Chapter 265 The Chic Toilet

Li Chunfeng bowed and saluted and said: "Your Majesty, Qin Tianjian is very good. Pindao has been pursuing numerology all his life and now he has encountered a breakthrough period. There are many smart people in this world who are more powerful than Pindao. The road is not over yet."

"Oh? Someone who is more powerful than Li Daochang."

Li Chunfeng smiled and said: "Your Majesty, wait for the poor to achieve something and have better skills, and then come to serve Your Majesty."

After speaking, Li Chunfeng saluted again, turned and left the Ganlu Palace.

Holding Li Chunfeng's resignation memorial in his hand, Li Shimin's eyes flickered, and he asked the old eunuch Wang Ding beside him, "What's wrong with Li Chunfeng?"

"Return to Your Majesty, Li Chunfeng has been to Jingyang before."

First, Li Gang resigned when he went to Jingyang, and now Li Chunfeng also resigned when he went to Jingyang.

The more you think about it, the worse it gets.

"Jingyang? Why is it Jingyang again?" Li Shimin was uncertain, and said to Wang Ding, "Go and find out what Li Chunfeng did in Jingyang."


After speaking, Li Shimin took the tea leaves from Cheng Yaojin, made himself a cup of tea, and took a sip with enjoyment.

It was Cheng Yaojin who made the trouble, and it was Cheng Yaojin who admitted his mistake.

Although Cheng Yaojin is not a good person, Li Shimin is still very satisfied with Cheng Yaojin in terms of admitting his mistakes.

After taking another sip, Li Shimin let out a long breath and continued to review the memorial.

After walking out of Ganlu Hall, Li Chunfeng said goodbye to Yuan Tiangang.

Looking at the huge Qin Tianjian, Li Chunfeng thought it was time to say goodbye.

I have learned a lot here, but the way of counting is far from the end.

After consoling Yuan Tiangang, Li Chunfeng turned around and left here resolutely.

Li Zheng is still in Jingyang, spring is a good season to tinker with perfume.

Seeing Li Chunfeng coming with a burden on his back, Li Zheng asked, "Daoist Li, this is a long journey."

Li Chunfeng said, "Have you figured it out, poor Taoist?"

"What do you want to understand?"

"Pindao plans to live in your academy forever."

The movement of his hand stopped, Li Zheng turned his head to look at Li Chunfeng, "Li Daochang, why?"

Li Chunfeng put down the burden in his hands and said: "Poverty, I have already removed the position of Qin Tianjian, and I will be a teacher for the children in Jingyang from now on."

"Wait a minute." Li Zheng said again: "I really want Li Daochang to teach the children how to count, and if he lives for a long time, the salary for teaching the children..."

"It's not a matter of money or not. Knowledge can't be measured by money. You just need to give food and shelter to the poor."

Li Zheng was a little dumbfounded.

Li Chunfeng looked forward to him as if he had found the true meaning of his lifelong pursuit.

Not counting wages... Li Zheng carefully calculated the housing and it would be free. There are quite a lot of vacant houses in the village. At worst, he would live with Chu Suiliang and Shangguanyi.

I just don't know how much Li Chunfeng eats.

Li Zheng nodded and said, "I remember there are extra empty houses in the academy."

Seeing Li Zheng's promise, Li Chunfeng hurriedly saluted, "Thank you County Marquis."

I personally brought Li Chunfeng to the academy, and now the children are out of class.

In the academy, only Chu Suiliang was writing, and Shangguanyi was watching The Legend of the White Snake.

Chu Suiliang knew Li Chunfeng, so he stood up and greeted him, "Is Daoist Li coming to class again today?"

Li Chunfeng cupped his hands and said, "From now on, you and I will be teachers here."

Give Li Chunfeng the empty house in the academy, "You can live here, the academy was only completed last year."

Li Chunfeng looked at this room and said: "It's very good, it's very spacious, much more spacious than the room of Qin Tianjian."

"Huh? Qin Tianjian should not be worse than here."

"You don't know, the Qin Tianjian doesn't look small, but most of the places are used by Daoist Yuan to perform errands, counting astrology, and the poor one lives in a small room."

Li Chunfeng visited everything here, and saw a rather unique room, "What is this used for? It's so unique."

"This is the toilet." Li Zheng said.



Li Chunfeng touched his nose in embarrassment, "I didn't expect that your toilets in Jingyang are so unique. How dare you ask where is the toilet?"

Li Zheng pointed to the toilet made of stones and wood, "This is the latrine."

Li Chunfeng observed the toilet, "Is this a latrine? Why has Pindao never seen it before?"

"The new-style latrine." Li Zheng explained solemnly.

"It's poor and ignorant."

Chu Suiliang introduced how to use it to Li Chunfeng. Pull up a rope bolt, and water will be flushed into the toilet to flush away the excrement.

There is a float in the water tank of the toilet. After the water in the water tank is flushed, the large water tank on the roof will flow into the small water tank of the toilet through the bamboo tube until the float in the small water tank floats to a certain height. When the water is full, it will be pressed by water pressure. Hold the valve.

After listening to Chu Suiliang's introduction, Li Chunfeng said, "I didn't expect that a latrine is full of knowledge, and the poor man's trip was not in vain."

Chu Suiliang also said: "After flushing, it is as clean as new without any peculiar smell."

Li Chunfeng said: "This thing is also made by the county lord?"

Li Zheng looked at Li Chunfeng's expression, it seemed that he liked this latrine very much, and he was really afraid that this guy would live in the latrine if he disagreed with him.

Li Chunfeng commented again, "The magistrate of the county is so talented, it's really a waste to use it on the toilet, and it's really extravagant to use paper to wipe it."

"This is called knowledge changing life." Li Zhengxin thought, I can use it wherever I like. The smelly latrine is really unbearable. For the sake of hygiene in the village, I built a new house as early as last year.

The villagers in the village have already used this kind of toilet.

Li Chunfeng said again: "Those who want to come to the palace are nothing more than that, not as unique as Jingyang."

"Well, I don't know if the prince's big goose has arrived. I'm really worried, so let's take a step first." Li Zheng cupped his hands and said, "Go ahead and talk."

A few men gathered around the toilet and commented, always feeling a little perverted.

Li Zheng left the academy and went on to work on perfume.

Although Li Chunfeng is a Taoist priest, even though he is resigning from office in Jingyang now.

But it can't change that he has a heart to serve Li Shimin.

After knowing the magical function of the flush toilet, Li Chunfeng immediately found the blueprint for making the flush toilet in the academy.

He ordered people to send him to the palace.

Li Shimin is eating.

Wang Ding waited on the side carefully. After having the chili oil, His Majesty's appetite improved a lot.

Put some of this on every dish.

One meal can now eat two bowls.

After receiving the things from the little eunuch beside him, Wang Ding glanced at them and handed them to Li Shimin, "Your Majesty, this is a memorial sent by Taoist Master Li Chunfeng."

Li Shimin opened the memorial and found it was a drawing, looked at it curiously and said, "What is this drawing?"

Wang Ding pointed to one side of the drawing and said, "Your Majesty, it's written there."

Li Shimin looked along, "Flush toilet? Built on top of the latrine..."

Suddenly realizing something was wrong, Wang Ding knelt on the ground with a thud, "Your Majesty, this old servant is illiterate, so I should have brought it up later. I've ruined His Majesty's pleasure in eating, and this old servant is guilty."

 There will be an update tomorrow Monday night, so update it in advance today, eh.

(End of this chapter)

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