People in Datang have been expelled from school

Chapter 311 An Liang's Lifetime Desires

Chapter 311 An Liang's Lifetime Desires

Li Lizhi was indeed a little worried, but after thinking about it carefully, it seemed that there was really nothing that could stump Li Zheng.

The more I thought about Li Lizhi, the more I felt that my worry about him was unnecessary.

This guy can solve every trouble he encounters, and make a lot of money from it.

Li Lizhi also figured it out, worried about what this guy was doing?
It's better to take good care of your younger siblings.

"My daughter is not worried about him anymore." Li Lizhi smiled.

Empress Changsun smiled helplessly.

Li Chongyi walked back and forth at home and said to Li Xiaogong, "Father, what do you think Li Zheng should do now."

Li Xiaogong shook his head and sighed, Li Chongyi is a child who is too friendly, he has been in the army for a long time in the early years, the brotherhood in this child is very strong.

Li Xiaogong said helplessly: "When can you think about your own situation."

"My boy knows his own measure, but now that Li Zheng has become the target of public criticism, my boy can't sit idly by."

Li Xiaogong smiled and said: "Don't worry, this kid Li Zheng will not have any serious problems."

"Will His Majesty deal with Li Zhenglai to appease the anger?"

"You kid still thinks of Chang'an too simply."

Chang'an is not simple From a certain point of view, Chang'an is a dragon's pond and a tiger's den.

Cheng Chumo was holding a horizontal knife at the gate of the south city of Chang'an, gnawed on a leg of lamb, and stared at everyone who walked into Chang'an City.

Staring at the big eyes like copper bells, Cheng Chumo kept looking at the heads of these passers-by.

The Cheng family rushed to report: "Five or six monks were caught at the east gate and west gate."

"Okay!" Cheng Chumo stood up and raised the waist of his trousers.

"That..." Cheng Chumo said hesitantly: "Master, our people are just arresting monks at the gate of the city. People from the government have come to ask several times."

Cheng Chumo raised the horizontal knife and asked, "Really? Which government office? Somebody went and smashed it."


Cheng Chumo put his shoulders on the shoulders of this part and said: "Master, I told you well today. He is Li, a good brother who has been in the dungeon of Dali Temple with me. If there is anything wrong with him, a certain monk who killed Quan Chang'an .You stop these monks from coming to Chang'an to hold a Buddhist meeting, and you are saving these monks, do you understand?"


This trilogy stood up straight and didn't dare to move, "I know what the young master said, can I put down this knife?"

Cheng Chumo put away the horizontal knife in his hand and whispered: "I don't know what's wrong recently, I always can't control the knife in my hand, and it floats on people's necks from time to time."

"Master Cheng, you have to take care of the knife in your hand. Don't let anyone die. I'll just keep an eye on it."

"Come back." Cheng Chumo stopped him again.

"Master Cheng, what else can I order?"

Cheng Chumo grinned at him and said: "If the government comes to question you, you should let those officials come to me. If you can't keep an eye on people, I will use you as a question!"

"Here!" The trilogy responded loudly and left in a panic.

Cheng Chumo sat on the original stone, gnawed on the leg of lamb, "A bunch of bald donkeys still want to touch my brother Cheng?"

Noticing the eyes of the soldiers guarding the city gate, Cheng Chumo immediately stared back, "What are you looking at!"

Cheng Chumo, Cheng Yaojin's son, took his own part to arrest monks outside Chang'an City, and the news spread quickly.

Of course, it couldn't escape Li Shimin's ears, and some officials impeached Cheng Yaojin in front of Li Shimin.

Cheng Yaojin's son intervened in this kind of thing, which made Li Shimin feel dizzy, and immediately summoned Cheng Yaojin.

Li Shimin pointed to Cheng Yaojin and said, "Tell me about you, why did your son arrest those monks?"

"Your Majesty, I didn't discipline you well, but I couldn't find where the kid went after searching for several times."

"Can't find it?"

Cheng Yaojin immediately said: "Don't worry, Your Majesty, I will definitely bring him to Ganlu Palace to apologize to Your Majesty."

Li Shimin sighed helplessly, "Back off."

Cheng Yaojin resigned with a smile, and as soon as he walked out of Chengtian Gate, he met several officials who smiled disdainfully.

This group of officials still intends to sue His Majesty?
He told His Majesty to take Cheng Chumo to apologize, but he didn't say when to apologize.

Cheng Yaojin walked towards his house step by step, planning to have a good drink with Niu Jinda.

Outside Chang'an city gate is another scene, many monks are confronting Cheng Chumo's trilogy.

Cheng Chumo stared at the hundreds of monks in front of him and said coldly, "None of you will enter Chang'an City today!"

A monk pointed at Cheng Chumo and said loudly: "I never imagined that the sons of the rich and powerful in Chang'an are so domineering?"

"Domineering?" Cheng Chumo laughed and said, "All Chang'an knows that I, Cheng, are used to being domineering."

A group of monks gritted their teeth at a group of Cheng family who stood in front of them.

Bu Qu beside Cheng Chumo said: "Brothers, take a stick! You can break their legs, but don't kill anyone!"


Responding to Cheng Chumo's order, a group of songs stepped forward one by one, holding sticks with thick wrists.

"We are members of the Buddhist sect, and we have no grievances with your Cheng family."

Hearing the other party's words, Cheng Chu smiled silently: "You and I have no grievances, but I like to fight against injustices, and getting rid of violence and peace is what I like in my life."

Xu Jingzong watched the confrontation between the two parties, and while no one was paying attention, he threw a stone in the direction of Cheng Chumo's hand.

The stone hit the step beside Cheng Chumo very precisely.

There was a streak of blood left on the forehead of the man who was smashed, and he stared at the group of monks, "Damn it, who put the hidden weapon!"

A group of monks also looked around, looking at the people on their side.

"Oh! Intuit!" Cheng Chumo spit out a mouthful and said loudly: "Brothers, you saw that it was this group of bald donkeys who made the first move!"

As soon as the words fell, the hearts of the monks tightened, and they suddenly felt that something was wrong.

"We are not easy to bully, hit me!" Cheng Chumo shouted.


As soon as the trilogy swarmed up, a group fight immediately took place in front of the south gate of Chang'an.

Cheng Chumo charged into the crowd of monks with a stick, raised the stick and dropped it!

Howling and cursing resounded through the city gate.

"Your Majesty!" Wang Ding came to Ganlu Hall in a panic, "Your Majesty, it's not good! We're fighting."

"Who started the fight?" Li Shimin asked in surprise.

"Little General Cheng fought with the monks, hundreds of monks and a large group of trilogy."

Li Shimin immediately asked: "How is the situation?"

Wang Ding replied: "It's hard to solve now, and the monk's side has sent several reinforcements."

"Is this what I'm asking you!" Li Shimin shouted.

Wang Ding quickly changed his words, "Many people were injured, but no one was killed."

Li Shimin sneered, "Cheng Yaojin is a fine man, and his son knows how to measure things? It is my word that Jin Wuwei, Zuo Xiaowei, and the leading guards each bring a thousand soldiers and horses to arrest all those who cause trouble and fight!" "

(End of this chapter)

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