chapter 317

Knowing Li Zheng's worry, Li Tai nodded and said, "This king will tell my father."

Li Tai left with this cart of money, Li Zheng looked at Li Tai's leaving back and said to Xu Jingzong in a low voice: "Where is the person who came to give the money?"

Xu Jingzong replied in a low voice: "I have already sent someone to follow, don't worry, the county marquis."

Li Zheng said to him: "Why do I feel that this is not a congratulation, but a threat."

Xu Jingzong also looked at the scenery in the distance and said: "I also think this matter is not simple, maybe the county marquis offended some people because of this.

After returning to Chang'an, Li Tai stomped his feet and regretted, "I forgot the secret recipe of the cake."

Li Zheng didn't like the smell of conspiracy very much. These days, Daniel still helped his parents work in the fields as usual, or he moved a small stool to sit in front of the house and read a book.

Or he was attending classes in the academy. This time, Daniel stole the limelight. Among the children in the village, Daniel had greater appeal and prestige, and became the leader of the children justifiably.

Listening to what Xu Jingzong said all the way, even though Chang'an is very lively now, many people are talking about The Legend of the White Snake.

Li Zheng was not very interested in those things, but this time he taught himself a lesson.

It is very difficult to change this world, and a wrong step may cause many people to fight back.

This time it's a monk, next time next time.

Besides, the bad debt between himself and the five surnames is still unclear.

No one can truly be alone. If you don't want to provoke others, there will still be others who will provoke you.

When you block the way of others, someone will try to pull you down.

Especially in this world, it is difficult for you to talk about justice.

Li Zheng remembered a story. Two hunters were hunting in winter and met a hungry bear. Sometimes you don’t necessarily have to run faster than the bear if you want to survive, but you have to find a way to run faster than you. Be quick, fellow.

A hunter pushes another hunter down, and the bear has the food in front of it, so it won't chase again.

This is a very cruel reality.

From today onwards, Buddhism will no longer tolerate me, and I, Li Zheng, have a sworn feud with Buddhism.

Want to say compassionate?In the end, it is not the law of the jungle.

Of course, I have hundreds of ways to kill all the monks in Chang'an.

And these methods absolutely make it impossible for Dai Zhou to find any clues.

It's just a group of natives, and that's the way it is in this world.

Solidified thinking, ignorant class, absurd dignity.

All such values ​​are scorned.

But to overthrow these is to make an enemy of the whole world.

It's a very dangerous move.

Looking at his village, Li Zheng felt inexplicably like he was the enemy of the whole world, but he couldn't find his opponent.

Li Chengqian brought the officials of the East Palace and said, "Li Zheng, what are you doing?"

Li Zheng glanced back and saw that it was Li Chengqian who was coming, he still looked at the scenery in front of him, "Is it rare for His Royal Highness not to feel it?"

Li Chengqian said with a smile: "The scenery in Jingyang is really good. This tranquility and leisure is a good place to raise people."

Li Zhengchang sighed and said, "Your Highness the Crown Prince didn't even feel the aura in me."


Li Zheng sighed again and said: "It's hard to find a bosom friend, where can I find someone who has the same temperament as me?"

"Li Zheng, why are you so sentimental?"

"It's nothing." Li Zheng put away his emotions and said, "It's just a feeling."

Li Chengqian smiled embarrassingly, "Maybe the county marquis spoke too profoundly, so I didn't understand."

Sitting at the side, Li Chengqian said to Li Zheng: "Everyone knows the monks are making trouble this time, and the emperor has sent people to hunt down those monks who made troubles. This time, I will give you justice."

"Fairness doesn't matter, what matters is the incense money." Li Zheng said, shaking the fan in his hand.

"Incense money?"

"Yes, incense money." Li Zheng continued: "Those monks look clean on the top of their heads, but they are actually very rich. Don't let it go."

"This..." The black line on Li Chengqian's head is indeed that a few words cannot be separated from money.

Li Zheng asked: "What is His Royal Highness looking for me for?"

Then again, Li Chengqian adjusted his clothes, and then sat in front of Li Zheng.

The officials of the Eastern Palace also straightened their clothes and stood behind Li Chengqian with their heads bowed.

The situation suddenly became serious, and Li Chengqian said first: "Recently, Tubo has made a lot of moves. It has fought with Western Turks many times. It seems that Tubo has also united with Persia. I don't know what the county marquis thinks about this matter."

"Of course it's lying down to watch, but it's also fine if you don't sit and watch."

Li Chengqian: "..."

The officials of the Eastern Palace behind him were also speechless for a while, but this Li Zheng actually nodded, as if he agreed with his own words.

"Now Tubo's vitality has almost recovered, but now Tubo has always wanted to get Western Turks and even Xiliang, and my father is very worried about this."

After listening to Li Chengqian's words, Li Zheng understood that this guy came to ask for advice.

Li Shimin was worried about Tubo. Since the first battle in the Hexi Corridor and last year's cold wave, Tubo has been greatly affected.

Songtsan Gampo has been mobilizing troops now, and it can be seen that this guy has a lot of ambitions.

Li Zheng shook the fan in his hand, "Songtsan Gampo is still too anxious."

"Too anxious?"

"Yes, he is too anxious." Li Zheng waved the fan in his hand and said, "Songtsan Gambo was the first unified monarch of Tubo, and he really wanted to do something to show the old nobles of Tubo."

Li Zheng said again: "His Royal Highness, the treasury of Tubo is very full now."

"That's natural. Since Lu Dongzan returned to Tubo, Tubo has used your methods and accumulated a lot of wealth in just one year."

"I think Songtsan Gampo would wake up laughing from his dream now."

Li Chengqian looked at Li Zheng's smile and wondered, "What can you do to contain Tubo?"

"Containment? There is no need to contain it." Li Zheng said with a smile: "There is no need to contain it at all. They are just leeks. Now that the leeks are almost fat, they should be harvested. Songtsan Gampo has saved so much money, we should also go to collect it." ?”

Li Chengqian looked at Li Zheng suspiciously, "I don't know what you mean."

Li Zheng said with a smile: "It's actually very simple, that is, Tubo has money, and it's time for us to get the money."

"This..." Li Chengqian did not understand Li Zheng's thoughts.

Li Zheng smiled and said, "His Royal Highness, is Datang's Hengdao Modao the best weapon nowadays?"

"That's right." Li Chengqian nodded, "Looking outside the customs today, a good horizontal knife can often be sold for a very high price outside the customs."

"Does His Royal Highness know about arms dealers?"

"Arms dealer?" Li Chengqian was still a little ignorant.

(End of this chapter)

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