People in Datang have been expelled from school

Chapter 243 This taste is exciting

Chapter 243 This taste is exciting

A guard in the palace sent a memorial, "Your Majesty, the memorial of General Cheng."

Li Shimin took the memorial and said to the soldier, "Retire."


Opening the memorial, Li Shimin looked at it carefully, and threw the memorial on the ground angrily, "Cheng Yaojin, an old man, actually has the heart to ask me for credit and reward."

Li Junxian knelt on the ground on one knee, lowered his head and dared not speak, General Cheng didn't know that those people were His Majesty's eyeliner.

Besides, Cheng Yaojin thought that it was a normal process to report after the arrest was made by spies outside the customs.

Li Shimin's three corpses jumped violently, what is the most painful thing in life.

I worked hard and watched Li Zheng's every move, and it finally paid off.

In order to arrange these eyeliners, how much work was wasted.

All right!Now one night has passed, and Cheng Yaojin has caught them all.

"This group of ignorant old men!"

Li Junxian asked in a low voice: "Your Majesty, those fine works are going to Dali Temple now, how to arrange them."

Li Shimin's old face was dark, "Send them all to Tubo and Turks, and let me spy on the military situation."

"Then Li Zheng, do you want to add some eyeliner?"

"Again, do you wait to be dug out by Li Zheng again? Again and again, you really think how stupid Li Zheng is."

Li Junxian was silent.

Although I don't know if Li Zheng really saw it, but no matter how stupid Li Zheng is, he can still come up with a general idea.

It feels like shooting yourself in the foot with a rock.

After all, I still underestimated Li Zheng.

Li Shimin gasped.

Li Junxian glanced at His Majesty's expression, and the next action of His Majesty made Li Junxian shudder.

Li Shimin's face was expressionless, and he seemed to be smiling with murderous intent, and slowly tore Cheng Yaojin's memorial to pieces.

So heavy murderous.

It is not suitable to stay here for a long time, Li Junxian hurriedly bowed and left.

Cheng Yaojin, who was in Jingyang, sneezed.

Li Zheng whispered to Cheng Yaojin: "General Cheng, the weather has just turned warm, so don't be careless. You must keep warm."

Cheng Yaojin tightened his clothes subconsciously, "The weather is not so cold."

"Li Zheng." Cheng Yaojin said earnestly: "You are a capable child, but you are a little stupid."

"It's good to be silly."

Judging by Li Zheng's expression, this kid is actually serious.

Cheng Yaojin said again: "Although you are worthless and a bit stupid, the old man also treats you as a nephew. Your father was born in the army, so you can be regarded as the son of a general."

"General Cheng has won the prize."

"Your father has fought in war and has military merits, so it makes sense for His Majesty to let you join the army." Having said that, Cheng Yaojin sighed again, "It's a pity, why is he a horse breeder."

Li Zheng thought about it for a while and said: "Horse raising is a technical job. If one day my family is in trouble, I can still rely on the technology of raising horses to make a living."

Cheng Yaojin said again: "At a young age, you will plan for your future, but your current plan is not well done."

"how do I say this?"

Cheng Yaojin pointed to the construction site where the road was being built and said, "Tell me about you, isn't it useless to spend so much money on road construction?"

Li Zheng shook the cattail fan in his hand, "How can you say that you are blind for nothing?"

"You said you have the money, marrying more wives, or even buying a few maidservants to serve your father and son, is better than building roads. Even if you save the money, it's not beautiful. It's ruthless ?”

"General Cheng's words are wrong. The benefits of road construction cannot be understood in such a one-sided way."

The values ​​of the ancients were somewhat different.

Don't know the importance of infrastructure.

Li Zheng sighed in his heart that the chi road built by Qin Shihuang had influenced the next thousand years.

It was still the first emperor who had a vision.

In addition to being used for marching, another important factor is transportation.

Although Chang'an has official roads, there are roads between villages.

But it was very rough.

As the saying goes, if you want to get rich, build roads first.

Only when the road is repaired and unimpeded, can more business go out.

Just like Jingyang was very poor in the past, it was inconvenient for people in the village to go out, and it was inconvenient for the goods in the village to be transported out.

At that time, a promising person walked out of a poor place and might never return.

The quantity of goods shipped out each time is small, and the business is also small.

When the infrastructure has reached a certain level and quantitative changes lead to qualitative changes, the benefits to the economy are not even a single star.

Chang'an is a big city with a population of one million, and it is the center of the entire Central Plains today.

It can be said that almost all the rich people in the world are in Chang'an.

In this era when slash-and-burn farming has just gone away, Li Zheng is sure that he can earn more money.

I don't know if Li Shimin will accept the toll when the time comes.

After all, I built the road by myself, so I really can't do it with Li Shimin.

After thinking about it, I felt wrong. If it wasn't for [-], I would get [-] and Li Shimin would get [-].

