal? Peppers? From where did peppers come out again."

Feeling that his medical knowledge reserves were no longer enough, Xu Zhaolin asked the secretary Lang who wrote the daily notes for His Majesty, and found out that it was something called hot pot that His Majesty ate with His Highness King Wei and His Highness the Crown Prince yesterday.

And those peppers were brought from Li Zheng by His Royal Highness King Wei.

Thinking about it like this, Xu Zhaolin didn't want to delve into it anymore, and he had to stay away from things about Li Zheng.

Ever since he even had a little relationship with Li Zheng, he hasn't lived a single day in peace.

There is also Yuan Tiangang, it is said that Yuan Tiangang of Qin Tianjian went crazy after seeing Li Zheng.

Xu Zhaolin deliberately passed by the Qin Tianjian, and saw Yuan Tiangang, who was a little crazy inside and talking to himself, quickened his pace and left here.

Li Shimin's condition has recovered, and the next morning court will start as usual.

There was another heavy snowfall in Chang'an, the wind and snow raged in Chang'an, and there were no people on the bustling Zhuque Street in the past.

Residents from all households hid in their homes and prayed that the wind and snow would stop as soon as possible.

Li Zheng was sitting at home with two more children, Di Renjie and Pei Xingjian.

Looking at the heavy snow all over the sky, Li Daxiong sat in front of the door of his house with a sad look.

Although snow in winter is not a bad thing, rare heavy snow can make people fear and worry.

The old village chief's son hurried over to talk to the villagers, "The road is blocked by heavy snow, and we can't get out of Jingyang."

Hearing the news, the whole village was in a bad mood.

Li Zheng looked at Li Daxiong's worried expression, "Will something happen?"

Li Daxiong seems to be recalling, "Early years ago, your father and I went out with the army and fought everywhere. It was also very cold and everyone didn't want to freeze to death. When we entered a village, many people I ran out of the village and wanted to join the army, because the army provides food."

Speaking of this, Li Daxiong's expression became more and more ugly, and he didn't want to mention that matter.

Li Zheng looked up at the heavy snow and said, "I hope the snow will stop soon."

"It's okay when it's snowing." Li Daxiong said, "It's the coldest when the snow is melting. Now that it's snowing so much, it will be even colder then."

Just looking at the current heavy snow situation, you can actually get a general idea.

The rare weather in Guanzhong has also appeared in historical allusions.

This cold winter has froze to death many Turkic and Tibetan people.

The aunts in the village speed up to make warm wool coats.

The new houses built are very good at keeping out the cold. Even though it is freezing outside, the villagers living in the new houses feel very at ease.

Such a solid concrete house will not be easily crushed by heavy snow.

When the heavy snow turned slightly smaller, the villagers began to organize snow removal.

Li Zheng looked at the vegetables in the greenhouse and cleaned up all the snow squeezed on the greenhouse, so he was relieved.

Li Yifu was shivering from the cold, "The weather is too cold for the magistrate of the county."

Li Zheng looked at the fairly intact vegetables in the greenhouse, and covered all the vegetable fields with hay to keep the soil at a certain temperature.

After leaving the shed, Li Zheng looked at the stable again. Dug almost lived with the horse.

"Can't you go back to live in the house? It's warm in the house."

(End of this chapter)

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