People in Datang have been expelled from school

Chapter 235 Contour Topographic Maps

Chapter 235 Contour Topographic Maps
Li Lizhi: "What do you know?"

"I just knew I needed an accountant."


Li Zhi pulled the corner of Li Lizhi's clothes and asked, "Sister Huang, what is an accountant?"

Li Lizhi also looked at Li Zheng, "What is an accountant?"

"In the eyes of accountants, money is just numbers, and they are the ones who really don't take money seriously. They are professionals."

Li Lizhi asked again: "Li Zheng, do you only have money in your eyes?"

"No, I still have poetry and distance in my eyes."

"I do not believe!"

"Well, let me confess, before I earn enough retirement money, my only hobby may be making money."

"Hmph! It really is."

Li Zhi ate the ice cream with a small wooden spoon.

Although I don't know what Li Zheng and his sister Huang are talking about.

But he knew that any words he couldn't understand must be very powerful words.

The old master Kong Yingda who taught himself is very good.

I couldn't understand what the old master Kong Yingda was talking about in class.

At this time, it is best to pretend to understand.

Because there will be no training.

Li Lizhi took Li Zhi away in frustration, but actually wanted to talk to Li Zheng for a while.

It's just that it's not good to be afraid that my younger brother will be spoiled by Li Zheng.

Li Zhi is still young and doesn't understand world affairs.

After Li Lizhi took Li Zhi away.

Li Tai also returned to Jingyang exhausted.

After taking a bath with the hot water that Li Zheng was going to take a bath in, Li Tai drank hot tea and said, "I'm too busy."

"Nothing serious happened, right?" Li Zheng asked while boiling tea eggs.

Di Zhixun brought a lot of tea, which is enough for him to eat until next year.

Li Tai looked tired, "Thanks to your reminder, fortunately there was no major disaster. In fact, I understand the truth, but it's not as thorough as you think. There is no difference between this heavy snow and heavy rain. At that time, it was recorded in the classics that the foothills of Chang'an Mountain often collapsed."

Arrogance is the greatest enemy of human beings, and peace is the greatest hidden danger to tranquility.

"Confucius said: Born in sorrow, die in peace." Li Zheng sighed.

Li Tai peeled the eggshell of the tea egg and said lazily, "That's what Mencius said, not Confucius."

"Really?" Li Zheng touched his nose in embarrassment.

When Li Daxiong returned home, the three of them sat down and had dinner together, and Li Tai fell asleep.

Li Zheng also knew what happened to Longshouyuan from the news sent by Li Yifu.

Longshouyuan is actually not bad, the most serious place is Mangshan.

Thousands of houses were submerged by the mountain's flowing soil.

It has something to do with geology.

Li Zheng remembered that when he was a child, he would often be on the mountain roads, because rolling stones and landslides made the roads impassable.

Once a landslide occurs, it will take a long time to rebuild the road.

Of course, there are also human factors.

For example, some people claim to be a certain lieutenant of Cao Jun.

In order to make a fortune, it may have something to do with them digging around in the Qinling Mountains with shovels.

Eighty percent of the mountain is almost hollow.

There is also a lot of deforestation for farming and building mausoleums.

Too much vegetation has been removed, which is a key cause of soil erosion.

In this era when eating is the top priority, who would care about protecting the environment.

As long as there is enough to eat, as long as food can be grown, even forests and mountains are enemies of the people.

The family snored thunderously, and Li Daxiong and Li Tai snored one after another.

Li Zheng suffered from insomnia again.

On the second day, the weather was finally sunny.

Under the warm sunshine, Li Zheng was lying on the recliner he made himself, planning to take a good rest in the warm sunshine.

Li Tai returned to Chang'an and hadn't come to court for a long time.

Li Chengqian's complexion is also very bad, maybe he hasn't rested since he was busy yesterday.

Li Tai didn't listen to the discussion of the court officials at all as to what the court officials said.

Standing feebly with his tired body, he still wanted to go back to his mansion and sleep again.

After going to court, Li Tai returned to his mansion.

Li Chengqian also returned to the East Palace.

Cen Wenwen sat in the Literature Museum, looking at the new map that Li Tai sent.

There is no detailed depiction on these maps.

Instead there are just some lines.

Looking at these lines, you can see the trend of mountains and rivers and the height of the terrain.

Cen Wenwen asked the little official beside him suspiciously, "Did His Royal Highness judge the location of the mountain torrent from this picture?"

The little official replied: "It is indeed so."

Taking out another booklet, the little official continued: "This is the illustration made by His Royal Highness King Wei when he was looking at the terrain."

Cen Wenwen took the diagram and looked at the maps. The maps were full of lines.

There are no mountains and rivers drawn at all.

But with the diagram, it does look clear at a glance.

The meaning of those labels will be understood.

The more Cen Wenwen looked at it, the more curious he became, "Where did His Royal Highness King Wei get these pictures?"

The little official said with a smile: "It's a coincidence that these pictures were taken from Jingyang. It is said that they were homework assigned by Li Zheng to the children at that time."

Not to mention the homework after class, Cen Wenwen looked at the map full of contour lines and said in a low voice: "This kind of map is very useful for marching and fighting."

"I'm going to see His Majesty."

Cen Wenwen's stack of blueprints came to the palace, and after being reported by the servants in the palace, he entered the Hall of Liangyi.

"Your Majesty!" Cen Wenwen held the blueprints and saluted.

Li Shimin felt that Xing Lanshan was eating tea eggs, and after hearing that there was a new food called tea eggs in Li Chengqian's palace, it naturally became a dish in the imperial dining room.

And this kind of dish is extremely simple to make and tastes very good.

Cen Wenwen said again: "Your Majesty, I have a military weapon to offer."

"Military weapon?"

Cen Wenwen took the drawings and spread them out in front of Li Shimin's desk, "Your Majesty, please take a look."

After eating the tea eggs and taking another sip of goji berries, Li Shimin looked at the drawings full of lines.


Looking up at Cen Wenwen again, Li Shimin asked, "Just show me this? A military weapon?"

"Your Majesty, terrain has always been very important in marching and fighting. Whoever masters the terrain first will have the upper hand."

"Of course I understand what you said." Li Shimin thought back to the year that I also made great achievements in battle, okay?

Li Shimin looked at these unknown maps, "Then tell me, how can drawing these lines give my Tang army the upper hand?"

"Your Majesty, this is actually a map, to be precise, a topographic map."

"Are you joking?"

Cen Wenwen explained to Li Shimin the drawing method of this topographic map for a long time. Through the density of the lines and the curvature of the lines, the outline of the mountains and the terrain can be roughly known.

After hearing this, Li Shimin became more interested. During previous wars, he suffered a lot because of unclear maps.

The quality of the terrain often determines the outcome of a battle.

The maps I have been exposed to all the time are at most drawing a tree as a forest and a triangle as a hill.

(End of this chapter)

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