Cheng Yaojin still gave advice on Li Zheng's road construction.

It is better to buy more food with this money than to build roads.

Really blind.

I used to think that Cheng Chu was silent, but now it seems that Li Zheng is more melodious.

Who would spend tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of dollars to build a road.


Cheng Yaojin said with disgust: "What a prodigal son."

Li Zheng grinned and said, "General Cheng taught you the lesson."

"You still have time to take it back."

"Impossible, I will fix this road no matter what."

"You are just like what those officials in the court said... Yes, you are old-fashioned!"

Li Zheng rubbed his neck and reminded: "General Cheng, that's not how you use old times to change things."

Cheng Yaojin waved his sleeves and said, "I can use it as I like."

For the sake of him taking this group of generals to build roads for him for free, bear with it!
Cheng Yaojin is uneducated and doesn't care about him.

From the previous working villagers, they were still a little afraid of the generals.

After a few contacts, I found that these generals are actually quite approachable.

Soon became one with these generals.

Many villagers now walk with the wind, have you seen it!Let's work together with the generals in the court, can your other villages do it?

The villagers are proud from the bottom of their hearts that they can mingle with the generals in the court.

Li Daxiong looked eagerly at the construction site in the distance while talking to Li Ji.

Li Ji and Li Daxiong got along very well.

During the war, under Li Yuan's command, he served as Li Ji's halberd bearer.

Li Ji looked at Li Daxiong and said, "You are also an honest and responsible person, why is your son so slippery?"

Li Daxiong let out a long sigh, "Your temper is up to his mother."

Recalling that Li Daxiong's eyes were full of longing at the time, he said to Li Ji: "General, when do you say that His Majesty will marry the princess, there is no letter for more than half a year."

Li Ji said comfortingly, "It's not so simple to marry a royal daughter. There are many things to do from the arrangement to the wedding. Besides, your son is going to marry the most beloved daughter of His Majesty today, so it can be regarded as a glorious family."

Li Daxiong let out a long sigh.

Cheng Yaojin also came, and the three middle-aged men sat together.

Looking at Li Daxiong, Cheng Yaojin asked: "Brother Daxiong, what did your son eat to grow up?"

Li Daxiong still let out a long sigh.

"Let me tell you, my son Chumo is too melon, let him eat more."

"It's the same as the children in the village. He always says that he reads a lot of books, and he learns skills from books."

"So that's the case." Cheng Yaojin nodded thoughtfully, denying the idea of ​​supplementing IQ by eating.

Cheng Yaojin also sighed and said: "Your son is really awake, but he is a little stupid. After earning so much money, he is stupid to build roads."

"The child is capable and earns a lot of money, and sooner or later all the money in the family will belong to him. He can do whatever he likes." Li Daxiong said compromisingly, he didn't want his son to be so rich. .

In fact, as long as Li Zheng can live his life in peace, it will be fine.

Now he is a county marquis and married a princess.

If Li Daxiong said in his heart that he was not proud, it would be a lie.

I pray in my heart, the child's mother is alive in the sky, and she must bless Li Zhengping to be safe.

The generals have worked for a day, and what they look forward to most is the food here.

Pots full of dishes were placed on the table, and the generals immediately began to feast on them.

"Li Zhengwazi, today's dishes are not as spicy as yesterday's."

"Did you save money?"

"Don't save and go ahead."


Hearing the greetings from the generals, Li Zheng added two more peppers to the soup.

Spicy is not dead, but what makes people feel weird is that the hotter the dish, the happier they are.

Nothing can stop the generals from eating spicy food.

It's not polite to grab food.

In addition to using their hands and fists, they even started to move their feet for a plate of mapo tofu.

Even humanity is blurred at this dinner table.

Li Zheng confirmed that he did not add any additives to these dishes.

There is absolutely no such thing as doping.

It all depends on one's ability to eat, this sentence is absolutely true.

It is really unimaginable what the inner world of the generals is like.

According to the appetite of these generals, they would eat a pig, a bag of millet, and three baskets of vegetables a day.

Li Zheng carefully calculated that if he continued to eat like this, the village would be poor in less than half a month.

After the meal, the generals gathered together to chat.

They talked about how they were doing at home, and the most inseparable thing was keeping in good health.

When a person reaches middle age, the world is peaceful.

The middle-aged generals of these people also began to pay attention to self-cultivation.

Cheng Yaojin picked up a pepper and observed it for a while, "This is what you add to the dish."

"This thing is called a pepper."

"Chili?" Cheng Yaojin looked at it for a while and then bit off half of it.

Seeing him eating, Li Zheng asked, "Is it spicy?"

Cheng Yaojin shook his head and said nothing.

Li Zheng smiled awkwardly, "Because it was grown in a greenhouse, the peppers are a little yellowish. When the weather is warmer, the color of the peppers can be better."

After eating a chili, Cheng Yaojin relished, "This taste is really exciting."

(End of this chapter)

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