Chapter 244 Fool Yuan Tiangang

After speaking, Cheng Yaojin picked up another chili and ate it in his mouth.

Chili was introduced into China in the late Ming Dynasty.

Chili is a good thing to drive away cold and sweat, and it is also an indispensable ingredient for making delicious dishes.

Watching Cheng Yaojin grab a handful of peppers and eat them one bite at a time.

Li Zheng accidentally discovered that Cheng Yaojin can eat chili as a snack.

Just horrible.

"General Cheng, if you eat too much of this thing, you will get angry." Li Zheng added.

"It's okay." Cheng Yaojin said nonchalantly while eating chili.

On the second day, Daniel came back with the children in the village, and the topographic map of Chang'an had been drawn.

A huge picture scroll was spread out, with dense lines drawn on it.

A large group of generals felt their scalps tingling. It turns out that Chang'an's terrain is so complicated.

Li Zheng said to them: "You generals just need to draw it as it is."

The five big and three thick generals held the brushes in their hands and didn't know what to do.

Cheng Yaojin handed over his scroll to another general to paint on his behalf.

Very good, besides copying homework, the generals have already reached the point of writing homework for them.

Sure enough, he has made great progress, and those who become generals are really bad students.

Li Zheng shook his head with emotion.

"I wish I had done it earlier, why bother to make such a fuss." Cheng Yaojin lay comfortably on the grass.

"As long as General Cheng is happy." Li Zheng echoed.

The homework left by Li Shimin is not too difficult, but mainly wastes time. In fact, Chang'an's terrain is very flat, located in a plain. If you really want to say that the terrain is complicated, you have to go to the Qinling Mountains.

Even if it takes time to draw, you need to roughly measure the area, and you can't just fool around.

Even if Li Shimin can't see it, the ministers in the court are all well-educated.

Contour topographic maps are complicated to draw, but it is not difficult to understand topographic maps.

Cheng Yaojin said in a low voice: "Li Zheng, you have shown your sharpness at such a young age, you have offended many people."

"I know, so I want to train an undercover agent recently."

"Oh? What undercover agent?"

Li Zheng whispered to Cheng Yaojin: "Once upon a time there was a man, in order to deal with his life-and-death enemy, he traveled far away to learn skills, and then used the tricks he learned to deceive his enemy into ruin."

Cheng Yaojin asked in a low voice, "Is there such a number one person?"

"Not now, maybe in the future." Li Zheng nodded and said.

Li Shimin finally received the homework from the generals.

Looking at the topographic maps one after another, Li Shimin nodded, somewhat pertinent, but also somewhat skeptical.

It is not necessarily true that all the generals in the court have learned it, some people must have done something wrong.

Of course, Li Shimin didn't want to ask clearly, as long as he was clear in his heart.

Especially Cheng Yaojin.

Li Shimin said to Wang Ding: "The decree will continue, and Cheng Yaojin will be fined for three years."

"Your Majesty, it has been ten years since General Cheng's fine salary..."

Cheng Yaojin returned to his home and was a little surprised when he learned that he had been fined for another three years.

Where did I provoke His Majesty?

Obviously he did his homework.

They also caught those spies lurking in Jingyang.

It stands to reason that he should be rewarded, but in the end he was fined for three years.

In Chang'an, many people are talking about Li Zheng's road construction.

Li is the new rich man in Chang'an, and this rich man is a bit weird.

Unlike other rich and powerful, enjoy the days of abundance.

Instead, they reclaimed wasteland and built houses everywhere.

He even built [-] houses in Jingyang.

A lot of Li Zheng's money was spent on this.

There are a lot of discussions in the public, Li Zheng is very rich, at least many people think that in the whole of Chang'an, Li Zheng's money-making ability is second, and no one dares to say that he is the first.

Li Zheng earned hundreds of thousands of perfumes for just a few bottles of perfume.

This 12-year-old child's money-making work is outrageous, and people dare not look up to him.

Fame and money are in conflict.

Many times you have to spend money for fame, if you are for money, it is easy to lose your reputation.

In the eyes of many dignitaries in Chang'an, Li Zheng did this to buy fame with money, or to curry favor with Li Shimin.

"Fart!" Li Zheng said to Di Zhixun, "I build roads just to make money."

Di Zhixun nodded, "I also know that you are not a person who cares about reputation."

"Of course you can make money. Accounting is indeed addition, but there is also multiplication and square root. Compared with addition, is multiplication more difficult? If you learn multiplication, your arithmetic will be raised to a higher level. This is one of them. the difference."

Although Di Zhixun couldn't understand Li Zheng's words, he still pretended to be respectful and took a sip of tea.

"I will continue to build roads." Li Zheng said with affirmation.

In the days that followed, Li Zheng recruited a lot of peasants to work.

More money was spent.

Li Yifu was extremely busy all day long.

The cold in winter is gradually receding, and the greenhouses in the fields can finally be dismantled.

The sun is also getting warmer.

Li Zheng was basking in the sun comfortably, and the weather in Datang would be much better next.

