People in Datang have been expelled from school

Chapter 380 Laziness engraved in the bones

Chapter 380 Laziness engraved in the bones
After walking for a while, Li Lizhi found that Li Zheng was walking aimlessly, but this feeling was good and he could look at the surrounding scenery carefully. He didn't walk for the purpose of going somewhere, but walked because he wanted to walk. Feel.

"It's the first time I feel that walking can be so sloppy." Li Lizhi looked sideways at Li Zheng who was walking beside her and said, "Your laziness seems to be engraved in your bones, and even walking is so careless."

Li Zheng said: "Walking is also for relaxation."

Li Lizhi liked this feeling very much, but when she realized that Li Zheng was leading her to the village, her face immediately turned red.

He wanted to stop his steps, but found that Li Zheng had already held his hand.

I had no choice but to let Li Zheng walk in the village with him.

The villagers are no strangers to Li Lizhi, the princess.

Everyone knew that this princess was going to marry Li Zheng in the future.

The aunts in the village also looked over with a smile and gave Li Lizhi a look.

There was not too much cross-examination, and no one joked.

Li Lizhi's face was red to the ears, as if it was the first time a daughter-in-law saw her husband's house.

After walking around for a while and returning to the stables, Li Lizhi felt that her palms were full of sweat.

There were fireflies flying not far from the horse circle, Li Zheng said to Li Lizhi: "It's getting late, Your Highness, should I stay overnight or go back to Chang'an."

"Of course I'm going back to Chang'an." Li Lizhi said immediately, her face getting redder.

Li Zheng listened to this and said, "Why do I sound a little unsteady?"

"You!" Li Lizhi hesitated to speak, and stepped heavily on Li Zheng's straw sandals.

Seeing Li Zheng's grim and distressed expression, Li Lizhi took Wu Mei away contentedly.

Li Zheng covered his feet and said to Li Tai, who was gloating at the side, "Do you think Princess Changle has violent tendencies?"

Li Tai looked at the book of fables and asked puzzledly, "What is violent tendency?"

"I like to hit people with my hands."

Li Tai held the book in his hand and turned a page, "Actually, Lizhi is also very good at riding and shooting. Since she was a child, she liked to hunt with her father."

Li Zheng said helplessly: "Thank you for letting me know, I've learned it."

Li Tai looked at the fable and asked, "Li Zheng, is there really such a child prodigy in the story of hurting Zhongyong?"

Li Zheng made himself some tea and said, "Actually, it's just a story. There is no such person."

"Yeah." Li Tai said: "I like this story very much. A child prodigy has lived proudly for several years, and gradually loses his wit and thinking. , is truly a thought-provoking story.”

There are many good stories since ancient times, but the story of Shang Zhongyong was actually written by Wang Anshi in the later Song Dynasty.

Many stories in the fables come from allusions, and Li Tai can easily read them, especially the story of carving a boat and seeking a sword, which existed in Lu's Spring and Autumn Period.

Li Tai likes these little stories very much, and there is a warning to the world in every little story.

This way of storytelling is used to make people understand the truth, and even children can read the story without reading any classics.

Li Tai likes to read at night, and Li Zheng is inexplicably worried about whether Li Tai will get myopia.

After waking up, it was already dawn, and Li Zheng saw Li Tai getting up early and running.

After Li Tai finished his morning run, Li Zheng also made breakfast.

After eating, he took Li Tai to the blacksmith workshop.

The three brothers of the Tie family are already busy here.

It seems that it is almost there, only Yan Liben's wooden bellows is missing.

The smithy started trying to burn coal, try the stove

Coal has a high ignition point, but is very resistant to burning.

First heat up the fire in the furnace and then add some coking coal, which is also called metallurgical coal.

It is the best coal mine for wrought iron.

The stove ignited and the whole blacksmith shop began to heat up.

Li Zheng watched the fire in the stove, waiting for the temperature to rise.

Then put a piece of pig iron on top of the stove to see if the current temperature is enough to burn the iron.

When the coal in the stove started to burn, Li Zheng added coal to the stove again. After half a stick of incense, the heat here was already unbearable. Coupled with the scorching weather, Li Taiguang just stood by the stove. Can sweat profusely.

It's even better with the stove lid on.

Li Zheng told Tie Da: "Clean up the burnt cinders every hour and add new coal."

Tie Da nodded.

The three brothers of the Tie family are alright, the three brothers who have been working on iron for a long time can still stand the heat.

Li Tai and Li Zheng walked outside the blacksmith shop, breathing in the fresh air.

Li Tai wiped the sweat from his forehead and said, "This is too tortured."

Li Zheng pointed to the three brothers of the Tie family beside the stove, "Just get used to it, just like them, His Royal Highness Wei Wang can bear it."

Li Tai kept breathing the fresh air.

Li Zheng continued: "We can get twice the result with half the effort to lose weight here. Of course, if His Royal Highness Wei Wang can't stand it, I can change my job."

"I can bear it, this king also wants to learn how to forge iron."

After speaking, Li Tai gritted his teeth and walked into the blacksmith's shop.

Li Zheng wiped his sweat and took a sip of water and walked into the blacksmith's shop. He turned on the stove and saw the oncoming heat, watching the pig iron on the verge of melting.

At this time, if there is a wooden wind box, the temperature of the stove can be raised a lot.

Turning off the stove again, Li Zheng said to the three brothers of the Tie family and Li Tai: "Drink water every hour, be careful of dehydration."

The three brothers of the Tie family don't know what dehydration means, they just know that they need to drink water.

Since Li Zheng asked them to drink water, they must drink water every hour.

Constantly increasing the firepower, the pig iron was finally melted. Li Zheng added wrought iron into the furnace again, and immediately shouted: "Add coal! Continue to add coal."

The three brothers of the Tie family kept adding coal to the stove.

When the temperature in the furnace reached a certain level, even the three brothers of the Tie family couldn't stand it anymore.

It was also the first time they felt such a high temperature.

Seeing that the pig iron had melted into the wrought iron, Li Zheng immediately pulled out the mold in the furnace with iron clamps. The wrought iron with molten iron had already melted in it. After taking it out, Li Zheng saw that the molten iron in the mold was oxidizing.

When the color of the iron slurry was a bit dim, Li Zheng took out the semi-solidified iron material with tongs and put it on the stone, shouting: "Quick! Forging now!"

When Tie Da heard the words, he immediately swung the hammer and began to forge. After dozens of hits, Li Zheng sprinkled a layer of toner and said, "Keep hitting!"

Li Tai kept staring at the continuously forged iron block, seeing that a long knife was about to be broken into shape.

Tie Da's forging technique is very skilled and fast.

The few minutes of oxidation of the iron material out of the furnace are the most precious.

After beating nearly a hundred times, Li Zheng asked Tie Dana to temper it, and then it was quenched.

(End of this chapter)

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