Chapter 245
Yuan Tiangang’s words are also reasonable. It is indeed the case. In the meteorological understanding of later generations, hurricanes, intense heat, and cold winters are actually a natural adjustment. If there is only spring throughout the year, it will be the real end of the world.

The sages of the past dynasties have recorded in the classics, and the wisdom of our ancestors is still very strong.

"Yuan Daochang has a profound realm, and I admire it." Li Zheng said with his hands clasped.

Yuan Tiangang waved his hand and said: "The old man has also seen such remarks in ancient books, and the sages have long made conclusions."

"So it is."

Li Chunfeng also let out a sigh of relief when he saw Yuan Tiangang regain his previous look.

Yuan Tiangang went on to say: "No wonder the old man searched all the ancient books on astrology and couldn't find any evidence. It turns out that the county marquis uses the law of cause and effect. There are many laws in the world. I can't learn them all in my life. I admire it."

"Where is it?" Li Zheng repeatedly cupped his hands.

Seeing that Li Zheng and Yuan Tiangang admire each other, Li Chunfeng's heart is finally at ease. Yuan Tiangang has already known his destiny.

At such an old age, if something goes wrong, the consequences are really unpredictable.

Li Zheng then spoke to Yuan Tiangang: "Daoist Yuan, in fact, there is also a basis for dating back to the Qingtai period of the Later Jin Dynasty."

"Oh?" Yuan Tiangang became interested.

Li Zheng said leisurely: "At that time, there was a place called Iceland. The volcano there erupted for a long time. The thick smoke had a great impact on the sky and caused a drought in the Central Plains."

"Where is Iceland?"

"On the...north side."

"Is it Beihai?"

"Almost." Li Zheng reluctantly nodded.


There was another doubt in Yuan Tiangang's heart.

Li Zheng wondered whether it was Edward's small metaphor to demonstrate the theory of chaos, or Edward himself thought so.

Most climate phenomena can be deduced. At that time, the climatologist Edward said a butterfly effect. A butterfly flapping its wings in the south can form a tornado in the north two weeks later.

In fact, this argument is somewhat to be verified, but it is very logical in the logic of ordinary people, and it may also appear.

As early as the pre-Qin period, the sages said that everything has a cause and an effect.

Later generations believed that the climate change in the Central Plains was also closely related to the other side of the earth.

Some scholars say that the demise of the Later Jin Dynasty has a lot to do with the volcanic eruption in Iceland.

At that time, the eruption of the volcano in Iceland lasted for eight years.

Many abnormal weather phenomena can often find some symptoms.

Li Zheng whispered to Yuan Tiangang: "Based on what I have learned all my life, this volcano has a great impact on the climate, so I'm afraid it will happen again."

"We really need to be careful." Yuan Tiangang also nodded.

"There are many volcanoes in one place, and it's not far from the Central Plains." Li Zheng glanced around, and whispered to Yuan Tiangang, "There are many volcanoes in Japan, and they're all unstable now."

"There are many volcanoes in the country of Wa? Why has Pindao never heard of the envoy sent to Tang Dynasty from the country of Wa?"

"Will people say such things? Family ugliness must not be exposed!"

One volcano has such a great impact on the Central Plains, and there are still several in the Wa Kingdom, so what to do.

"What a Japanese envoy to the Tang Dynasty, he has such evil intentions!" Yuan Tiangang said angrily.

"Daoist Yuan, don't be angry, isn't it just a small Japanese country." Li Zheng comforted him and poured him a cup of hot tea.

"How could there be such a vicious Japanese!" Yuan Tiangang said again.

Li Zheng quickly comforted him again: "Daoist Yuan, you must never be angry, anger is not good for your health."

Yuan Tiangang took a sip of hot tea.

Glancing at the expression of the old Taoist priest, Li Zheng continued: "Actually, the country of Wa is located next to a trench, where earthquakes often occur, and those volcanoes will erupt because of earthquakes."

After hearing Li Zheng's words, Yuan Tiangang jumped up, "No! The poor can't just sit idly by."

"It's about the diplomatic relations between the Wa Kingdom and the Central Plains. Daoist Yuan must not be impulsive. Don't be impulsive." Li Zheng persuaded.

"Your Majesty let Pindao sit in the Qin Tianjian for the sake of the peace of the people of the Tang Dynasty, how can he allow the Wa people to be presumptuous!"

"Daoist! Don't be impulsive."

"Li Zheng! If you don't dare to say it, go tell it poorly! If you risk your life, the poor way will also expose the evil deeds of the Japanese people!"

Li Zheng looked sad, "Daoist Yuan is really... grateful for the sake of the common people in the world, and I feel deeply."


