Chapter 230 Be a Selfish Person
This time the Turkic situation is even more serious than in Guanzhong.

Thousands of cattle and sheep were frozen to death, and people from many tribes were also frozen to death.

On the Turkic grasslands, almost all living things froze to death.

After reading the report, Li Shimin felt very complicated, and immediately summoned the ministers and generals to discuss.

Another heavy snow that lasted for three days and three nights stopped.

Li Zheng felt the cold air.

The frozen soil on the ground is very thick.

Li Zheng, whose cheeks were flushed from the cold, took a hoe to the frozen river, and with one hoe he slammed it down, and the shock force of hitting the ice made the tiger's mouth tingle for a while.

Looking at the situation on the ice, I went down with a hoe, but I didn't dig through the ice layer, which was very thick.

"What are you doing?" Cheng Chu walked over tremblingly and said.

"The ice is thick."

"Fortunately, the snow is about to stop." Cheng Chu let out a breath, and then said, "You see, the wind has become weaker, so the snow should stop."

Li Zheng felt the wind, and indeed felt that the wind had almost stopped.

It was as if the world had quieted down.

Li Zheng looked up at the sky and stepped back step by step.

Seeing Li Zheng's flustered expression, Cheng Chumo also looked up. The black clouds were overwhelming and the clouds were very thick.

"Chu Mo, did I read it wrong?"

"what happened?"

Li Zheng said in a low voice: "Why doesn't this cloud move anymore, why doesn't it float?"

"The wind has stopped, why are the clouds floating?" Cheng Chumo didn't think so.

Li Zheng unwrapped the thread from his cuff, holding the silk thread in his hand without any movement.

I thought I couldn't feel my frozen face, but now I know that the wind has disappeared.

This is not a good phenomenon.

Li Zheng asked, "What time is Chu Mo?"

"It's time, it's getting dark." Seeing that Li Zheng's expression was not right, Cheng Chumo unconsciously became nervous, and asked in a low tone, "What's the matter?"

Li Zheng left the river step by step and said to Cheng Chumo, "The cold wave is coming."

"What cold wave?"

A cold wave is a phenomenon in which the temperature drops suddenly. Once the cold wave arrives, the temperature will drop exaggeratedly in a short period of time.

It has been snowing for too long, and there is too much snow.

The temperature of the atmosphere may be lower.

The heat consumed by melting snow has reached a critical point.

A pile of hay was brought, which was relatively dry.

Observe the flame after lighting it.

Cheng Chumo didn't know what Li Zheng wanted to do.

Also followed to observe the flame.

The flame on the dry grass burned for less than ten breaths, visible to the naked eye, the flame became smaller and extinguished automatically.

No wind blows, no water pours.

Instead, it was frozen out by the cold air.

Li Zheng told Cheng Chumo: "Send the message immediately and tell the people in the village not to go out tonight, stay at home and light a fire to keep warm."


"Stop talking nonsense, I can't explain it clearly to you, it's best to inform other villages by the way, this cold wave will be very cold."

It was rare to see such a flustered expression on Li Zheng's face, Cheng Chumo didn't bother to ask questions, and immediately went to send a message.

Li Chengqian finally rested, and when he heard Cheng Chumo send someone to deliver the message, he was very curious about what was going to happen?

The padded clothes in Jingyang have been emptied, sold and given away, a total of [-] padded clothes were worn by women and children, and only a few adult men wore them here and there.

Received the message that the cold wave is coming.

This was a warning from Jingyang, and it was Li Zheng's words.

Li Chengqian asked his officials in the East Palace to handle affairs, and all the villagers had to stay at home tonight.

Li Tai, who was leading Qingxue, also received the news, so he had to call it a day and let Niu Jinda lead his people back to Weifu.

He himself also came to Jingyang and walked into Li Zheng's home. Li Tai came to the warm room and warmed himself with the fire in the clay oven.

Di Renjie and Pei Xingjian have already fallen asleep.

Li Tai whispered: "What will happen tonight, you prevent the whole village from going out at night."

"The cold wave is coming. I don't know how cold it will be tonight. Anyway, it will be colder than these days."

Looking at the dark night outside, Li Tai said with a sad face, "I don't know when it will be warmer."

Li Tai, who had been busy all day, fell asleep after drinking plain water and eating a piece of cake.

The snoring sounds of Li Daxiong and Li Tai gradually became a concerto.

He poured a bowl of water and carefully placed it outside the window.

Li Zheng put his hand on the door, feeling the temperature, the whole door was cold.

Half an hour later, the bowl outside the window was brought back in. The water in the bowl had condensed into a thin layer of ice.

Put the bowl out of the window and close the window tightly.

On the second day, when Li Zheng got up, Li Daxiong had already gone out, and Pei Xingjian and Di Renjie also got up early to go to class.

Push to wake up Li Tai who is still soundly asleep.

Li Zheng walked out of the house and saw that the bowl outside the window had been frozen and cracked.

As the night passed, the village was full of vitality, and today's clouds were a little lighter.

Although the dark clouds have not dissipated, the sun is already brighter than usual.

Feeling the wind blowing, the coldest night passed.

