People in Datang have been expelled from school

Chapter 238 Generals come to Jingyang to study

Chapter 238 Generals come to Jingyang to study
Can Li Shimin be happy?
What is said to value Li Zheng is actually Li Shimin's petty temper.

Li Shimin, who was unhappy, practiced Tai Chi in the Lizheng Hall.

Cheng Yaojin, Qinqiong, Niu Jinda and more than 30 generals in the army all received Li Shimin's verbal orders.

After meeting for a drink, everyone came to Jingyang.

Cheng Yaojin is quite familiar with the land of Jingyang.

Knowing that his old man was coming, Cheng Chumo immediately came to the entrance of the village to greet him.

Seeing dozens of generals from the army coming together, Cheng Chumo felt a little untenable.

Going forward, he grabbed his old man, and Cheng Chumo asked, "Old man, why are so many people coming to Jingyang?"

Cheng Yaojin said in surprise: "I would like to ask you, what exactly did Li Zheng come up with? His Majesty asked me to learn how to draw from Li Zheng."

"Draw a picture?" Cheng Chumo also looked puzzled, "Go to our camp first, it's not good to enter the village like this."

"Camp? A certain family knows that Li Zheng has raised some trilogy."

Many powerful families in Chang'an will have a part.

Li Zheng is also considered a small powerful man, although he has little power.

It is not surprising that there are some episodes of nursing homes.

Su Dingfang stood in this group of generals, and everyone planned to go and see Li Zheng's trilogy.

Turning around and walking towards the village, Su Dingfang looked at the huge Jingyang County alone.

Walking into this village, the villagers here are still very vigilant when they see this strange face of themselves.

Li Jiangshan was wearing men's clothes with a horizontal knife in his arms. Seeing Su Dingfang, she asked, "Why are you here?"

Su Dingfang also looked at Li Jiangshan suspiciously.

Li Jiangshan was originally the right-hand man of Princess Li Xiuning of Pingyang.

Su Dingfang knew her, but since the three years of Wude, he has never seen Li Xiuning, let alone those women soldiers.

After going to Yinshan, there was no news of these female generals.

Some say they are all married.

Su Dingfang looked at her and said: "The last general was ordered to come to Li Zheng to ask Li Zheng for advice on the strategy of war and the method of drawing pictures, as ordered by His Majesty."

Li Jiangshan made way for Su Dingfang to enter this time.

Walking into Jingyang County, Su Dingfang still didn't understand why someone like Li Jiangshan appeared in Jingyang.

Su Dingfang cheered up again, and only after asking the villagers here did he know that Li was in the horse circle.

To the north of Jingyang Village, there is still an open space.

There are many horses grazing leisurely here.

Su Dingfang saw another familiar person.

Du Hu saw Su Dingfang with a smile on his face, "General."

Stopping in place, Su Dingfang asked curiously: "Aren't you in the Longwu Army? Why are you here?"

Du Hu explained: "The last general has been here for some time, and now the county marquis is the Zhonglang general of our Longwu army."

Su Dingfang glanced across the open land.

This is indeed a good place to raise horses.

"What about others?"

"The general follows me." Du Hu took Su Ding to the hut next to the stables.

Li Zheng is still thinking about how to make Laoganma.

Dumb came to the door and said, "General Zhonglang, General Su Dingfang is here."

Su Lie, Su Dingfang?

Li Zheng hurried out of the door, saw Su Dingfang and said, "General Su, why are you here?"

"You and I are both generals, just call me Dingfang." Su Dingfang said.

Li Zheng poured him a cup of hot tea, "I miss the farewell last time. What a distinguished guest. It's rare to see you come to Jingyang. Are you still busy in the army recently?"

"It's just like that. I can't say I'm busy, but I have a lot of troubles. There is no war now, but the government has something to tell us to step up our drills."

After taking a sip of hot tea, Su Dingfang said again: "This tea?"


Su Dingfang looked at the tea and said, "It's a bit bitter."

"The craftsmanship still needs to be improved, and I will send some to General Su next year."

Li Ke walked up and said, "Li Zheng, more than 30 generals have come to court, are you going to ignore them like this?"

"More than 30 generals?"

"That's right." Li Ke nodded, "In the twelve guard houses around Chang'an, people above General Zhonglang have come."

Li Zheng jumped up against the case, "You really want to kill me?"

Li Ke: "..."

"I knew that Li Shimin couldn't tolerate me, and it was fine to kill me, but he even brought more than 30 generals with him, it's too deceitful!"

Seeing that Li Zheng was rummaging through boxes and chests looking for something, Li Ke asked again: "Are you looking for weapons?"

"Your father wants to pacify my Jingyang, can I not fight him hard?"

Su Dingfang supported his forehead and said, "Li Zheng, we are not here to attack Jingyang."

"I know." Li Zheng nodded, "You are here to kill me. As expected, accompanying a king is like accompanying a tiger. Crossing rivers and demolishing bridges, killing rabbits and dogs."

Su Dingfang said, "Li Zheng, calm down."

"The money I earned these days should be enough to buy off the officials along the way. Going west and out of Longyou is the fastest way. Everyone, I'm going to hide outside the customs for a while to avoid the limelight."

"They didn't come to attack Jingyang, nor did they come to kill you." Li Ke lamented, "They came to ask you for advice."

The action of unpacking the burden stopped, and Li Zheng looked at Li Ke suspiciously, "Didn't you really come to kill me?"

"You have made great contributions to the country, and it is too late for the father to reward you. The father is not that kind of person." Li Ke said patiently: "Those generals are now in the camp of our guards."

"You really didn't come to kill me?"

"really not."

Li Zheng poked his head out cautiously to have a look, only to come out when he saw that there was no army outside.

Su Dingfang also said: "We have followed His Majesty's oral order to learn how to draw maps from you."


Su Dingfang talked about the contour topographic map.

It turned out that Li Shimin planned to use this drawing method in military affairs.

In fact, contour lines were originally used in military applications.

Afterwards, it is used in the construction of reservoirs, roads, ports and other infrastructure purposes.

A large group of generals, led by Cheng Chumo, came to the stables.

A group of generals arrived, and Li Zheng had a very forced smile on his face.

Cheng Yaojin picked his nose and said, "Li Zheng, what do you think you are capable of teaching us old things to march and fight."

Li Zheng also smiled awkwardly, "If it wasn't for the uncles of the generals to ask His Majesty to take back his order?"

Many generals in the army were dissatisfied with Li Zheng.

Li Zheng had never sent troops to fight, nor had he experienced leading troops.

Among this group of generals, whether it was the new leading generals or the half-life generals, they more or less had opinions on Li Zheng.

The more those who entered the army relying on connections, the more they would be excluded.

If you want to be promoted in the army, the most convincing thing is military merit.

If it weren't for the fact that Li was the disciple of General Li Jing, this group of generals would not even come to Jingyang.

Li Zheng smiled wryly, "You generals are here to learn how to draw a map? The contour map is actually very simple."

 I will take a leave of absence today, temporarily two updates, and resume normal updates tomorrow,
(End of this chapter)

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