People in Datang have been expelled from school

Chapter 708 The Princess and the Prince's Order

Chapter 708 The Princess and the Prince's Order
"When I finished making things, in order to avoid unnecessary accidents caused by someone entering the laboratory and rummaging around, I closed the laboratory and sealed off many places." Li Zheng whispered Said.

Li Li asked curiously, "Are those things dangerous?"

Li Zheng nodded, "It's really dangerous. Some things may explode when they come into contact with water, and some things will burn when they come into contact with oxygen. I lock it and don't want others to go in. Unfortunately, some people still can't stand their curiosity and want to Come into my laboratory and have a look. I don’t know if I have put some things in the laboratory, so that the temperature of the laboratory can become very low, but once a large amount of air enters, it will burn, that is to say, as long as someone wants to Come into my lab, they won't find anything, the lab will self-destruct and burn."

After listening to Li Zheng's words, Li Lizhi supported her forehead, and really couldn't understand Li Zheng's words.

Li Lizhi thought for a while, "Then the laboratory caught fire this time, so someone entered the laboratory?"

Li Zheng nodded, "I don't know who did it. I've already locked it, but I didn't expect someone to go in."

Li Li questioned, "Who exactly wants to enter your laboratory, and what does he want to do?"

Seeing Li Lizhi's expression, Li Zheng said: "That's right, I locked three big locks, how could someone get in? I don't know if I didn't lock them well enough, or the atmosphere in Jingyang is not good recently. There are people who slip through doors and pick locks."

Li Lizhi nodded, "Indeed, you are also the master of Jingyang, how can you do this? How about arresting the person who secretly picked the lock?"

Li Zheng nodded, "Okay, our people in Jingyang are simple and honest, so we must be able to catch them."

"Our people in Jingyang have always been very good. This time something like this happened. We must investigate it. Maybe it was done by outsiders."


Li Zhi called by Li Lizhi.

After listening to his sister Huang's orders, Li Zhi said, "Sister Huang, don't worry, I will let someone find out."

The next day, Li Zhi found Li Yifu and began to investigate the fire in the laboratory.

Not that the lab itself caught fire.

Instead, Li Zheng is making preparations in the laboratory. As long as someone enters the laboratory privately, the laboratory will burn.

After several inquiries, with the help of the simple and hardworking folks, I finally found the guy who had sneaked into the laboratory.

Shangguanyi sat in the dilapidated and shabby Jingyang county government office. The Jingyang county government office was in disrepair for a long time, and Li Zheng didn't seem to plan to repair it.

Standing beside Shangguanyi, Li Yifu also looked at the guy in front of him.

Comparing this Jingyang roster, according to this person's account, it seems that he is not a member of the guards, let alone a villager who was merged with Gaoling before. There is no such person in the roster.

"Tell me, who the hell are you! Why did you enter our Jingyang County Lord's laboratory!" Li Yifu asked.

The man looked around, but still said nothing.

Shangguanyi smiled and said, "It doesn't matter if you don't say anything, we can find someone to paint your portrait."

"What do you do to paint my portrait?" said the guy who was being escorted by the enthusiastic Jingyang villagers.

Shangguanyi walked up to him and said, "You know that we have a magazine in Jingyang, right? I can draw your portrait and print it in the magazine, so that many people can know about you. You also know that our magazine in Jingyang has a magazine. Lots of people will watch it."

"Oh." The guy sneered.

Seeing that the other party didn't know how to flatter, Li Yifu was about to make a move.

Shangguanyi said again: "You are still related to a widow in Lantian County, right?"


Shangguanyi held a booklet and said, "Are you still stealing from General Cheng's house?"


"You still peek at the women in Pingkangfang, you even litter the trash in Chang'an, even the 50-year-old grandma..."

"What are you talking about? When have I ever done this?"

The other party said loudly.

Shangguan Yichang sighed, "Even with your crimes, we can't kill you. As for what to write in the magazine, we can do whatever we want."

"Yes!" Li Yifu also echoed: "It's better to ruin his reputation and make him notorious. Our Jingyang magazine is selling very well. Not only Chang'an, but now the whole Guanzhong is in our magazine."

"You can't be humiliated if you kill a scholar! You guys kill me." The other party gritted his teeth and said.

"The bones are still hard."

Shangguanyi asked Li Yifu, "When will the next issue of the magazine be distributed?"

Li Yifu said: "Three days later."

Shangguanyi nodded and said, "Then lock him up first, and throw him out of Jingyang three days later and when the magazines are distributed."

"You can't do that."


"You are slandering and framing. I have never done these things."


The shouting became farther and farther away until it was silent.

Shangguanyi held the Jingyang roster and said: "The current Chang'an Ling is famous, and there may be such people in Jingyang. We might as well investigate and investigate."

Li Yifu also said: "This is also the arrangement of Princess Changle and His Royal Highness Prince Jin, we must handle it well."

Since he got glasses, Li Shimin no longer has to carry the memorial when he is reviewing the memorial. He sits upright and reads it, and his neck is no longer tired.

Having experienced the magical effect of glasses, Li Shimin always wears glasses whenever he reads books and consults memorials.

It is inseparable to carry glasses with you.

Wang Ding hurriedly came to Ganlu Hall and said: "Your Majesty has an accident."

Li Shimin, who was reviewing the memorial, put down his pen impatiently, "What's the matter? Have you found out the matter?"

Wang Ding said with a bitter face: "Your Majesty, the eyeliner arranged in Jingyang has been found out."

"It was found out?" Li Shimin said in surprise: "It was Li Zhengcha?"

"It wasn't Li Zheng's investigation." Wang Ding said, "It was because the laboratory was on fire. Princess Changle knew that someone had sneaked into the laboratory. His Royal Highness Prince Jin and Princess Changle ordered Li Yifu to investigate. Who knew that Li Yifu had found it now. Shangguanyi, the prime minister of Jingyang County, did not expect this Shangguanyi to be quite capable in handling affairs, and found our eyeliner in less than half a day."

Li Shimin picked up the tea bowl and wanted to take a sip of tea, but found that the tea bowl was empty and had to put it down in annoyance.

Glancing at Wang Ding again, Li Shimin hesitated to speak.

Wang Ding said: "I have informed the other eyeliners, let them be more vigilant."

Li Shimin took a deep breath, calmed down his emotions and said, "You said that this matter was Li Zhi and Zhi Nu's idea?"

Wang Ding nodded, "It's not that Li Zheng said to investigate, it is indeed Princess Changle and His Royal Highness Prince Jin who said to investigate."

Li Shimin said with a worried face: "You said... Li Zheng didn't care, why did Li Zhi and Zhi Nu do this?"

What his father did was spoiled by his eldest daughter and son, Li Shimin felt tired for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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