People in Datang have been expelled from school

Chapter 264 Li Chunfeng's Lifelong Pursuit

Chapter 264 Li Chunfeng's Lifelong Pursuit
Turning around again and looking at the picture in front of me, there must be no less paper materials. The same paper is still used, 49 small grids are cut, and 48 are formed out of thin air.

One less frame from under the nose?Can this kind of thing be done?

If it is possible to change from 49 squares to 48 squares, where does the missing square go?
After Daniel finished speaking, Li Chunfeng noticed the child's expectant gaze, and all the children in the classroom surrounded him.

The children have already started discussing. Li Chunfeng looked at the blueprint, thinking of ways in his mind, sweating profusely.

Daniel asked in a low voice: "Mr. Li Chunfeng, have you made it?"

"Give Pindao some more time." Li Chunfeng said hastily.

This kind of topic is somewhat similar to Zhao Shuang's sketches in the later Han Dynasty.

There seems to be a similar topic in "Zhou Bi Suan Jing".

Li Chunfeng thought he had studied it before, and Li Zheng's question must have been deduced from Zhao Shuang's sketch, and it was more difficult.

Disappeared out of thin air?
Is this kind of thing possible?
It's like a hundred copper coins, can you turn them into 99?

Disappeared out of thin air?

It sounds a bit far-fetched.

"Teacher? Can you figure it out?" Daniel asked again.

Li Zheng asked some weird questions all day long, Li Chunfeng wiped the sweat from his forehead again.

Picking up this picture, he got up and left the classroom.

"Huh? Why did the teacher leave like this?"

A child watched Li Chunfeng leave and asked curiously.

"The teacher may be urgent to urinate, let's study by ourselves." Daniel directed the children to sit down.

Li Zheng is sitting by the river and fishing. The Jingyang River in spring is very warm, and the environment such as singing birds and fragrant flowers makes people unconsciously relax.

Li Chunfeng's eyes were bloodshot, he gritted his teeth ferociously, and strode forward.

Seeing his expression, Li Zheng took a deep breath, "Li Daochang, what's wrong with you? Why do you look murderous?"

Li Chunfeng put the graphic in front of Li Zheng's eyes, stared at him and said, "Li Zheng, tell me how to make one piece disappear out of thin air."


Li Chunfeng said: "Don't tell Pindao that you don't know."

"I do know." Li Zheng nodded.

"Okay!" Li Chunfeng put the graphic in Li Zheng's hands, "Poverty Watch how you can make it disappear out of thin air."

The interest in fishing was interrupted. Li Zheng used a fishhook to cut, and said while cutting, "Actually, this is a problem of the slope of the oblique line cutting, and it is also an illusion of area, which is somewhat similar to the blindfold method."

Li Chunfeng looked dazzled by Li Zheng's skillful movements.

After several cuts, the rear square was cut into several pieces.

Li Zheng said to Li Chunfeng: "Next, Daoist Li will take care of it."

Seeing that Li Zheng was about to stitch together, Li Chunfeng also watched with bated breath.

After scrambling the cut pieces, reassemble them.

The surroundings are very quiet, so quiet that only the sound of my own breathing can be heard.

When the last piece was put together, Li Chunfeng jumped up on the spot in shock, pointing at the figure with trembling fingers, there was really a missing piece in the middle.

" did you do it!" Li Chunfeng breathed heavily, staring at the missing square in the middle.

Feeling something was wrong again, Li Chunfeng counted over and over again, talking to himself like crazy, "It really changed from 49 yuan to 48 yuan."

Seeing Li Chunfeng's expression, Li Zheng asked nervously, "Daozhang Li, are you okay?"

Li Chunfeng counted over and over again, "How is it possible!"

Looking at Li Zheng again, Li Chunfeng looked at Li Zheng with bloodshot eyes, "Did you hide the other piece? Where did the middle piece go?"

Li Zheng put on the bait again and threw the hook into the river, "Every move I made just now was under Li Daochang's eyes."

Li Chunfeng nodded slightly, and Li Zhenggang's every move was under his nose.

If Li Zheng really did something wrong, it's impossible for him not to see it.

Besides, Li Zheng didn't need to fool himself like this.

Staring at the missing piece in the middle of the graphic, Li Chunfeng poked it with his hand to confirm that it was not his hallucination.

"Li Zheng, tell Pindao what's going on."

With his chin propped on one hand, Li Zheng looked at the river. In fact, this was an Olympiad problem, which was used as a puzzle game for children.

Li Zheng explained in a low voice: "Actually, the size of the large square changes, but it is divided into other lines through my cutting, and it is not easy to distinguish. The mystery of this lies in my slash cutting. Daochang Li may as well try it himself." Try to see if the size has changed before and after cutting."

Li Chunfeng put away the fragments cut by Li Zheng on the ground, and carefully put them into his arms.

"Li Zheng, if what you said is true, I, Li Chunfeng, will follow you wholeheartedly from now on."

"Li Daochang's words are serious." Li Zheng said quickly.

Li Chunfeng took the pieces that Li Zheng cut out and left.

After he left, Li Zheng asked the children in the village to know what happened in class.

It's not that Daniel made things difficult for Li Chunfeng, maybe it's because he has made the children's foundation in mathematics a bit high?

Li Zheng sighed melancholy, and hoped that Li Chunfeng would not go mad again.

When Li Chunfeng returned to Qin Tianjian, he analyzed Li Zheng's problem.

According to Li Zheng's cut pieces, he also followed suit and cut it again.

Reassemble it according to Li Zheng's order, and when the last piece is put together, there is indeed a space missing in the center.

Li Chunfeng used the same method and tried more than ten pieces of paper.

As Li Zheng said, there is actually no shortage of paper materials, one piece of grid is missing, and the square becomes larger.

The disappearing frame is integrated into the total size.

In fact, that grid has not disappeared.

Several cutting lines are full of mysteries.

Some people see lines as lines, while others see pictures as pictures.

But the mystery and magical effect are far from being as simple as just seeing it.

After understanding the truth, Li Chunfeng laughed, as if he had found the truth that he had been pursuing all his life.

"This is the realm that Pindao has pursued all his life." Li Chunfeng looked at this picture with fiery eyes.

Mathematics can go a long way. After Li Chunfeng wrote this topic, he hung it in the Hongwen Museum.

Waiting for the students in Chang'an to answer.

Looking at the many scholars in the Hongwen Museum, they are still debating the way of being a human being.

Li Chunfeng shook his head and smiled, and suddenly felt that these people don't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth, and they never know where the end is if they haven't seen the high realm.

In Li Chunfeng's eyes, these students are ordinary people.

What I have mastered may be a feeling that ordinary people in the Central Plains have never experienced.

Walking out of Hongwen Hall, Li Chunfeng came to Li Shimin and handed over his resignation memorial.

Li Shimin nodded and looked at Li Chunfeng, "Li Daochang, why did you leave at this time? Is there something wrong with Qin Tianjian?"

(End of this chapter)

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