People in Datang have been expelled from school

Chapter 223 Predicting the Snow Disaster

Chapter 223 Predicting the Snow Disaster
Dug was spitting out white mist, grinning and said, "Don't worry, Zhong Lang, he and the horse are comfortable. Besides, the snowy horse is easy to be frightened."

After taking a look, the stable is still solid, and the heavy snow should not collapse here.

The surface of the Jingyang River has completely frozen, people can walk on the river.

Li Yifu reported the situation to Li Zheng, "There is no big problem in Jingyang. Many houses in Niujia Village have been collapsed. Fortunately, many empty houses are unoccupied. The situation in Bashang and Weishui is not the same. Great."

The wind started to pick up again, and the snow fell again.

Bringing Li Yifu back home, Li Zheng asked in a low voice, "How many cotton clothes are there now?"

Li Yifu glanced at the accounts and replied: "Now there are more than 5000 pieces, and there are still a lot of wool."

"Increase the number of people in the village to use cotton clothes." Li Zheng said to him.

Li Yifu also nodded, "I'll do it right away."

A rare snow disaster, if it only falls for two or three days, it will be a heavy snow.

But if it goes on like this, it will become a snow disaster.

Another night passed, and the heavy snow still didn't stop. Li Zheng pushed open the door of his house with difficulty. The snow was already as thick as his knees, and the snow squeezed outside the door poured into the house as soon as he opened the door.

The cold wind blew, making Li Zheng shiver.

When you step down, there is a creaking sound between the soles of your shoes rubbing against the thick snow.

Picking up the shovel at home, Li Zheng began to shovel the snow in the yard, and it took him a while to barely clear a path.

Many villagers are busy clearing the snow in the village.

The villagers in Jingyang are diligent, and immediately cleared a small path that can accommodate people to walk, connecting each household.

Li Zheng glanced at the heavy snow at the entrance of the village, which had completely blocked the road.

The wind is very cold, and it hurts to blow on the face.

It was snowing again in the sky, and Li Zheng was finally convinced that this big snow disaster was really coming.

Li Zheng remembered that the heavy snow caused many Turkic people to freeze to death.

The Turks, which have always been strong, still have some vitality after Yinshan.

But after this cold winter, the Turks will be devastated for a long time.

Because too many people died of freezing, the population declined.

And this situation is the same in Tubo, and none of the small countries in the northwest have a better life.

Li Tai was sitting in his mansion, and there were many scholars outside the mansion who wanted to see him.

These are the old scholars of Guozijian and Hongwenguan.

At first when Li Tai asked them if there would be a big snowstorm this year, they all denied it.

Now that the snow disaster really happened as Li Zheng said, these old scholars came to ask themselves.

The servants in the mansion said to Li Tai: "His Royal Highness, those people haven't left yet."

"Still leaving?" Li Tai had had enough, these old guys were really hard to deal with.

These people want to know how they know how this big snowstorm happened.

When will this blizzard end.

And how it was predicted.

If this kind of disaster can be predicted, how many disasters can Datang avoid.

Li Tai felt his scalp go numb.

how could I know!

What is the La Nina phenomenon that Li Zheng said?

At that time, I didn't understand what Li Zheng was saying.

However, this group of old pedants kept pestering them endlessly.

It wasn't until the messenger from the palace arrived that Li Tai walked out of his mansion, avoiding these old scholars and heading all the way to the palace.

Li Shimin looked at the urgent reports from all over the place, Li Tai and Li Chengqian stood in front of Li Shimin.

Li Shimin said to Li Tai: "Qingque, fortunately, you reminded me that the court was already prepared to deal with this snowstorm."

Li Tai bowed and said, "It was Li Zheng who said it."

When Li Tai said that there would be a snowstorm this year, Li Shimin didn't care at first, but there was a drought and locust plagues before. After listening to Li Tai's opinion, the court did make some preparations, but not much.

In the past few years, there were droughts and locust plagues. Once bitten by snakes for ten years, Li Shimin was afraid of well ropes. Li Shimin was prepared for such disasters.

Qin Tianjian, Yuan Tiangang looked at the heavy snow all over the sky, and he was sure that the appearance of Taibai Jinxing a month ago was the harbinger of this snow disaster.

Yuan Tiangang hurriedly came to Ganlu Hall to report to Li Shimin.

"Your Majesty! This is a snow disaster, and the sky has an omen."

"Don't worry, I've been prepared." Li Shimin said to him.

Yuan Tiangang looked astonished, "Your Majesty has already prepared?"

"En." Li Shimin nodded, while reviewing the memorial, he said, "Someone calculated this snow disaster earlier than Daoist Yuan, so I should make preparations earlier."

Yuan Tiangang glanced at Li Tai and Li Chengqian.

Li Shimin said: "Qingque told me about this a long time ago."

" it?" Yuan Tiangang looked at Li Tai in disbelief, "His Royal Highness King Wei also understands the art of divination?"

Li Tai said embarrassingly: "Yuan Daochang, Li Zheng actually calculated it. Li Zheng said that this is a very abnormal climate phenomenon called La Niña phenomenon. I don't know if Yuan Daochang has dabbled in it."

La Nina?Yuan Tiangang wanted to say that he had never heard of it, but in order to maintain his authority, he had no choice but to keep silent.

After reviewing the memorial, Li Shimin said: "This time the snow disaster happened, and the reports from all over the country are not very good. I will leave the management of this snow disaster to you two to handle it. Can you handle it well?"

Li Chengqian bowed and said, "My son will definitely do his best."

Li Tai also said: "My son will live up to my father's expectations."

Li Shimin nodded, divided the memorials from various places into two parts, and handed them to Li Tai and Li Chengqian respectively.

Yuan Tiangang followed the prince and Wei Wang out of the Ganlu Palace, still doubting himself.

Following in Li Tai's footsteps, Yuan Tiangang asked Li Tai, "His Royal Highness King Wei, exactly how Li got into this snow disaster."

To deal with the snow disaster, the situation is urgent and Li Tai really doesn't want to talk to Yuan Tiangang.

In order to get rid of his entanglement, Li Tai said three words: "La Nina."

La Nina?
Yuan Tiangang stopped in place, thinking about the relationship between these three words and the exposition of astronomical phenomena.

Seeing Li Chengqian's quick steps, Li Tai caught up and asked, "Brother Huang, are you going to ask Li Zheng for help?"

"Father has a life, so I dare not neglect it." Li Chengqian sullenly.

"You really can't neglect." Li Tai also quickened his pace.

Li Chengqian returned to the East Palace, and immediately discussed with his staff how to deal with the snow disaster.

The first thing that could be confirmed was to go to Li Zheng. This time the snow disaster was predicted by Li Zheng.

Li Tai returned to his mansion to tidy up, and asked the servants in the mansion to prepare the car immediately, "Go to Jingyang, find Li Zheng!"

The servants of the mansion quickly agreed.

"Wait!" Li Tai thought for a while and said, "Say hello to the detailed work we arranged in the East Palace."

A servant in the mansion asked: "Is His Royal Highness King Wei going to inquire about the whereabouts of His Highness the Crown Prince?"

"No." Li Tai shook his head and said solemnly: "Go find some smart people and unload the wheels of the prince's car for me."

There is also a lot of talk in various cities and towns.

Many people are talking about the snow disaster.

Wei Wang Li Tai's advice to His Majesty to prevent snow disasters has also been spread to all the squares and cities in Chang'an.

As early as after the Mid-Autumn Festival, the DPRK and China began to prepare for the snow disaster.

(End of this chapter)

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