Chapter 236 Kill Li Zheng
The previous maps were not so detailed, and most of them relied on scouts to investigate.

Even if the villagers are used as guides, sometimes the enemy army will bribe them to deliberately shake them.

And sometimes scouts don't see very well.

Knowing the value of this topographic map, Li Shimin said in a low voice, "Where did you get this map from?"

Cen Wenwen said: "Through these topographic maps, His Royal Highness knew some places where the mountain collapsed in advance, and thousands of people survived."

"These topographic maps were taught by Li Zheng to the children in the village. These maps were actually drawn by some children."

"It's nonsense for a group of children to draw such an important picture!" Li Shimin said angrily.

Cen Wenwen bowed and said: "Your Majesty, if this picture can be taught to the army, it will be of great benefit to the future."

Of course, Li Shimin understands the importance of this kind of picture. If he had seen this kind of picture earlier, he would have saved the lives of those who fought side by side.

Recently, Yan Liben also found a new way of drawing pictures.

But that's for artisans.

It's different from the drawing in front of you.

These contour maps are significant.

If the generals in the army can grasp it, how much will this increase the chances of winning in future battles.

Li Shimin said to the eunuch beside him: "Immediately pass on my oral order that all the generals above the general of the Twelve Guards will go to Jingyang to learn this topographic map for me!"

The little eunuch left in a hurry to pass on Li Shimin's oral instructions.

Seeing that Li Shimin could take a fancy to these blueprints, Cen Wen felt relieved.

Let Cen Wenwen step down, Li Shimin summoned Li Junxian.

"Your Majesty!" Li Junxian saluted when he saw Li Shimin.

Li Shimin said with a dark face: "I asked you to arrange someone to watch Li Zheng, what are you watching?"

"Look at Li Zheng's words and deeds, what Li Zheng is doing every day, and who is Li Zheng interacting with." Seeing that Li Shimin's face is still dark, Li Junxian wonders if the eyeliner is not detailed enough?
Li Junxian said again: "We also know that Li Zheng likes to eat pork. Li Zheng must do Tai Chi every day when he gets up, and he will take a half-hour nap at noon, and in the afternoon..."

"Okay!" Li Shimin impatiently held the topographic map in front of Li Junxian, "I ask you, when did Li Zheng draw this map, why didn't you report it to me?"

"This one……"

Li Junxian looked at the picture and said: "The last general will dereliction of duty."

Li Shimin sat down again discouraged, feeling haggard physically and mentally.

Why is everyone around me not up to date.

Suddenly, I wanted to kill Li Zheng.

There is no harm without comparison. Compared with Li Zheng, Li Shimin found that the people he trusted seemed to be idiots.

How about killing Li Zheng, maybe I can feel more at ease in my heart like this.

But this kid has goods in his stomach, and he doesn't want to do the killing of chickens and eggs.

Melancholy, really too melancholy.

Li Shimin took another sip of the goji berries and soaked them in vain.

That afternoon, Li Tai came to Jingyang again and watched the Jingyang River with Li Zheng.

Now the snow has almost melted, and the ice has melted.

The river was still a little turbulent. Li Zheng looked at the water level line he drew, but fortunately, the water level dropped a lot.

Li Tai said with emotion: "Li Zheng, you don't know how dangerous yesterday was. My king was almost buried, and you almost lost sight of me."

Li Zheng nodded seriously, "That's a pity."

"Yeah, it would be a pity if this king just died like this." After thinking about Li Zheng's words again, Li Tai asked, "Is it a pity that I wasn't buried, or was it a pity if I was buried?" .”

"Does His Royal Highness King Wei have to make the problem so complicated?"

"I doubt that you have a good word to say."

"Used to it."

Li Tai is of course used to Li Zheng's virtue.

It's hard to hear a good word from Li Zheng.

"It is said that you lent some soldiers and horses to His Royal Highness yesterday?"

Li Tai nodded, "The prince doesn't have enough manpower, so I'll send some out."

"Li Zheng, don't get me wrong." Li Tai hurriedly added, "I'm thinking of the people of the Tang Dynasty. Do you think I'm willing to help the prince?"

"I understand, but if you say it like this, it may not be long before your death."

“How come you see?”

Sitting on the edge of the embankment, Li Zheng said patiently: "I can't control the family affairs of the royal family. To be honest, I really don't want to get involved in your family affairs."

"If it weren't for the fact that you gave me so many silver cakes, I wouldn't bother with the messy things between you and the prince."

Breaking things?The black line on Li Tai's head...

"If His Royal Highness King Wei wants to save me, you might as well go and beat the Crown Prince."

"Wait!" Li Tai patted his forehead, "I'm a bit confused, what do you mean I want to save you, why not beat the prince up."

"People's hearts are terrifying, and the emperor's mind is always a little perverted." Li Zheng concluded, "A person who can stir up the relationship between the crown prince and His Royal Highness King Wei, how long do you think your father will let him live?"

Li Tai blinked vigorously, "So I gave the crown prince a soldier, and I harmed you."

Li Zheng nodded seriously, "Exactly."

"I was negligent." Li Tai stomped his feet and said, "Perhaps Father is already considering whether to keep you."

"If His Royal Highness King Wei gave me tens of thousands of coins before I die, I can rest in peace."


"Li Zheng! There is no need to talk about money between you and me, I know what to do, you can rest assured that I will reassure my father."

Li Tai turned around and was about to leave.

"His Royal Highness King Wei, let's talk about money, it's more practical!" Li Zheng shouted towards Li Tai's back.

Li Tai's pace became faster...

Since the Xuanwumen incident, Li Shimin had some symptoms of persecution paranoia.

In fact, no matter which dynasty or generation, most emperors have similar situations.

Li Shimin sat in the Ganlu Hall to review the memorials and listened to the reports from the eunuchs around him.

Li Chengqian fell asleep when he returned to the East Palace, and he hasn't come to report the situation of the snow disaster to me until now.

Li Tai also returned to his own mansion, slept for a while and went to see Li Zheng again.

I feel inexplicably in my heart, my sense of existence as a father is getting worse and worse?

These two boys don't have any intention of coming to see me?
Li Shimin doubted himself, which could be seen from Li Chengqian and Li Tai helping each other and talking before.

Could it be that the two brothers really reconciled?
Will these two brothers join hands to deal with me?

Is there anything about Li Zheng in this?

Li Shimin was considering whether to kill the kid Li Zheng again.

It is a good thing to have an obedient monster.

It is a bad thing to have a disobedient evildoer.

Is he going to kill Li Zheng, or will he kill Li Zheng in a few years?

Li Tai returned to Chang'an and found Li Chongyi.

Sitting in the office of the Ministry of Rites, Li Tai said to Li Chongyi: "Brother Chongyi, how about we do something big together?"

 what!Seeing the moon today is like seeing a monthly pass.

(End of this chapter)

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