Chapter 268 Luban Lock

The reappearance of Lu Bansuo caused quite a disturbance in Chang'an.

Many people know that Luban's craftsmanship has long been lost.

Now it has reappeared.

Just as someone wanted to see Lu Bansuo's true face, he was stopped by two problems.

One is Huarong Road, and the other is Rubik's Cube.

There are more and more people in the Hongwen Museum, and there are people who want to try it.

Hundreds of scholars can't even pass the first Huarong Road, let alone the more difficult Rubik's Cube later.

"This Huarong Road can't get out without walking hundreds of steps."

There were no results for several days.

What hundreds of steps.

Yan Liben saw with his own eyes that Daniel walked out of Huarong Road in only a few dozen steps.

The Rubik's Cube is completed in just a few breaths.

A puzzle that a ten-year-old can solve.

How come so many people in Chang'an are stumped.

Yan Liben almost despaired looking at Lu Bansuo in front of him.

Li Zheng and Xu Jingzong played chess.

Huarong Road and Rubik's Cube are good puzzle games.

These two things have long been the playthings of children in Jingyang County.

Both Huarong Road and Rubik's Cube are toys for exercising logical thinking.

It is the best way to train children's thinking.

It is not difficult at all after learning the methods and techniques.

Xu Jingzong said: "The Huarong Road and Rubik's Cube of the County Marquis have made many people in Chang'an sleepless."

Li Zheng crossed the cannon and said: "Concentrate on playing chess, you are about to lose."

Xu Jingzong responded to Li Zheng's offensive with a cart, "Can these two East and West County Marquises be untied?"

Li Zheng smiled coldly, "Of course, I have tutorials."

Although he didn't know what kind of tutorial Li Zheng was talking about, Xu Jingzong nodded and said: "The county must be able to untie it, otherwise how to make it."

After a set of chess, Xu Jingzong praised: "The chess played by the county marquis is really interesting."

Li Zheng's pawn stepped forward and said, "General."

Looking at the game, Xu Jingzong sighed and said, "I lost again."

Chess has been around for a long time, and there are many origins that have been handed down.

There are many sayings that it existed after Han Gaozu defeated Xiang Yu.

Some people say that it was only found in the later Han Dynasty.

It's just that chess at this time has not yet fully developed, and there are only a few chess pieces.

It was not until the Song and Ming Dynasties that chess took its modern form.

The two were playing chess, and Daniel came up and said, "Teacher, I have given the things to Yan Liben."

"En." Li Zheng nodded.

Daniel took out another piece of silver cake, "Yan Liben also gave the student a piece of silver cake."

Li Zheng took the silver cake in Daniel's hand very skillfully.

Then, very naturally, he took out a few pennies and handed them to Daniel.

"Children, don't take so much money. The teacher will save it for you to marry a wife in the future." Li Zheng said solemnly.

Xu Jingzong: '...'

Daniel felt aggrieved and walked away with a few pennies.

After playing chess, Li Zheng went to the field with his hoe on his shoulder.

The season in Guanzhong is only one or two months. After these two months, it will be too late to start planting again.

Li is looking at the situation of sunflowers and peppers.

The sunflowers have just bloomed, and the melon seeds are not yet ripe.

The flowering period is longer than I imagined, and the sunflowers are still very small, just taller than peppers.

It only grew to his knees.

After two seasons of blooming, sunflowers will grow taller and taller.

It's just a matter of time.

Remove the new grass that has just grown in the field, and renovate the soil before tossing the perfume.

Spring is a good time for all things to grow. Li Daxiong is clumsily making clothes with a needle and thread.

Seeing Li Daxiong, the aunts in the village smiled and said, "What about making clothes?"

Li Daxiong was making clothes with wires and said: "That kid has grown a lot taller, and he can't fit in last year's clothes. He can still wear them after repairing them."

For so many years, many of the clothes that Li Zheng has worn are old clothes that cannot be worn by other families in the village.

At that time, the village was poor, and many children in the village wore their clothes back and forth.

Whoever's child wears the remaining small clothes, they will keep them for the children of another family to wear.

Keep a lot of children's clothes.

Watching Li Daxiong threading needles and fixing clothes with staring eyes seems like he is facing an enemy.

Several aunts in the village laughed for a while.

"Let's do it, you go to work in the fields." An aunt snatched the clothes from Li Daxiong's hand.

"I'm so rich, but I still have to wear such old clothes. Our village is so prosperous, how can we wear these old clothes?"

"A county marquis wears shabby clothes, and he is afraid of being laughed at if he speaks out."

"A person who is about to marry a princess should also have decent clothes."

The aunts in the village decided to go to Chang'an to buy good fabrics to make new clothes for Li Zheng.

Li Chunfeng quickly adapted to life in the village.

Li Chunfeng is a Taoist priest, and Sun Simiao is also a Taoist priest.

Although Sun Simiao did not like to see Li Chunfeng very much, they also became Taoist friends.

One likes numerology and the other likes to practice medicine. For Taoists, neither of them is doing a proper job.

Li Chunfeng saw something in Sun Simiao's medical center.

After reading it, he asked curiously, "What is this?"

"This is the account book, the account book for the purchase and sale of herbs in Jingyang Medical Center."

Sun Simiao introduced.

Li Chunfeng looked at the ledger, and there were a few lines in the ledger telling about the misery of the medical center's business.

Looking at the above accounts, it is said that the medical clinic has not only failed to make a profit, but has lost more than 300 yuan.

This has a lot to do with Sun Simiao being free to see a doctor for free.

This method of accounting is novel.

The Turkic businessman Mou came to the entrance of Jingyang Village again. This time he came to Jingyang and brought tens of thousands of catties of sheep oil.

Li Zheng looked at the fineness of the sheep oil and asked, "Who told you that I want sheep oil."

Silently laughed and said, "I know that Jingyang has bought a lot of sheep oil recently, and the villain knows that the county marquis needs this, and a catty of sheep oil only costs five yuan."

Li Zheng looked at the mutton oil and said, "The mutton oil in Chang'an only costs ten dollars per catty, and the price is too expensive."

Mou went on to say: "I can give more sheep oil to the county marquis. Although there is not much sheep oil in Chang'an, it is not bad that the county marquis can buy hundreds of catties a day. If the county prince wants more sheep oil in the long run The price of oil will definitely be more expensive.”

The essence of a profiteer is fully reflected in Mo Vo.

Li Zheng went on to say: "You are sitting on the ground and raising the price."

"Turks are having a hard time recently."

Mou said with a smile.

Xu Jingzong stood behind Li Zheng and said, "Do you think we can't buy suet without you?"

Mou saluted with Turkic etiquette and said: "The county marquis has great powers, such a small matter must not trouble the county marquis."

"This business villain sincerely wants to do it with the county lord."

Hearing the silent words, Li Zheng nodded and said: "You Turkic sheep oil, which no one wants, can earn so much money from me. The previous wool has already made you a lot of money. Now you have raised the price so much." It’s higher than the market price in Chang’an, isn’t it a bit dishonest.”

(End of this chapter)

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