Li Chunfeng hurried to Jingyang, found Li Zheng beside the horse pen and said, "Li Zheng, save Daoist Yuan."

"What happened to Daoist Yuan?"

"It's not your fault." Li Chunfeng said sadly: "Yuan Daochang hasn't had a good meal for a long time."

"Li Daochang, don't talk nonsense. I have no grievances with Yuan Daochang, so why blame me?"

"It's not something that depends on you. Daoist Yuan is going crazy. He studies the astrology all night, sleepless day and night, and he's about to go mad."

"Is there such a thing?"

"That's true." Li Chunfeng said nervously: "Li Zheng, I know you have unpredictable abilities, but you can't just ignore death."

"Daoist Yuan has really lost his temper?"

"It was so close to losing my mind that I went crazy." Li Chunfeng said in a low voice: "Li Zheng, in the middle of the night, I saw Daoist Yuan staring at the night sky in a daze, not to mention how scary it is."

Li Chunfeng said hastily: "Li Zheng, I know that there are some skills that are not rumored. You must know some mysteries in order to predict the snow disaster. Even if it is a little swaying, I hope you can save Daoist Yuan."

Li Zheng thought about it and said, "I can help, but you owe me a favor."

"Great, as long as you're willing to help."

"Also!" Li Zheng said to him: "Can Li Daochang teach the children in the village how to count in the future?"

"This one……"

Thinking of Yuan Tiangang's situation, Li Chunfeng stomped his feet anxiously, "Okay! As long as you are willing to help Daoist Yuan, I will come to your Jingyang Academy to teach children."

Li Zheng had a smile on his face: "It's time to work."

On the second day, Li Chunfeng came with Yuan Tiangang.

Yuan Tiangang came to Jingyang again, and asked with a dazed expression: "Li Zheng, I have been thinking about it all winter and I can't figure it out. How did you know about the snow disaster?"

"Is this important?" Li Zheng said leisurely.

"It's very important." Yuan Tiangang nodded and said, "If you encounter this kind of thing again in the future, you can take precautions in advance."

"Don't worry, the weather should be much better in the future."

"How can you be sure?"

The next hundred years will be a very normal climate.

Nature is always the most irresistible god in the world.

God is not happy, a drought is enough to make corpses litter the fields in this ignorant era.

Of course, when the weather is good, the grain harvest is abundant, and the population will grow rapidly.

Therefore, in order to keep the natural environment from losing its temper, it is also very important to protect the natural environment.

Li Zheng sat up and looked at the old Taoist priest and said, "Daoist Yuan, we are not the same way, my method is different from yours."

"Could it be that the county marquis has other methods? I've lived in poverty for so many years, and I've seen quite a few strange people."

"Dare to ask what method the county marquis uses to predict the weather."

Yuan Tiangang seems to have a posture of breaking the casserole and asking the end.

Li Zheng explained to Yuan Tiangang: "In fact, most of the weather in this world can be predicted. My method is different from Yuan Daochang's astrology method. I use a method of causality."

Li Zheng didn't want to tell the old Taoist priest that he had actually read about this abnormal cold wave in a book on historical meteorology.

Always trying to find a way to fool him, Li Zheng nodded, "Well! It's the law of cause and effect."

"Cause and turns out that the magistrate of the county can use such clever methods. The most difficult thing to calculate in this world is cause and effect. The poor Taoist admires it."


This guy really believed it. In fact, Xu Fu, the big fool, was the model. He fooled the first emperor into a daze.

Yuan Tiangang said again: "Dare to ask the county lord, what is the cause of this snow disaster?"

"I can tell you, you must never tell anyone."

"Please tell me, Marquis of the county."

Li Zheng cleared his throat and said, "There is a guy named Edward, who is called a meteorologist in the world."

"Meteorologist? Is there one of the hundred schools of thought?"

"Don't worry about whether there is such a family, anyway, there is such a person."

Li Zheng said: "That Edward said a very interesting point of view. A butterfly flapping its wings in the north can form a hurricane in the south in half a month."


"It's just a strong wind."

Yuan Tiangang thought about it and said: "I guess this is the cause and effect you said? Seeing the big from the small is like Han Feizi's saying that the embankment of a thousand miles is destroyed by an ant's nest."

"That's pretty much what it means."

After speaking, Li Zheng was a little worried, and looked at Yuan Tiangang suspiciously. This guy probably drove all the butterflies in the world to prevent climate change.

This will cause another, very serious ecological problem.

Having said that, Li Zheng regretted it a little. He was afraid that he would become a sinner through the ages.

Yuan Tiangang nodded and said, "Your metaphor is very interesting."

"Yes! It's a metaphor!" Li Zhengyi slapped his thigh and said, "It's just a metaphor. I knew Daoist Yuan would not really drive all the butterflies out of the world."

"You underestimate the poor." Yuan Tiangang said in a spirited voice: "The climate in the world is a cycle. Every time there is a catastrophe, there will be years of good years in succession. This is a kind of reckoning and a kind of Mediation."

(End of this chapter)

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