People in Datang have been expelled from school

Chapter 229 I Disdain To Compare With Them

Chapter 229 I Disdain To Compare With Them

In today's entire era, class thinking is very deep-rooted and deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

It is very difficult for you to change it, some words cannot be understood by people of this era.

Di Zhixun said again: "Many courtiers impeached the prince today, do you know?"

"Of course I know." Li Zheng nodded while drinking the bitter tea.

"Li Chongyi has spoken for the crown prince."

Li Zheng put down the bowl in his hand and still nodded, "I know this too."

"Are you not worried? You let the dignified prince do business."

Di Zhixun said these words, and found that the child's eyes seemed to be disdainful, more like a kind of pity, the words stopped abruptly, why did this 12-year-old boy look at himself with such eyes.

Li Zheng said calmly: "I know what you mean. For the court or for His Majesty today, I am the one who committed the crime. The prince is a businessman. If it is determined that the prince has done something wrong, it is me who is unlucky, and the prince If I am still the prince, my fate will not be very good."

"It's good that you know that what happened to King Qi Li You happened in your land a few days ago. King Qi was just driven back to his fief, but Yin Hongzhi was exiled thousands of miles away."

"Has His Majesty punished the prince?"

"No." Di Zhixun shook his head.

"Did His Majesty say that he wants to punish me?"

"No." Di Zhixun still shook his head.

"That's it."

Sitting in front of Li Zheng, Di Zhixun was silent.

Yes, it was silent.

Talking to a kid like Li Zheng doesn't feel like talking to a child.

And his eyes, is this looking down on me?

There is an inexplicable feeling in my heart that Li is just an outsider.

And he is a villager with little knowledge.

There is a strange saying about Li Zheng's abilities.

Di Zhixun asked: "I heard that your skills were taught by a Taoist priest. There was a Taoist priest who wanted to bump his head to death at your door, right?"

Li Zheng smiled strangely, "Do you believe such words?"

Di Zhixun: "..."

Li Zheng sighed and said: "There are many kinds of people in this world. Some people can make up for their weaknesses with diligence, some people can learn a little bit, and some people can learn their talents without a teacher, and I belong to the gifted kind."

"You still want to compare with the five surnames."

"I should call you Uncle."

"up to you."

The cold wind blew in from the crack in the wall, Li Zheng tightened his clothes and said, "Uncle Di, I never wanted to compete with them, it's just that they always wanted to deal with me."

"Never thought of competing with them?"

"I'm afraid that after they lose to me one day, they won't even have the face to live. The virtue of living well is my kindness to them. I don't compare with them. The five surnames are just aborigines to me. Why should I Compete with a group of natives."

Di Zhixun observed Li Zheng and knew that Li Zheng was a eccentric person. Only now did he realize how arrogant Li Zheng was.

"It's like the Lantern Festival back then. You didn't want to fight at all. It's like when hundreds of students rioted at the entrance of Jingyang Village, and you just asked Daniel to come forward."

"Uncle Di, you can think whatever you want."

"So you don't accept the solicitation of the five surnames, and would rather seek refuge with His Majesty today?"

Li Zheng continued: "I hate the five surnames very much. They use the teachings of the sages as a benchmark, and draw their own circles as the representatives of the highest learning in the Central Plains. I don't like knowledge to stand still."

"I hate their self-promotion even more. What scholars today learn is nothing more than the knowledge that has been passed down for thousands of years."

"They just pass on the old knowledge of the past, but they don't know how to improve. What is the difference between the productivity of the Tang Dynasty today and the Qin Dynasty hundreds of years ago? This is not a kind of growth, I think it is a kind of backwardness, wasted After so much time, I’m still standing still.”

After hearing what Li Zheng said, Di Zhixun looked nervous, "You can just tell me these words, and don't tell others."

"I made a slip of the tongue."

No one is a good thing, as long as the five surnames draw their own circles to kill all signs of threat to them, they will still be the benchmark of this era, and they will still be the objects of admiration for masters and scholars.

As long as the times don't progress, it's best for them.

They would rather castrate progress and continue to be the masters of their scholars.

Li Shimin is not a good person. In a certain sense, Li Shimin is a ruthless person. He became so ruthless that he killed his brothers and his family.

Also a villain and a jerk.

But he has always wanted to work hard to live a life recognized by the world.

When this kind of person wants to kill you, he keeps his face. When this kind of person wants to reward you, he may show both grace and power.

Never miss the saying that the ancients said, companions are like companions to tigers.

You can live under the eyes of tigers, but you must not compete with tigers for food.

Otherwise, the tiger will chew you up and swallow you, not even bones left.

So living cautiously is not a bad thing.

At least you can live in peace.

The hundred years after the Tang Dynasty was an era full of waves.

The great world of Lang Lang is full of all kinds of conspiracies and schemes, life and death.

Today's Datang has many powerful figures.

Fang Xuanling was far-sighted.

Du Ruhui clearly has his own opinion.

Li Jing, who has surpassed half of the world.

There is also Changsun Wuji, this guy may be nesting somewhere, and he is calculating how to regain Li Shimin's trust.

There are many other characters who do not appear, none of which are simple.

There will be many capable people, ruthless people, and bad people in this world.

A time when good people don't live long.

What is the relationship between family and country affairs and oneself.

The most important thing is to earn enough money that you can't spend it in several lifetimes, and to live your life comfortably and happily.

Li Zheng smiled smugly at this thought, this dream should not be too difficult for him.

Di Zhixun observed Li Zheng, and took another sip of tea. He had to say that the tea brewed in this way had a special flavor.

Although it is a bit bitter, at least it tastes much more comfortable than tea soup.

"Taiyuan has a lot of tea."

Li Zheng's abrupt words made the wandering Di Zhixun return to his original state, "Why did you suddenly ask this?"

"Yes." Di Zhixun said.

"In the spring of next year, we will grow some tea trees. Uncle Di can sell the tea, so that Uncle Di will not worry about food and clothing."

Di Zhixun smiled and said, "I'm afraid my nephew doesn't know, but in fact, not many people drink tea, and even fewer people can afford tea."

"Plant first, and you will get rich later."

Hearing what Li Zheng said, Di Zhixun was skeptical.

There was another heavy snowfall in the Central Plains, and Li Tai simply asked Li Shimin for a transfer order to clear the snow, so Niu Jinda brought six thousand guards and horses to clear the snow.

A heavy snowstorm from the gods, the whole Central Plains is not peaceful.

Li Chengqian almost lived in Weishui these days, selling cotton clothes, cloth porridge, and resettling the villagers. He was so busy every day.

Sitting in the Manna Hall, Li Shimin received many reports from Turks.

(End of this chapter)

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