People in Datang have been expelled from school

Chapter 267 The Rubik's Cube

Chapter 267 The Rubik's Cube
Yan Liben's smile froze on his face, and he looked a little numb when he saw that the big piece of wood had returned to the box.

Looking at the kid's confident smile again, Yan Liben said: "It's hard to come out, what are you doing with it back?"

"The boy has demonstrated it just now, and Master Yan must be able to come out again."

Yan Liben said with an old face, "You moved so fast just now, I didn't see clearly, how can I remember the number of steps?"

Daniel grinned and said, "The county marquis said that he can only teach Master Yan once."

I haven't figured out the matter of water pressure yet, and now there is another Huarong Road.

It seems like a simple little game, but it is actually full of wisdom.

Since the child in front of him can solve it, it is impossible for him not to be able to solve it.

Yan Liben looked at the bag beside him, "What else is in the bag?"

Daniel took out a six-sided cube with small grids painted in six colors on each of the six sides.

"This is called a Rubik's Cube."

"The Rubik's Cube?" Yan Liben looked curiously, "Is this the same as Hua Rongdao?"

"Almost." Daniel yawned after finishing speaking, and then flicked the six sides of the Rubik's Cube with both hands to hand over all the colors to Yan Liben.

Yan Liben held a Rubik's cube made of a whole piece of wood in his hand, and asked, "How to play?"

"Turn it so that all six sides have the same color."

Yan Liben carefully tried a few times, and found that no matter which side was turned, the color of the other side would also turn.

"Can you turn it out?"

Daniel held the Rubik's Cube and said, "Yes."

Yan Liben put the Rubik's Cube in front of Daniel, this time he did not dare to underestimate the child, "Come here."

Daniel said indifferently: "The teacher only allows me to teach you once, and I have already taught you just now."

Yan Liben glanced around and whispered, "Demonstrate it again, don't worry, I will never tell Li Zheng."

"No, I have to go home and work for my parents." After speaking, Daniel stood up.

Yan Liben took out a silver cake and said, "As long as you teach me one more time, this silver cake will be yours."

Daniel stopped, looked at the silver cake and said, "Really?"

"Really!" Yan Liben looked very sincere.

After accepting the silver cake, Daniel picked up the Rubik's Cube and skillfully turned the six sides of the Rubik's Cube.

Yan Liben's eyes followed his movements, "Slow down."

With the effort of a cup of tea, all six sides have become the same color, and the disrupted Rubik's Cube has been restored to its original state.

Yan Liben gasped and rubbed his eyes vigorously.

Seeing that Daniel was going to mess up the Rubik's Cube again, Yan Liben immediately shouted: "Stop!"

After several flips, Daniel messed up the Rubik's Cube again.


Yan Liben beat his chest and stamped his feet, "Ah, why! Why did you do this."

"I'm leaving." Daniel put the silver cake in his arms, and left contentedly under Yan Liben's desperate gaze.

Holding the Rubik's Cube whose colors were messed up again, Yan Liben stomped anxiously, "How come the children taught by Li Zheng have the same virtues as Li Zheng."

A Rubik's Cube, a Huarong Road.

Yan Liben let out a long sigh. This was the first time he felt inferior to a ten-year-old child.

Just as he was about to put Huarongdao and Rubik's Cube back into the cloth bag, Yan Liben found that there was something else in the cloth bag.

After taking out the last thing, Yan Liben stood where he was like a lightning strike.

It is recorded in ancient books that during the Warring States period, Lu Ban had a thing called Lu Ban lock in his hand.

Luban lock is famous all over the world with its ingenious craftsmanship. Luban lock is made of six wooden strips interlocked.

It was also the pinnacle of the original craftsmanship.

In the Han Dynasty, Zhuge Kongming increased the Luban lock composed of six wooden strips to nine wooden strips.

more complicated.

Yan Liben looked at the wooden sticks in front of him and counted them carefully, and there were actually 24 wooden sticks in the Luban lock in front of him.

The rumored Luban lock has been lost for a long time.

After the Mohists and the public losers disappeared.

Lu Bansuo also disappeared from people's sight.

Only in the classics there are outlines of Luban locks.

I didn't expect to see Lu Bansuo in my lifetime after living for more than 30 years.

Yan Liben saluted in the direction of Jingyang County.

Naturally, Yan Liben had never admired anyone in terms of craftsmanship in his life, and this was the first time he admired Li Zheng from the bottom of his heart.

Carefully put away the cloth bag, Yan Liben became more and more excited, he must see Li Zheng.

Ask him where these skills come from.

Are the rumored Mohists and Gongloists really still alive?

Protecting the cloth bag, Yan Liben returned to Chang'an with these three items.

Put Huarong Road, Rubik's Cube, and Lubansuo in front of Li Shimin.

Li Shimin also looked at these three things with doubts, looked at Lubansuo and said, "Is this really the long-lost Lubansuo?"

Yan Liben replied: "Your Majesty, the Luban lock has been lost for a long time. It may have been imitated by Li Zheng, but Li Zheng can add 24 wooden sticks to the Lu Ban lock. I have never seen anyone in my life who can do this."

Li Shimin held the Luban lock in his hand, "Where did Li get the method of making the Luban lock?"

"After seeing Li Zheng, I will definitely ask you clearly." What Yan Liben didn't say was that he doubted whether the public losers and the Mo family were really still alive.

Since the Qin Dynasty, the Mo family and the Gongshu family have disappeared successively, and the Mo family still existed until the Han Dynasty.

When Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty dismissed all schools of thought and began to respect Confucianism alone, the Mohists almost lost their successors.

The Mohists also disappeared from the world.

Since then, these ingenious craftsmanship have also disappeared from people's vision.

Seeing Lu Bansuo again now, Yan Liben's head was like a fire burning.

Maybe it is really possible to reproduce the pinnacle of craftsmanship and retrieve the lost heritage of the Mohists and the Gongloists.

Li Shimin said: "Why don't I give you a decree so that you can see Li Zheng."

"Your Majesty can't." Yan Liben bowed and said, "This is a question Li Zheng gave me. If I solve Li Zhenghui's willingness to meet with me, I also have many questions I want to ask Li Zheng. If Your Majesty makes an order, I'm afraid Li Zhengxin will be dissatisfied. , then I’m afraid I won’t say anything.”

"Forget it." Li Shimin sighed, "Then do as you said."

Yan Liben put away these three things again and returned to his home.

Huarong Road, Rubik's Cube, and Luban Lock.

Yan Liben studied them carefully, and the ingenuity of these three things is comparable to the skills of the Mohists and the Gongloists.

Without the realm of absolute craftsmanship, Li Zheng would never be able to create these three things full of wisdom.

Li Zheng must still be holding some secrets.

Since then, Hongwen Museum has added two more things besides a math problem that no one can solve.

One is called Huarong Road, and the other is called Rubik's Cube.

According to the people in the Hongwen Museum, as long as you unlock these two things, you can go to see Master Yan to unlock the more difficult Luban lock.

(End of this chapter)

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