People in Datang have been expelled from school

Chapter 310 The Footsteps of the Southern Dynasties

Chapter 310 The Footsteps of the Southern Dynasties

These are practical things, much better than those monks who only talk about piety.

If you want to talk about the contributions of gates since ancient times, astronomy, mathematics, such as pi, and even some science.

Logically speaking, gunpowder has an inexplicable relationship with Taoist priests.

It's hard to say whether it's true or not, but there is such a thing anyway.

I don't know when the rules came from. Being a monk means that you don't have to pay taxes, you don't have to perform corvee and military service, and you don't have to farm.

All rely on incense money to feed them, and they are idle all day knocking wooden fish in the temple.

Li Chengqian was also very worried about Li Zheng, so he came to Jingyang in a hurry and saw this guy basking in the sun leisurely. Now how many people in Chang'an are worried about him, Li Zheng, this kid actually still has such a leisurely heart.

"Li Zheng." Li Chengqian stepped forward to greet him.

"Your Highness, why are you here?"

"Gu heard that those monks are going to hold a Buddhist meeting in Chang'an."

"Buddha meeting?" Li Zheng took a sip of hot tea, "I heard what Xu Jingzong said."

Li Chengqian looked at Li Zheng suspiciously, "Why are you not in a hurry?"

"I have nothing to worry about." Li Zheng said with a smile: "A large group of monks gathered together to knock on wooden fish and read Buddhist scriptures, drawing circles to curse me?"

Li Chengqian was speechless for a while, and thought carefully about a large group of monks gathering together, cursing in circles?It's actually kind of funny.

"Li Zheng, don't worry, my father intends to manage the temple, and I don't believe their way."

"What are you doing with so much saltpeter?"

Hearing Li Chengqian's question, Li Zheng explained: "I have nothing to do when I'm free, so I play with rocks."

Li Chengqian smiled, "There is a lot of noise outside, Gu really envies your character."

"Actually, I have something to ask you this time."

Li Zheng crossed his legs and waved the goose-feather fan in his hand. Li Chengqian was quite a real person, but a little too sincere, not as smart as Li Tai.

Li Chengqian asked in a low voice: "Li Zheng, I just want to hear your opinion on Buddhism."


Li Zheng thought about it for a while before he spoke, "His Royal Highness, should you tell your father? I don't know if monks are close to women these days. Anyway, monks can't have children."

"If more and more people become monks, will the birth rate decrease and the population decrease?"

Li Chengqian: "Fertility rate?"

"It is to make children." Li Zheng continued: "If those monks can be returned to vulgarity, how many young people can be returned to work in the fields, and how many strong men can be added."

"You can get enough food and clothing by farming by yourself, why bother to feed yourself with incense money."

"Let people who are at a loss believe in Buddhism and forget to be down-to-earth. It is better to believe in yourself, believe in the court, and believe in your father. Those who are monks are not authentic, and let others be unauthentic. It is really not a person."

After hearing Li Zheng's words, Li Chengqian was a little surprised, and what he said seemed to make sense.

It is not good for the court if the Buddhism grows stronger.

Population, taxation, corvee, farming, which one is not the top priority of the court.

Li Chengqian nodded worriedly, "What you said is reasonable, Father also knows that the Buddhist sect has to take care of it."

Li Zheng whispered to Li Chengqian again: "His Royal Highness, the temple is rich, and there is a lot of incense money. This is a huge fortune. If your father is not easy to do, hand it over to me, and we will split the bill fifty-fifty."

Li Chengqian smiled awkwardly.

"It doesn't matter if you don't pay any money. Your Highness, don't let Tang go to the end of the Southern Dynasty. I think His Highness must be clearer than me. Xiao Liang's fall is not far away."

Xiao Liang?Li Chengqian pondered what Li Zheng said, and the current situation became more and more clear.

There is a poem by Du Mu, a poet in the late Tang Dynasty. There is a sentence in the poem, 480 temples in the Southern Dynasty, how many buildings are in the mist and rain.

It is said that Buddhism flourished in the Southern Dynasties. In fact, it is not an exaggeration. It is said that it was less. At the peak, there were 680 temples in the capital of the Southern Dynasties. Li Zheng felt that this poem was a bit ironic. The buildings were demolished and all became temple.

Continuing from the Southern Dynasties, there are many temples, and the influence of Buddhism has always been great.

Of course, among the emperors of all dynasties, there were many people who exterminated Buddhism, and there were even many people who understood the danger of Buddhism.

However, there are always such a few idiots in this historical torrent.

In the Northern and Southern Dynasties, there was an idiot. During the Xiaoliang period, money was used from the treasury to build temples. Even the capital city had [-] temples.

There is also a famous allusion that there are temples outside the south gate, which shows the prosperity of Buddhist temples at that time.

Without the strong support of his foolish Emperor Xiao, how could Buddhism be in such a prosperous situation today.

With the construction of so many Buddhist temples, one emperor made the industrious people of the Central Plains not to contribute to their home but to the country.

It's ironic that monks are all used to build temples.

As a result, more and more people in the Southern Dynasties believed in Buddhism, did not serve as soldiers, did not do farming, and the labor force and productivity were even worse.

In the north, martial arts are practiced every day.

Although it is worse than which side, it is obvious.

Where there is still military power in the Southern Dynasties, young people have gone to become monks, who will fight.

The fall of the Southern Dynasties is inseparable from this.

Li Zheng said to the silent Li Chengqian: "His Royal Highness, Buddhism can exist, but it must be controlled! They cannot be allowed to grow."

Li Chengqian said in distress: "Speaking of it, my father is not easy to deal with. Nowadays, many people in the Buddhist sect are united with Confucian children. It's not because you offended the five surnames before, but it's not easy for my father to do it now."

"His Royal Highness is here, which makes me a little bit difficult."

"What?" Li Chengqian asked in surprise.

Li Zheng corrected his words and said, "His Royal Highness should go back earlier, I'm a little busy today and I'm afraid I won't be able to entertain you."

Li Chengqian also nodded, stood up and patted Li Zheng's shoulder and said, "Li Zheng, don't worry! Gu will definitely find a way."

"I know." Li Zheng said while coping: "It's getting late, the prince should go back earlier."

In the Lizheng Palace, the children here must call Princess Yongjia an aunt.

Princess Yongjia's conduct is very poor, among Li Shimin's sisters and brothers.

The things that Yongjia did in the past also made Empress Changsun and the royal family feel ashamed when they think about it now.

"Lizhi." Empress Changsun called out while mending her clothes.

Li Lizhi was teaching Li Zhi to write, when she heard her mother speak, she turned around and stood up, "Mother queen."

Empress Changsun sighed, and said in a low voice: "Your younger brothers and sisters, you should take care of them on weekdays, and don't let them go to the Hall of Martial Virtue."

"Well, my daughter understands, and she will take good care of her younger siblings." Li Lizhi nodded solemnly.

Empress Changsun was very relieved of Li Lizhi, and Li Lizhi was very sensible.

But these children are different, they are all young.

Empress Changsun also didn't want her children to learn from Yongjia.

Li Lizhi asked in a low voice: "Mother, I heard that many people are condemning Li Zheng recently."

Empress Changsun smiled and said, "Are you still worried about Li Zheng?"

(End of this chapter)

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