Chapter 239

It is impossible for His Majesty to withdraw his order, Cheng Yaojin said with a wry smile: "Just tell us how to draw that kind of picture."

A 12-year-old child took all the generals of the Chang'an Twelve Guards to the academy to attend classes.

Looking at this scene from a distance, Xu Jingzong sighed in his heart that he did not follow the wrong person.

When I came to the academy in Jingyang, more than 30 generals were sitting here preparing to listen to Li Zheng's lecture.

Of course, the sitting postures of these generals are very individual.

There is no shortage of generals with personalities in Datang.

Especially Cheng Yaojin, who was sitting cross-legged at the moment, picking his booger and gracefully flicking away.

Li Zheng began to explain how to draw contour lines.

Contour topographic maps are actually not difficult to draw. The most important thing is labeling and scale.

This often also determines the accuracy of contour topographic maps.

I haven't finished speaking for half an hour.

Li was drawing an illustration on a wooden board when there was a thunderous snore behind him.

Looking back, a large group of generals in front of them fell asleep lying on their stomachs.

Li Zheng continued to give lectures, and more people slept.

Human-to-human transmission even when dozing off?

What's more, they began to gather together, talk and laugh.

Except Su Dingfang who listened intently.

Seeing that a class will not go on.

To say that they teach by themselves, these people are generals.

Cheng Yaojin, Li Jihou Junji, Li Daliang and other generals are all impressively listed.

Wait until a class is over.

Cheng Yaojin yawned again and again and woke up.

"General Cheng, what do you think of what I'm going to say?"

Cheng Yaojin wiped the corner of his mouth and said, "It's very moving, um! Very good."


Seeing everyone get up, Li Zheng still smiled and said: "Uncle generals, go slowly."

These are all generals in the court, and it is right to be more polite.

As for how much they have learned, what does Li Zheng think has anything to do with me.

You like to learn or not.

After these generals left, Li Zheng also walked out of the academy and saw Li Junxian standing outside.

"Huh? General Li Junxian wants to learn too?"

Li Junxian replied with a straight face: "The general doesn't need to learn, I just want to know how the county marquis is doing? The general will report to His Majesty."

"The generals are well educated, eh! They say I'm a good lecturer."


Li Junxian left after receiving the words.

Li Xiaogong is drinking boring wine at home, is Li Zheng really harmless to humans and animals?
He looked at his son standing in front of him.

He never thought that his son would go to the East Palace.

Beat up Li Chengqian's East Palace guard.

Li Xiaogong stared at his son and said: "The old man wants you to cause trouble, and you will cause such a big trouble for the old man?"

Li Chongyi was silent, lowered his head and dared not speak.

Li Xiaogong really wanted to slap himself at the moment.

Asking the servant who just came back, Li Xiaogong said: "Did Your Majesty say anything?"

A servant at home replied, "Your Majesty didn't say anything."

"What about His Royal Highness King Wei?"

"The king of Wei is currently entertaining some guests, and it seems to be celebrating."

Li Xiaogong felt his forehead twitching, what's going on?
The East Palace was broken into like this, His Majesty ignored it, and King Wei was still drinking to celebrate.

Li Xiaogong gasped, why did he feel that the wind in Chang'an was so strange.

You have to admit your mistakes, of course Li Xiaogong knows this truth.

But this is too abnormal. King Wei is celebrating, but the crown prince swallows his anger, and His Majesty doesn't care about it?
After taking a few more glances at his son, Li Xiaogong said: "Get ready, you will follow the old man to see His Majesty."

"My child understands." Li Chongyi nodded and said.

Li Xiaogong put on the sackcloth that ordinary people would wear, and asked his son to wear a coarse short jacket.

"Although the disaster you have encountered this time is not small, it is also a good opportunity for you to leave Chang'an."

"My child understands." Li Chongyi nodded.

The errands of the Ministry of Rites are also idle now, and the only thing that has not been settled yet is the marriage between Li Zheng and Princess Changle.

The date has not been determined and has nothing to do with the Ministry of Rites.

This is a matter for His Majesty and Queen to decide.

There are indeed so few good days and auspicious days, but each time the day is sent up.

After sending the date and the marriage charter into the Ganlu Hall and the Lizheng Hall, it is like sinking into the sea.

A group of officials from the Ministry of Rites even wondered whether Li Shimin hadn't seen the memorial from the Ministry of Rites.

Following Li Xiaogong, Li Chongyi came to Chengtian Gate.

Seeing that the King of Hejian County was coming to have an audience, the guards at the palace gate naturally did not dare to neglect.

Among Li Shimin's brothers, among those who have the best relationship with Li Shimin, Li Xiaogong is one of them.

Following the eunuch, Li Xiaogong walked into the Ganlu Palace.

Bringing Li Chongyi to salute Li Shimin, "Your Majesty."

Seeing Li Xiaogong coming in coarse sackcloth, Li Shimin asked curiously: "Xiaogong, what's wrong with you?"

"Your Majesty!" Li Xiaogong bowed and said, "I didn't discipline you to uphold righteousness and offend the East Palace. I am willing to accept the crime."

Li Shimin glanced at Li Chongyi who was following behind Li Xiaogong.

Li Chongyi immediately said: "I am willing to accept the crime."

Without getting angry or having any big mood swings, Li Shimin said with a smile: "Xiao Gong, what are you talking about, how can I blame you."

"What's wrong?" Li Xiaogong was a little dumbfounded.

Li Shimin said again: "The children are a little noisy on weekdays. Chengqian is still young, and Chongyi is also impulsive. Didn't we do the same when we were young?"


Li Xiaogong didn't know where to start, when did Li Shimin become so tolerant.

Is he still Li Shimin?
Li Shimin said again: "Thinking back in the past, we followed the father and the emperor from Jinyang, and we were all brothers who lived and died. Don't worry about these small things."

Li Chongyi was also confused by what he said.

Li Xiaogong said again: "The crown prince is the prince of the country, how can he be offended by others, he must be punished, and please give me the punishment."

Li Shimin nodded, "That's true."

Li Chongyi immediately said: "I am willing to be punished."

Eating a sweet potato, Li Shimin said casually: "Then let Chongyi shut up and contemplate for half a month, and the King of Hejian County will fine him three years."

That's the prince, the prince of Datang is so easy to bully?

After receiving Li Xiaogong's gaze, Li Chongyi said again: "Your Majesty, I think I have no face to be the servant of the Ministry of Rites again."

After the words fell, Li Shimin's originally relaxed expression couldn't hold on anymore.

Let the maids and eunuchs around you withdraw.

Only Li Xiaogong and his son and Li Shimin were left in the Ganlu Palace.

Half an hour later, Li Xiaogong and his son left Ganlu Hall.

A result came out, Li Xiaogong's palace fined him three years' salary, Li Chongyi went home to think about his mistakes, and temporarily stayed in the position of Minister of Rites.

Of course Li Shimin knew what Li Xiaogong was thinking.

Lee Hyo-gong is a low-key person, he doesn't want to cause trouble.

Most of what happened this time has a lot to do with Li Zheng.

(End of this chapter)

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