People in Datang have been expelled from school

Chapter 237 The East Palace and the King of Wei

Chapter 237 The East Palace and the King of Wei

Li Chongyi asked, "What's the big deal?"

Li Tai whispered a few words in Li Chongyi's ear.

Li Chongyi looked nervous after listening.

It was as if the air had frozen.

"You really want to do this?"

"A man can do something, but he can't do something. Why should his prince take my credit for himself?"

Li Tai's words were heard by the officials of the Ministry of Rites.

Many people know about the entanglement between Li Chengqian and Li Tai.

It is really as incompatible as the rumors outside.

A group of officials from the Ministry of Rituals bowed their heads and were busy with their own affairs, not daring to say anything.

I dare not inquire about the affairs between the princes.

The more you know, the more dangerous you are.

The prince wants to take the credit of Wei Wang Li Tai for himself.

In the East Palace, Li Chengqian was a little surprised, "Qing Que really said that?"

A group of officials from the East Palace is also Li Chengqian's think tank.

The official of the East Palace replied: "A group of officials in the Ministry of Rites have heard it."

"This is not right." Li Chengqian thought carefully, "Qing Que probably wouldn't say such a thing, it's too abnormal."

After thinking for a while, Li Chengqian wondered what Li Tai was thinking.
"He helped Gu at the beginning, why now he says that Gu wants to take his credit for himself? Do you think Gu is such a person?"

"This..." The official of the East Palace said: "Your Highness, the villain thinks that His Highness King Wei should not be too showy."

"So you still think Gu is that kind of person?"

"The humble official thought that His Highness the Crown Prince would do nothing wrong. Taking the credit of the King of Wei as his own is actually the best strategy to suppress the King of Wei."

Li Chengqian was in a bad mood after listening to the officials of the Eastern Palace.

Li Tai's dirty water rushed to him, and he couldn't explain why.

"His Royal Highness, the villain thought that he could take this opportunity to sue His Majesty first."


Di Zhixun said: "If His Highness the Crown Prince files a complaint first, His Highness King Wei's words will be confirmed!"

"The prince is happy for a while, but he is suspected of being a villain."

When Di Zhixun said this, the officials of the East Palace couldn't stand it any longer, and they said, "Di Zhixun, you are just a straight man of the East Palace. I have been following His Highness the Crown Prince for many years, do you have a place to speak?"

Di Zhixun said calmly: "When the old man went to war in the South and the North, your hair hadn't grown yet."

Li Chengqian covered his forehead in distress, "Let's all back down."

Seeing the flickering candlelight in front of him, Li Chengqian's heart was also agitated.

However, taking this opportunity to suppress Li Tai, Li Chengqian was naturally unwilling to let it go.

Holding the report that he had processed these days, Li Chengqian got up and went to Ganlu Hall, and handed the report to Li Shimin.

Looking at the report in his hand, Li Shimin said in a low voice: "You and Qingque have done a good job in this snow disaster."

"This is what a son-in-law should do."

After reading it, Li Shimin put down the memorial in his hand, "Do you have anything to say to me?"

Li Chengqian looked awe-inspiring and knew what this sentence meant.

There were so many thoughts in his mind, Li Chengqian said immediately: "Father, my son will definitely thank Li Zheng again someday."

"Thank you again, Li Zheng? What else?"

"and also……"

Li Shimin stared at his son and said, "Do you think I don't know what Li Tai said to Li Chongyi in the Ministry of Rites?"

"Father." Li Chengqian said quickly, "It should be that Qing Que drank too much?"

Li Shimin sneered coldly, "Qingque drank too much, can he say such words?"

"Father, perhaps Qing Que was instigated by someone, I will definitely discipline my younger brother, please rest assured."

Hearing this, Li Shimin nodded in satisfaction, at least this was what he wanted to hear.

With a gloomy face, he asked again: "Chengqian, let me ask you again, who do you think is behind Li Tai's back?"


After saying this, Li Chengqian stood motionless, and it was obvious who the father was referring to.

Who is Li Tai closest to?

Isn't it Li Zheng?

Swallowing a mouthful of saliva, Li Chengqian said in a low voice: "My son thinks that no matter who instigates it, as an elder brother, he has the duty to teach his younger brother."

"Okay, I know what you mean, back down."

"My son retire."

Li Chengqian walked out of the Ganlu Hall, only then did he feel that his back was already cold.

Li Chengqian walked towards the East Palace with strenuous steps with weak legs.

An official of the East Palace came to report in a panic, "His Royal Highness, something is wrong."

"what happened?"

"A group of people beat up the guards of our East Palace."

Anxiously returning to the East Palace, Li Chengqian looked at the mess here and said angrily, "Who did it!"

"Your Highness, it is the trilogy of Hejian County King Li Xiaogong, led by Li Chongyi, the son of Hejian County King Li Xiaogong."

Li Chengqian said in a low voice: "Gu and Li Chongyi have never had any holidays."

The subordinate said in a low voice: "His Royal Highness, don't forget that what King Wei said was spoken to Li Chongyi in the Ministry of Rites.

Li Chengqian regretted it, and should have complained in front of his father just now.

It seems that at that time, he assigned himself a manpower and did not speak ill of Li Tai to his father.

Now that Li Tai dared to do this, Li Chengqian gritted his teeth and said, "Li Tai! How dare you!"

Li Tai had already returned to his mansion, in order to dispel his father's doubts about Li Zheng, of course Li Tai dared to do so.

Anyway, it's the part of Li Xiaogong's family, and it's Li Xiaogong's family who started it. The leader is Li Xiaogong's son Li Chongyi.

Of course Li Shimin knew what happened in the East Palace.

These disturbances cannot be concealed from everyone, let alone Li Shimin's eyes.

Li Shimin left Ganlu Hall in a good mood.

But this time, it can be said that Li Chengqian is also protecting Li Zheng.

Li Tai was also protecting Li Zheng, and Li Shimin knew the two children's thoughts clearly.

Inexplicably a little vigilant in my heart.

Back at the Lizheng Palace, Li Shimin said to Empress Changsun: "What do you think Li Zheng poured into Chengqian and Qingque?"

"What's wrong, Your Majesty?" Empress Changsun carefully peeled the walnuts and asked.

Li Shimin sighed, "I always feel that these two boys value Li Zheng too much."

Empress Changsun said with a smile: "Actually, Your Majesty also values ​​Li Zheng, doesn't he?"

"Do you have it? I wish I could kill this kid." Li Shimin fiercely bit open the shell of a walnut, his teeth are really good.

Li Shimin said so, Empress Changsun knew very well what Her Majesty was thinking.

After being married for so many years, Empress Changsun knew what Li Shimin wanted and what Li Shimin didn't want.

Trying to win over Li Zheng so many times, and wanting Li Zheng to enter the court as an official failed.

But Li Zheng helps Chengqian and Qingque everywhere.

After giving so many benefits, Li Zheng did not bow his head and surrender.

On the contrary, the two princes and Li Zheng got along better and better, and of course Li Ke lived in Jingyang.

Good enough to sit and play cards together.

(End of this chapter)

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