Chapter 269 Cui Renshi

"Looking at the whole of Chang'an, only my subordinates can continuously give the County Marquis so much sheep oil."

Li Zheng smelled the mutton oil and said, "I know, you were not idle when you returned to Turkic. You have given Zhishen a lot of benefits."

Mou looked at Li Zheng suspiciously.

Seeing that there were many guards behind Li Zheng, Mou felt that something was wrong and immediately took a step back and said, "I don't know if the county lord still wants these sheep oil."

"Yes, of course." Li Zheng said to him, "But it's not this price. You can sell it for a pound."

"This one……"

"I know that only you have a way to get so much sheep oil, but you also need to know that I am the only one who needs so much sheep oil in the whole pass."

"Deal." Mou nodded.

The transaction was completed, and Mou left with a cart full of money.

Xu Jingzong said in a low voice: "Your Majesty, are you going to let them go like this?"

Li Zheng said in a low voice: "I really hate other people doing some actions behind my back."

Xu Jingzong understood Li Zheng's meaning, and immediately said: "We have figured out the delivery route of this silent vomit."

Throwing him a money bag, Li Zheng said to Xu Jingzong: "I won't need him in the future, and I can no longer do business with such a person."


Xu Jingzong rode away with the money bag.

As long as Movo continues to control the trade between Turks and Guanzhong, Movo will be held hostage by Movo.

This guy has tasted the sweetness, and with the first time, there will be a second time.

It's a pity that he wants too much.

As for how a Turkic is in Chang'an, not many people will care.

Not to mention the current Turks.

Without the middleman of Movo, the profit will be more.

Xiao Congming couldn't get on the stage, so Li Zheng wrote a letter and handed it to Li Yifu, asking him to send it to Zhishisili.

Since the window paper is torn, there is nothing to keep.

It's better to do business directly with Zhishisili.

"In the face of huge benefits, I must be so stubborn that I would rather do business with me directly." Li Zheng said with a smile.

Li Yifu also nodded with a smile.

Li Zheng said in a low voice: "It's always worth a catty of sheep oil, and a catty of sheep oil can make ten pieces of soap. How much do you think a piece of soap should be sold to Turkic?"

"Using the bought suet to make soap and selling the soap to the Turks at a high price is digging into the pockets of the Turks. The magistrate is a smart move."

Li Zheng said to Li Yifu: "You are okay in your work, but your smile is too sinister."

"Is your smile sinister?"

"Bad people laugh like this, I can understand."

Li Yifu quickly said: "I am a good person."

"You really look like a bad guy when you smile. If you don't believe me, take a look at yourself in the mirror."

Li Zheng came to the soap workshop to make soap, and now there is a lot of soap in stock, piling up like a hill.

One thing happened that night, the Turkic people vomited silently, because the people who stole the gold and gave it to the Dali Temple were caught.

And it is stolen and stolen.

Gold in Chang'an is not available to ordinary people.

Even for powerful families, most of the gold is bestowed by His Majesty.

Mou was taken away by the people of Dali Temple, and Xu Jingzong, who was following Li Zheng, was seen in the crowd.

Seeing him, the voice of silently vomiting and shouting for grievances became louder.

People who are not of our race will have a different heart, and the end of a Turkic crime is often not very good.

As for why the gold bestowed by the imperial court appeared in Mou's room, only Xu Jingzong knew.

"Your Majesty, the matter has been settled." Xu Jingzong came back and said.

Li Zheng said leisurely while drinking tea, "The soap can be sold now."

The village soap caused an instant sensation when it went on sale.

Jingyang's soap is bought and sold in a strange way, selling only 100 yuan a day.

Only one piece can be bought per person.

Li Shimin's ears have not stopped recently.

Soap with a peach blossom scent is naturally popular with women.

A bar of soap costs only twenty renminbi, and it can be used for a long time.

The concubines in the palace wanted to buy soap both openly and secretly.

After finally buying a palm-sized soap, Li Shimin looked at the rosy soap in his hand, "Is this the soap Li Zheng made?"

Wang Ding laughed bitterly and said, "It took me a lot of effort to buy it."

Li Shimin smelled really good.

It is as white as jade fat, and mottled red, mixed with some elegant aroma.

How can something like this not drive women crazy.

Especially since this thing can also be used for bathing.

For women who are used to using soap or soap locusts, soap is simply their savior in bathing.

After washing with soap, the body still has a faint fragrance, which is better than flower petals.

"Cough cough." Li Shimin coughed twice and said, "Li Zheng, does this kid sell soap for 100 yuan a day?"

Wang Ding also said: "It is said that it is because there are not enough materials and the production is limited."

Compromisingly putting down the piece of soap in his hand, Li Shimin said annoyedly: "Obviously it can be sold for more money, but Li Zheng is struggling with money, and I will give him any materials he wants."

"Jingyang County refuses to reveal the secret recipe."

Another Luban lock, another soap, and another flush toilet.

Yan Liben had already asked the Ministry of Industry to make the flush toilet.

Li Shimin has also used it, and it is really useful.

Now the Ministry of Industry has installed flush toilets in every bedroom in the palace.

With this thing, there is no trouble of pouring Yexiang.

As for the Luban lock, Hua Rongdao and the Rubik's Cube alone have not been solved so far.

Yan Liben's hair is turning gray these days.

Li Shimin put the soap matter aside for the time being.

Recently, the garrison in Qinghai will be paid military salaries.

Cui Renshi, the Duzhi doctor of the household department, handed over the memorial again. Recently, the household department is short of money.

There is also a memorial in front of him, which was handed over by Wei Zheng, saying that Cui Renshi, the servant of the household department, is suspected of being greedy for ink.

Looking at these two memorials, Li Shimin pondered.

In fact, Wei Zheng's suspicion of being corrupted by ink was also a result of Wei Zheng's rumors.

Just know some clues, no evidence.

Li Shimin also secretly asked people to check the account books of the account department, but found no problems.

It seems that Cui Renshi is a clean and honest official, and he comes from the Boling Cui family with five surnames.

It's hard to do it without getting evidence.

Li Tai likes chess very much, ever since he knew that Jingyang has this thing.

Whether it's your own staff or someone from the Literature Museum.

Or some scholars in Chang'an.

But anyone who has some chess skills has won it all over the place.

Li Tai can be said to be invincible in Chang'an.

Finally Li Tai found his lifelong enemy.

That is Li Zheng who made chess.

Li Zheng said emphatically: "His Royal Highness, how many times have I told you that I didn't make this chess game, I just improved it a little bit."

"Play chess!" Li Tai had already set up the chess game.

The two sat opposite each other.

After half an hour, Li Tai's face turned pale.

(End of this chapter)

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