Chapter 318 Can I do it again?

"It's a weapon dealer." Li Zheng went on to say, "We can sell weapons to Western Turks and Tubo."

Li Chengqian looked serious, "Smuggling weapons is a felony under the laws of the Tang Dynasty, and no one would do such a thing."

"Of course I'm not talking about letting the Crown Prince sell it." Li Zheng rolled up his sleeves and said, "I'm talking about the arms dealer business. You can assign a few people to close the door to sell weapons. , there are only a lot of weapons left over from the Battle of Yinshan, such as the weapons of the Turkic people."

"Of course there are many." Li Chengqian nodded.

Li Zheng said to Li Chengqian: "I still want to invite His Royal Highness to ask His Majesty for an order."

"What permission?" Li Chengqian asked curiously.

"You can get an order for the weapons in the army. The weapons don't have to be very good, even if you use the rest."

Li Chengqian became interested, "What exactly do you want to do?"

Shaking the folding fan in his hand, Li Zheng said: "You don't have to think too much about what I want to do, Your Majesty the Crown Prince. As long as His Majesty allows me to sell weapons, I can make Tubo, Western Turks, and even Persia uneasy for several years. As long as they are uneasy, Your Majesty Only then can you sit back and relax.”

"First, of course the Tang Dynasty and the court and even the army cannot sell weapons. Second, arrange a person who has no connection with the court or the people in the court. Mutual trust, third, and also a very shrewd businessman."

"Your requirements are a bit difficult, but Gu somewhat understands what you mean." Li Chengqian thought for a moment and said: "We can sell weapons, but we have nothing to do with the court on the surface."

Li Zheng then nodded and said, "His Royal Highness, you have finally realized."

"Can you really make them feel uneasy for several years?"

"Of course." Li Zheng said with a smile: "I can also share the money with your father. The income from selling weapons is four or six, and I am six."

Li Chengqian smiled wryly, "I didn't expect that you not only gave Tubo a way to make money, but also earned all their money and harmed them. You are really..."

"His Royal Highness has a sinister heart." Li Zheng said cheekily, "Tuban people just don't read much, so reading is very important. Reading can make people smarter and reduce the risk of being fooled."

Li Zheng didn't even blush when he said this, and the official of the East Palace who stood behind Li Chengqian sighed, how far a person has lived to speak such serious words.

"I can tell my father this method, but if the Tubo people have our weapons, won't it be disadvantageous for our Tang army in future battles?"

"Give them some obsolete weapons. Those barbarians in the Western Regions bite people with their teeth when fighting. They are so poor that they urinate blood. They will be very happy if they have a hoe. Even if they have fighting power, our Tang Dynasty will have a better one." advanced weapons."

"More advanced weapons? What more advanced weapons."

Li Zheng brought Li Chengqian to the training camp of the guards, and took out a compound bow, "I will give this bow to His Royal Highness the Crown Prince."

Li Chengqian held the bow in his hand, "This is indeed a good weapon. If it can be equipped in the army, it can make the archers of the Tang Dynasty perform better."

Holding this compound bow in his hand, he used it directly in Li Zheng's horse pen, and wanted one very much at that time.

Li Chengqian's heart was hot, "Do you have better weapons?"

"I also know an improved three-edged thorn, and I have the opportunity to make it for His Royal Highness the Crown Prince." Li Zheng said with a smile.

The wounds pierced by the triangular thorns are difficult to heal due to the special shape, and often the people after the stab wounds will die of infection due to long-term exposure of the wounds.

In later generations, this kind of weapon was restricted or even stopped due to its inhumanity.

Li Chengqian liked this compound bow very much, but he didn't listen to what the triangular thorns were. He tried to draw the bow and said, "How should Li Zheng's compound bow be made?"

Li Zheng recalled: "At the beginning, I handed over the parts to Longwu Army for casting, and there should be blueprints in the army."

"That's good!" Li Chengqian raised his bow and said, "I understand what you mean, and I will definitely tell my father."

Looking at the back of Li Chengqian leaving, Li Zheng said: "Tell your father clearly that the arms business is a way to make money."

I don't know how much Li Chengqian understood.

I don't know if Li Shimin's mind is open or not.

This is a good opportunity to cut leeks.

People have wisdom since enlightenment, and they can trade.

For the ancients, commerce was a cheap industry, but no country can do without commerce.

Business can also strengthen a country, govern a country, or destroy a country.

In the wars of later generations, how many small countries were destroyed under the operation of arms dealers.

Left and right are right and left, and sometimes a war is just the left and right hands of the arms dealer.

Not only do we have to sell weapons, but we also need to plant spies from them. The two sides cannot negotiate peace. Once the world is peaceful, there will be no arms business in the world.

Li Shimin was reviewing the memorials of various ministries in the Lizheng Hall, when Wang Ding came to report: "Your Majesty, the Crown Prince has come."

"Let him in." Li Shimin said without raising his head.

Li Chengqian put the composite bow in front of Li Shimin and said, "Father, this is a new crossbow made by Li Zheng."

Li Shimin put down his pen, looked at the strange crossbow in front of him and said, "Is this a crossbow?"

"Father, with this crossbow, a thin adult can easily pull the five-stone bow."

"Is there such a thing?" Li Shimin looked suspicious.

Li Chengqian said: "Father might as well try."

Lifting the bow, Li Shimin unexpectedly found that the bow was a bit heavy, and there seemed to be some iron objects on it.

Li Shimin tried to draw the bow and said, "Why is the bowstring so loose?"

Li Chengqian said: "Father, try it and you will know."

Li Shimin came to the backyard of the Lizheng Palace, looked at Li Chengqian again in puzzlement, raised his bow, and as the bowstring was drawn, the axle on the bowstring also rotated.

One arrow was shot, and the arrow hit the target very accurately, and after a closer look, half of the arrow had shot through the target.

"What's going on?" Li Shimin looked at the scene in surprise. There was also a five-stone bow in the Lizheng Hall, which he had used before, but right now he didn't use much force, and the arrow had already shot into the target.

Li Chengqian helped Li Shimin adjust the secondary string and axle, "Father, try again."

Li Shimin also became interested, and drew his bow again to aim at the target, this time the bowstring was much tighter than before.

An arrow shot out, with the sound of piercing through the air, the arrow shot straight through the target, and shot straight into the wall behind the target.

"This..." Li Shimin was a little unbelievable. It had been many years, and he hadn't felt this way for many years.

As he dealt with government affairs all day long, he rarely used bows and arrows except for hunting, so the five stone bows could no longer be pulled.

(End of this chapter)

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