Just wait for spring to come.

Mou brought the wool again, and after paying the money, he left. Li Yifu showed the account to Li Zheng.

"Turkic people froze to death." Li Yifu said.

"I know." Li Zheng nodded.

"Mou told me that all the creatures in the Turkic grasslands were frozen to death. Countless cattle, sheep and livestock froze to death. This was the last deal between him and us. Many Turkic sheep died. After the 30 catties of wool , will have to wait until next year.”

The most severely affected by this cold wave should be the Turks.

The grasslands in the north are colder than those in Guanzhong.

People in Guanzhong can't stand the cold, let alone Turkic people who don't build houses.

The cold protection effect of tents is definitely not as good as that of houses.

Li Zheng said to Li Yifu with a smile: "If you can continue to send wool over in silence, then it will be a hell."

"The county marquis expected this to happen?"

"It's so cold in Guanzhong, how can the Turks do well? The once-in-a-century cold wave, no matter how good the Turkic people are at keeping out the cold, they can't withstand such a cold climate."

Li Yifu nodded after listening, "That's right."

Li Chengqian came to Jingyang again and interrupted their conversation.

He gave the ledger to Li Yifu, and Li Yifu was also very knowledgeable, saluted Li Chengqian and left.

"His Royal Highness, are you done?"

Li Chengqian said: "Today's weather is much warmer, father called Gu back, and wants to see you before going back to the palace."

"Since it was summoned by His Majesty, it is better for His Royal Highness to go back earlier."

Li Chengqian took out a gift and said, "This is a lonely thank you gift, please accept it."

After Li Chengqian spread out the cloth, Li Zheng saw clearly that it was a land deed.

"What does this mean, His Royal Highness?" Li Zheng asked curiously.

"Don't be offended, I just feel that I can't let you help in vain."

Li Zheng grinned, "I can't accept it, His Royal Highness, please take it back."

"Why? This is good land, don't you really want land?"

Li Zheng sighed and said: "The prince has sold so many cotton clothes for me, and I have already earned a lot, so I can't take this land. If the prince insists on giving it to me, then the friendship between you and me will come to an end. gone."

Hearing this, Li Chengqian put it away, "Gu really hopes to be friends with you."

Li Zheng said: "Your Highness, please come back."

Li Chengqian left disappointed.

After he walked away, Li Zheng shouted to the empty house: "Fatty, come out."

Only then did Li Tai come in through the window, "How do you know I'm outside?"

Li Zheng pointed to the dog wagging its tail vigorously outside the window.

Li Tai also took a look at the puppy, it turned out that this dog exposed himself.

I come to Jingyang so often that even the dog has become acquainted with me.

Rolling up his sleeves, Li Tai said again: "I heard that dog meat is a great tonic in winter."

"Fuck you, it's someone's housekeeper dog."

Li Tai had no choice but to give up, and asked suspiciously: "The prince's kindness, are you just refusing it?"

Li Zheng said with a melancholy face: "Some things can be taken away, and some things can't be taken away. If I take over the prince's land, my only dream in this life may be shattered."

"What is your aspiration?"

"Of course I'm going to die. You said if I accept the prince's kindness, will I still live clean in this life?"

Patting Li Zheng on the shoulder, Li Tai said pertinently, "Li Zheng, you are a smart man."

"Having virtue is not a good thing. I hope that I can accept the prince's kindness unscrupulously, and then refuse to accept it." Li Zheng rubbed his temples, "Fatty, I regret it now."

Li Tailang smiled, "How can you go back on this kind of thing, but you don't accept the prince's kindness, I feel a lot more at ease."

"You're welcome,"

"Actually, if you serve the prince, a person like you will definitely achieve something. If the prince ascends the throne in the future, you will definitely be able to enter the three provinces to pay homage to him. No one in the younger generation is your opponent. You should be called a national scholar."

Looking at Li Tai's expression, Li Zheng said, "Are you praising me, or are you cursing me? I think your words mean nothing."

"Have it?"

Li Zheng said in a low voice: "Fatty, let me tell you, many people became famous only after they died, just like Shang Yang, the king of Qin killed Shang Yang and used Shang Yang's law. Since then, Shang Yang's name has been recorded in history. And Sima Qian, And Qu Yuan, Han Fei, maybe someday Wei Zheng will be named in the history books after your father kills him because of his admonition against Yan."

"And most of the national scholars are given the title after they die. His Royal Highness King Wei, I beg you to let me off."

Li Tai was silent for a long time...

There are also people in this world who want to make a career that will last forever, and there are also people who want to change the world.

There are many people who want to do these things.

These people do not include themselves as a matter of course.

Li Zheng thought to himself, there is nothing wrong with living a selfish life.

At least on the premise that you can't starve to death, live until your teeth fall out.

Watching the children and grandchildren under their knees live a life without worrying about food and clothing.

This is the ultimate ideal of life.

Li Tai was silent for about half a stick of incense before opening his mouth, "Li Zheng, my grandpa said he wanted to see you."

 Asking for a monthly ticket, it seems that Xiao Zhang has to persevere, eh!

(End of this chapter)

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