Chapter 231

"Why does he want to see me?" Li Zheng asked doubtfully.

Li Tai looked at the scenery outside the window, "You want to marry my grandpa's granddaughter, do you think he can see you? This is also human nature."

"How is the relationship between your father and your grandfather now?"

"Well..." Li Tai looked hesitant, and after thinking for a long time, he said, "I heard from my mother that the emperor actually owes his grandfather a lot in his heart."

Li Zheng touched his chin and thought about it.

Li Tai went on to say: "How about, I'm going to drive you to Chang'an right now."

"His Royal Highness King Wei is too polite. How can I, a small county marquis, He De, be able to meet the Supreme Emperor? I dare not dare." Li Zheng repeatedly cupped his hands.

"Why are you being polite? Hurry up, don't keep Grandpa Huang waiting."

Li Tai got up and saw that Li Zheng was still sitting, "What are you doing standing there? Hurry up."

After taking a sip of tea, Li Zheng said melancholy: "I don't know how Xu Jingzong of Li Yi's mansion has repaired the road. I have to go and see."

"Are you going or not?"

"Too busy, no time to go, talk about it later."

Li Tai knew Li Zheng's thoughts, and estimated that Li Zheng would not go, as could be seen from Li Zheng's attitude towards his father.

"Li Zheng, you are someone who can be friends." Li Tai nodded and said, "Although you rejected my grandpa's invitation to meet, I feel more at ease now."

Following Li Zheng out of the courtyard, Li Tai said all the way: "In fact, there are many people who want to make friends with me. Some of them want to cling to me, and some just want to be famous."

"I'm different."

"Yes, you are different." Li Tai nodded vigorously.

"It's a blessing in life for someone to get to know His Royal Highness King Wei, but it's unlucky for me."

"Fuck you." Li Tai cursed with a smile.

Li Zheng has no interest in official position or fame and fortune.

For this alone, Li Zheng can be a brother and a friend. Such a person cannot be his assistant or counselor, but when drinking and talking with such a person, there is no pressure , can be a heart-to-heart friend.

As for rejecting his grandpa's invitation.

It is also expected.

He didn't even buy his father's face.

What's more, it's the emperor's grandfather who is now taking care of himself.

It would be abnormal if Li Zheng readily accepted it.

Li Zheng was indeed worthless.

After thinking about this, Li Tai followed Li Zheng's footsteps to the edge of Jingyang Village.

The road construction works here are still suspended.

Li Yifu explained: "The county lord, the snow is melting now, and we can continue to build the road after we have cleared the road."

Hold up the cold earth on the ground, it is melting snow now, the ground is very wet.

"Stop it, and continue building roads in half a month. There is too much water, and the ground will not be compacted. It will be a waste of effort."

"Is that so?" Li Yifu asked doubtfully.

"Stop work for half a month, let these peasants go home, and you will pay them the wages."

"Understood." Li Yifu nodded and said.

After seeing the situation here, Li Zheng came to the back mountain of Jingyang. This short mountain was reclaimed to grow corn before.

Stepping on the thick snow, Li Zheng came to the middle of the mountain and looked at the soil through the snow layer.

Li Tai didn't understand what Li Zheng was doing, so he squeezed a snowball and threw it into the distance in boredom.

"Something's going to happen."

Hearing Li Zheng's whisper, Li Tai asked curiously: "Is it still snowing?"

Patting the mud off his hands, Li Zheng said to Li Tai: "The landslide."


"It's best to move out of all the villages living under the mountain for a while."

Li Tai asked, "Have you discovered something else?"

Exhaling into his red hands from the cold and warming his palms in his sleeves, Li Zheng walked down the mountain.

"What's the matter?"

Li Tai asked without stopping.

Walking all the way down the mountain, Li Zheng said to Li Tai: "Such thick snow is like a big flood. The snow is constantly melting. As far as the mountain is concerned, there is already a lot of water flowing inside it. Your Highness Wei Wang Do you see what I mean now?"

Li Tai, who was stunned in place, turned his head and rushed towards Chang'an as soon as the cold wind blew.

There are no big mountains around Chang'an, but most of the soil erosion is serious in some places.

This kind of soil can easily cause mudslides.

After the snow melted, there was too much water in the soil.

Li Tai hurried back to Chang'an and came to the palace.

Li Shimin was in a good mood, and was thinking about coping with the snow disaster. Seeing that Turks and Tubo were unlucky because of the snow disaster, he was in a good mood and was preparing to celebrate.

Many Turkic livestock died, and many people were frozen to death.

The entire Turkic population has dropped by [-]%, and countless cattle and sheep have froze to death. It is hard to say that they can survive until next spring.

This is even more so in Tubo. Even Tubo couldn't survive this cold wave.

Most of the Tibetans who stayed in Tuyuhun were frozen to death almost overnight.

According to the report sent by the soldiers stationed in Qinghai, many people behind Tubo are asking God to pray for blessings.

Many, many corpses were also brought out.

Songtsen Gampo also suffered a serious illness.

It's like God is helping Datang.

Li Shimin even planned to fight to decide the world and completely kill Tubo.

Grab Songtsan Gampo and come to Tai Chi Hall to dance Hu Xuan Dance.

It's beautiful just thinking about it.

Li Tai came to the outside of Ganlu Hall and heard the jokes between his father and a group of generals, and his heart became more and more disturbed.

After receiving the eunuch's message, Li Tai walked into the Ganlu Hall and saw that everyone was smiling, even Li Chengqian who was standing by the side was also smiling.

"Qingque, you came just in time." Li Shimin said, "Is Li Zheng willing to come to Chang'an?"

Li Tai bowed and said, "Father, Li Zheng said that he was unwell and caught a cold."

"Really?" Li Shimin still smiled, but he wasn't too disappointed.

Of course Li Zheng wasn't sick, it was just an excuse for Li Zheng.

Then he bowed and saluted, and Li Tai said again: "Father, a heavy snow has accumulated a thick layer of snow in Chang'an. To the mountain, this snow is a flood."

The discussion in Ganlu Hall stopped.

Li Tai said: "Father, my son thought that he shouldn't be happy so early."

"Qingque, what exactly do you want to say?" The smile on Li Shimin's face disappeared.

Li Tai said in a loud voice: "I will ask my father to transfer orders to my son, and give my son [-] soldiers."

The generals in Ganlu Palace looked at Li Tai quietly.

Li Tai lowered his head and was worried.

Li Chengqian also looked at Li Tai curiously, and then at his father's expression. His father's expression is not very good now.

Li Shimin said: "Do you still want to go to Qingxue?"

"My son wants to clean up the snow around Chang'an."

After looking at Li Tai for a long time, Li Shimin said, "Niu Jinda."

"The end is here." Niu Jinda stood up in response.

"Mobilize six thousand soldiers and horses of the guards to assist Wei Wang Qingxue."


Li Tai saluted again and said: "My son takes orders."

Glancing quietly at Li Shimin's face, Li Tai walked out of the Ganlu Hall.

Just after walking a few steps, I heard the laughter in Ganlu Hall again.

(End of this chapter)

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