After Yuan Tiangang finished speaking, he walked away quickly. He didn't look old at all, but walked like flying. It seems that this old man is also very good at lightness kung fu.

Li Chunfeng stood aside and watched him all the time, Li Zheng's previous excited expression was swept away, but this kid was still a little happy at the moment.

"Li Daochang, how are you? Now feel relieved." Li Zheng looked at Yuan Tiangang's back in the distance and said, "Look at Yuan Daochang, how energetic he is walking every step of the way."

"Thanks, I will promise to teach math to the children in the village."

"You're welcome, just a few casual words." Li Zheng was drinking tea.

Li Chunfeng said with a serious face: "You are not fooling around. It has been recorded in all dynasties that the Japanese country often turns over and is not peaceful."

"Li Daochang, don't do this, I almost believe it myself."

Li Shimin was looking at the report just sent by the Qinghai garrison. Thousands of catties of salt mines have been mined and are now being transported to Chang'an in batches.

There are many salt mines in Qinghai Salt Lake, which can be mined for many years.

After reading the report, Li Shimin burned it down and told the eunuch Wang Ding beside him: "The Qinghai Salt Mine must not be known to too many people."

"Here." Wang Ding naturally knew what to do. Salt and iron had always been a major event in Datang.

"Your Majesty! Qin Tianjian Yuan Daochang asks to see you." The guards came to report.

Li Shimin sat upright and put away his expression, "Let him in."

Yuan Tiangang walked into the Ganlu Hall, saluted Li Shimin and said, "Your Majesty! If you have something important to do, please play."

Li Shimin said with a serious expression: "Speak."

Yuan Tiangang repeated to Li Shimin what Li Zheng had said to him.

Hearing that Li Shimin stared at Yuan Tiangang in a daze, it seemed that this was the case.

After being quiet for a long time, Li Shimin asked: "The Japanese envoys to the Tang Dynasty are very respectful to the Tang Dynasty."

"Your Majesty! The Japanese sent Tang envoys to preserve the treasures. You must investigate."

Li Shimin thought for a while and said: "It is true that the Japanese envoy sent to Tang Dynasty did not explain the volcano to me."

"Your Majesty!" Yuan Tiangang said again: "The poor Taoist also listened to what Li Zheng said, but there are records in the classics that there are many earthquakes and volcanoes in Japan. I think there is a basis for it."

"It is true that we must guard against it." Li Shimin said loudly, "Come here!"

Several guards walked into the Ganlu Hall and knelt on one knee to salute.

Li Shimin ordered: "Take down all the Japanese envoys sent to the Tang Dynasty."


On the same day, a group of Jinwu guards left Chang'an and surrounded a temple outside Chang'an.

Under the panic of the monks in the temple, a group of Japanese people were all captured by the Jinwu Guard.

Several Japanese envoys from the Tang Dynasty came to the Tang Dynasty less than half a year ago, and they thought it was unlucky to be a monk.

The monk was taken away by the Jinwu Guards not long after he practiced.

Hiding evil intentions?He obviously didn't do anything, so he wanted to arrest people.

Several Japanese envoys sent to Tang Dynasty wanted to cry but had no tears.

Datang is so dangerous, he really shouldn't come.

The news that Jin Wuwei took down the Japanese envoy to the Tang Dynasty spread in Chang'an.

There was a lot of discussion among the public, except for Lu Dongzan of Tubo, another envoy from another country was taken down.

Some officials even advised His Majesty that envoys who came to pay tribute should not be treated like this.

Harm the majesty of Datang.

Li Shimin didn't listen to the advice of these officials, so he just asked Dali Temple to imprison him.

What exactly happened, why His Majesty wanted to take down the Japanese envoy, the officials and even the public don't know the reason.

Others didn't know, Li Tai, as Li Shimin's son, went to Lizheng Palace to inquire about it, and then he knew what happened.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, with just a few words, the emperor won these envoys to the Tang Dynasty?
If it is not a big talk, I would say nothing.

However, the Japanese came to worship and did not say that the volcano and the earthquake were indeed suspected of deceiving the emperor.

When Li Tai came to Jingyang, he found Li Zheng who was farming and asked, "Why did you say these things to Yuan Tiangang?"

"I'm afraid the old man will be driven crazy." Li Zheng was taking care of the vegetable seedlings in the field.

"Do Japanese people have any enmity with you?"

Li Zheng stood up and patted the dirt off his hands, "I don't have any grudges against the Wa people now, but I will have grudges in the future."

"how do I say this?"

Sitting on the side of the field, Li Zheng said: "It is a bit biased to say that human nature is inherently evil, but not everyone is kind. Is Datang rich now?"

"Not very rich." Li Tai replied immediately.

"For the Wa country, the Tang Dynasty is very rich, and the Central Plains has a vast land and abundant resources."

