Chapter 381 Like a mirror

The matter of quenching is much simpler, and the three brothers of the Tie family can do it by themselves.

Dou Da's sweat dripped from his hair, and Li Zheng took a sip of water.

Walking out of the blacksmith's shop, it is said that Cao Cao's steel knife took half a year to make.

Li Zheng looked at the furnace in the blacksmith's shop. In the future, tens of hundreds of steel knives could be made in a month.

Scale up as much as you want.

Li Tai nervously watched the three brothers of the Tie family temper the iron and then temper it. He came to Li Zheng's side and said, "This is the first time I have seen blacksmithing. I have learned a lot. This trip is worthwhile."

In fact, the most important step in wrought iron is to sprinkle a layer of carbon powder on it.

In this way, the forged steel will have the guarantee of hardness.

Half a day later, Tie Da came out carrying the forged iron piece.

This piece of iron is very heavy. Li Zheng felt the weight in his hand and knew that the steel content was very high.

The half-centimeter-thick iron bar is dark, unpretentious and just waiting for the attack.

Li Tai looked at the forged iron and asked curiously, "Why is there no pattern on it?"

Tie Da also said curiously, "This is the first time that the villain has forged iron in such a weird way."

The two looked at Li Zheng together.

Li Zheng explained: "The steel pouring method you are using now is to wrap pig iron on wrought iron. The two different iron materials are forged together, so there will be many lines when it is created. I use pouring. The Su steel method is to directly melt pig iron into wrought iron, so there are no lines."

"It will be a lot easier when Yan Liben's wooden bellows arrive. It's a waste of coal to do so now."

Tie Da nodded, "That's true. All the weapons we forge have veins, which are the same as the veins that come out when we forge pig iron."

Li Zheng said, "What do you think?"

Li Tai held the prototype of the horizontal knife in his hand, "It's a bit heavy."

Tie Da's eyes were hot, and he naturally knew that the heavier the forged ironware, the better.

Li Zheng said: "It is heavy because of the high density of steel."

Li Tai: "What do you mean by that?"

"You won't understand if you tell me." Li Zheng simply didn't explain to Li Tai, and said to Tie Da: "You go and polish it, and the finished product will be handed over to me when the time comes."

"Here!" Tie Da responded loudly.

After speaking, Tie Da gave his two brothers a look, and the three brothers suddenly knelt in front of Li Zheng and said, "I am willing to swear to stay in Jingyang for the rest of my life, and I will never reveal a word of the county marquis's steelmaking method." .”

Li Zheng nodded to explain their oath, "Go to work."

"Here!" Tie Da first stood up

The three brothers of the Tie family returned to the blacksmith shop.

The production of Yan Liben's wooden bellows is coming to an end, and the wooden bellows to be made this time are very large.

Almost one person tall, Yan Liben asked Zhang Qi to temporarily mobilize the staff who built the Zangshu Pavilion to make wooden bellows.

There is an air intake at each end of the case.

Air is sucked in from the proximal side when the handle is pulled apart.In this case, however, the compressed part of the air is pushed into the side chamber, when it is pushed in again, and is discharged there through the exhaust port.

The farther the push and pull, the greater the wind force given.

Double-acting piston bellows actually existed in the Song Dynasty. Nowadays, there are similar blowers, but the structure is complicated and difficult to use. It is not as easy to use as this piston bellows.

Materials such as cooked pigskin and animal skin used to push the air inside can block the air and at the same time be used to move with a certain degree of elasticity.

There is no better air-insulating material than this in this day and age.

Li Zheng looked at Yan Liben and asked Zhang Qi and the others to do it himself while doing it himself.

The wooden bellows are designed to be more than one meter long, mainly to increase the wind force, and how far the tie rod can be pulled determines the wind force.

When Yan Liben saw Li Zheng coming, he said, "Li Zheng, don't worry, the old man can make it tomorrow."

"Don't worry." Li Zheng said.

Yan Liben glanced at the drawing and said, "I don't understand what this thing is for."

Li Zheng grinned, "Business secrets."

For more than ten days in a row, Li Zheng has been busy working in the blacksmith shop.

The wooden bellows made by Yan Liben were installed on the back wall of the blacksmith shop. Tie San pulled the bellows and pushed it in again.

The flame in the stove suddenly rose and rushed out of the stove. Li Tai dodged to hide, but was still burned to the hair by the flame, and immediately smelled a strange burning smell.

Tie Da hastily sealed the stove's lid.

Li Tai cursed and cut off part of his burnt hair, and continued to work on the stove after cursing.

Li Zheng and Cheng Chumo were sitting outside the blacksmith's shop drinking tea when they saw Li Tai coming out with a blushing face.

Obviously it was steamed by the stove, Li Zheng asked with a smile: "May I ask His Royal Highness Wei Wang how familiar it is."

Li Tai's clothes were already soaked with sweat, and he picked up the water bottle and poured water into his mouth continuously.

Li Zheng looked at Li Tai with sympathy, and said to Cheng Chumo: "It looks like I'm half-familiar."

Cheng Chumo let out a long sigh, "His Royal Highness, why are you bothering?"

"I want to lose weight! I want to live longer than the prince." Li Tai gritted his teeth.

Tie Er finally polished the steel knife, put it into the scabbard and put it in front of Li Zheng, "Please have a look at the magistrate."

The style of this steel knife is still made in the style of a horizontal knife.

Li Zheng pulled out the knife and looked at the blade. The entire surface of the knife was almost like a mirror.

Cheng Chumo was dazzled by the light reflected from the blade.

Li Tai also looked at it and said, "This knife is so beautiful."

Li Zheng handed the knife to Cheng Chumo and said, "Try?"

Cheng Chumo looked at the knife, the surface of the knife was like a mirror, and said with emotion: "This is the first time I have seen such a beautiful knife, it seems to be natural, without lines? No flaws."

Try to swing the knife in your hand, Cheng Chumo is also a person who is good at using weapons, "it is a bit heavier than ordinary horizontal knives."

Every time Cheng Chumo swung the knife, there was a slight whistling sound when the knife cut through the air, as if resonating with the blade.

Li Zheng called Li Ke, Li Ke was born in the army, and his saber was the standard Datang Hengdao.

There are only two people in the whole village with this kind of knife, one is Li Jiangshan and the other is Li Ke.

Li Zheng didn't really want to invite the killer sister Li Jiangshan, the most important thing was that the woman was too murderous to be provoked.

Cheng Chumo and Li Ke each held a knife facing each other and began to test the knife.

Li Zheng watched them swing their knives vigorously together, and the blades of the two knives collided.

Both knives came out unharmed the first time.

The second time the result was the same.

the third time……

the fourth time……


The result was the same for more than ten times in a row, and Li Tai was secretly surprised. This means that the steel Li Zheng smelted is almost the same as the horizontal knife of Tang Dynasty today, and Li Tai only took one day to forge it through Li Zheng's forging.

It takes at least ten days to forge a general horizontal knife.

There was another collision, and Li Ke's surprised voice came.

At first glance, it turned out that there was a gap in Li Ke's horizontal knife.

And the newly tempered steel knife in Cheng Chumo's hand was still safe and sound.

Seeing the result, Li Tai gasped, this time he lost interest in knives, but looked at Li Zheng, and asked in a low voice: "What else does Li Zheng not know, what did you eat to grow up?" of."

(End of this chapter)

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