Li Tai was also sitting next to Li Zheng, "The Wa people did say that they liked the Central Plains very much. They all revealed their yearning for the Central Plains and the Tang Dynasty, and they almost lived in Chang'an."

The villagers have already returned to work in the fields. Looking at the peaceful pastoral life in front of them, Li Zheng said: "The Japanese country has a bad environment, either an earthquake or a tsunami, and there are several volcanoes that are now prone to eruptions. Their life is very difficult."

"If His Royal Highness King Wei lived in the Wa country, but found out that the neighbor next door, Datang, has such a peaceful and rich land, what would His Highness King Wei think?"

"Leave the country of Wa and live in the Tang Dynasty."

"Yeah, come to live in Tang Dynasty, but what about in the future? Have you been living under the fence all the time?"

Li Tai frowned and asked, "What exactly do you want to say?"

"There are so many people in the Wa country, do all of them want to come to the Tang Dynasty? Or if they want to come to the Tang Dynasty, one day they don't want to live under others?"

After hearing this, Li Tai stood up in shock.

"Whether the Wa people are good or bad, who dares to say that the Wa people have no covetous heart, and think about the worst in everything, replace the Wa people with the King of Wei, and compare their hearts."

Li Tai calmed down, "What you said to Yuan Tiangang were all excuses? The important thing is to attract the attention of the Japanese people?"

"People will do whatever it takes to survive, and so are the Wa people."

In this backward era, a tsunami and an earthquake will kill many people in the country of Wa. For the country of Wa, Datang is a paradise.

Li Zheng said to Li Tai again: "There is one more thing, that is, there are a lot of silver mines in Wa country, and there are a lot of silver cakes, waiting for us to mine."

Flickering back, in front of the real family and country, Li Shimin can't rub the sand in his eyes.

What's more, it's the people of the Wa Kingdom who have evil intentions.

No matter what the Japanese people think, Li Shimin will not allow the Tang Dynasty under his rule to have any risks.

Now Li Shimin has almost blacklisted the Japanese people.

"Your words are very reasonable. My father and the court ministers must have thought more thoughtfully than me. Those officials before were all aimless. Your words, Li Zheng, really awakened people in their dreams. I have been taught."

Li Zheng stood up and weeded the field again.

The soil should be turned over before spring to prevent overgrown weeds after spring.

After a winter, after the greenhouse was dismantled, the stems and leaves, which were a little sluggish, became much taller than before.

No matter how cold the winter is, the vitality will reappear on the earth after the cold winter.

"Your Highness Wei Wang, look at the vitality of these seedlings." Li Zheng said, "When spring begins this year, the sunflowers will be in full bloom if you want."

Li Zheng said again: "His Royal Highness Wei Wang, do you think your father will go to mine the silver mines of the Japanese country in the future?"

Standing behind Li Zheng, Li Tai said, "It should be possible."

Li Zheng looked at the seedlings in front of him and said, "Will your father give me a part of the silver mine that was mined?"

Li Tai: "Why?"

"I came up with the idea, right! There is hard work without credit, right! Your father should not be so heartless and ungrateful, you can't cross the river and tear down the bridge, right?"


After hearing that there was no response, Li Zheng said again: "His Royal Highness King Wei?"


"His Royal Highness, are you still there?"


"Fat man?"

There was only the sound of the wind in his ears, and Li Zheng looked back to see where Li Tai was still standing behind him, this fat man had already gone away.

"When it comes to money, they run faster than rabbits. Sure enough, there is no good person in the royal family! People are sinister."

On the road construction site, the construction is in full swing. The first thing is to press the road, flatten the road, and compact the road.

After a winter, many roads are still a little muddy. After the snow melts, the road soil is soft, and it will be muddy again after the spring rains. The roads must be compacted before the spring rains.

Li Zheng told Li Yifu: "The road must be repaired and leveled, and it must be better than the official road."

"Understood." Li Yifu responded loudly, "Don't worry, the county lord, the houses and roads in Jingyang are supervised by my subordinates, and I already have experience."

Seeing that a new road has gradually taken shape, Li Zheng grinned, "This road from now on will be our way of making money."

"The next official must repair it well."

Li Zheng was very satisfied with Li Yifu's fighting spirit.

Xu Jingzong also said: "Nowadays, the official road has been in disrepair for a long time, and there is a flat new road to walk. Whoever wants to take the official road, but if he wants to take the new road, he must pass through Jingyang. From now on, more and more businessmen will pass by here. The business of the County Marquis will also increase, and the County Marquis’ move is really high, I admire it.”

"Quan Chang'an is only you, Xu Jingzong, who understands."

 Ask for a monthly ticket (super loud)

(End of this chapter)

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