Chapter 709 The newlyweds
Li Shimin said melancholy: "It's just one person, how much do we have in Jingyang?"

Wang Ding said in a low voice: "There are still fifteen people. When we made the arrangement, we sent more people."

"Okay, tell other people to be more careful in handling things in the future."


Wang Ding said again in a low voice: "Your Majesty, tomorrow is the wedding of Cheng Chumo, the son of General Cheng. The queen has already gone to Kong Yingda's mansion, saying that she wants to support some matters."

Li Shimin's expression slowed down a little, "Cheng Yaojin, an old man, and Kong Yingda are really married?"

"Yes, Kong Yingda's granddaughter is going to marry General Cheng's son, and the streets of Suzaku are buzzing."

"Let the queen decide."

Li Shimin said a little tiredly.

Seeing Li Shimin's tired expression, Wang Ding also left the Ganlu Palace.

Jingyang, Shangguanyi and Li Yifu started the investigation. In fact, it was very simple to check the roster, the roster of Jingyang villagers and the residents who came from all over the place, as well as the residents of Gaoling before. These people were all registered to commit crimes.

It is easy to find out who is mixed in.

Today's Jingyang has a population of more than 3, not counting the children of each household. It will take some time to investigate.

Li Zheng has been staying at home these days. Ever since the colored glaze was fired, he has never left home.

Cheng Chumo sat in front of Li Zheng with a bored expression.

Li Zheng poured him a glass of wine and said, "Tomorrow is your big wedding, so it's not appropriate for you to come to Jingyang now."

"There's something inappropriate."

Cheng Chumo took another sip of wine and said, "I've already figured it out. If I don't run away, it's just getting married. It's such a simple thing."

Li Zheng filled Cheng Chumo's wine bowl.

Cheng Chumo ate peanuts and said, "Li Zheng, in fact, Kong Yingda's granddaughter is quite juicy, she's not ugly but she's a little skinny and doesn't have much flesh."

Li Zheng grinned, "I would think that you came here to run away from marriage, and I was even ready to tie you up after getting drunk and give it to your old man, since you have this kind of awareness now, I will not worried."

Cheng Chumo looked at the wine in the wine bowl and said: "Li Zheng, I have thought a lot these days. Whether you say it or what my old man said, I think it makes sense. Even if I want to go to war, I will I want to leave one for the family."

"It's not just about leaving a queen." Cheng Chumo said again: "I also have to take on the responsibility of being the eldest son."

Seeing Cheng Chumo's expression, Li Zheng said with emotion: "Brother Chumo, you finally realized."

Cheng Chumo said again: "It's not a matter of enlightenment or not. It's my old man who said that as long as I get married, I can control the army of Zongwei Mansion by myself."

With a sip of tea choking on his throat, Li Zheng coughed for a while before recovering and said, "So you said so much before, and now it's just to be able to control the soldiers and horses of Zongwei Mansion by yourself in the future?"

"Otherwise?" Cheng Chumo took another sip of his drink and said, "You think I would agree to that old man so easily, I'm not stupid."

Li Zheng held his forehead.

Cheng Chumo said again: "I've already thought about it. From now on, the soldiers and horses I bring will be trained according to Jingyang's method, and the training methods of those soldiers and horses in the previous court will all be changed."

But thinking about it, Cheng Chumo's ideal may never be to start a family and have children.

He wants to be a general who fights everywhere.

Seeing Cheng Chumo's full of enthusiasm.

Li Zheng shook the fan in his hand, thinking how easy it is to be a general.

The end of being a good general in this world is often not very good.

Like Li Jing, although the current Li Jing still has prestige, he no longer has military power.

Even stayed at home all the time without going out.

To be a general also has to take into account the affairs of the court.

It is complicated to be a good man, and even more difficult to be a good general.

Cheng Chumo is the eldest son of Cheng Yaojin.

In any case, Cheng Yaojin would not let his son be in danger.

Even if he is a general, Cheng Yaojin will definitely let Cheng Chumo be an idle general.

At least, Cheng Yaojin will let his son live a safe life.

Dreams are passionate, but reality is cruel.

For someone like Cheng Chumo, his ideals will be severely beaten sooner or later.

Dreams in this world are never achieved with a single passion.

Often when you want to stand up, reality will slap you.

It will tell you that this is reality.

Li Zheng was eating peanuts, listening to Cheng Chumo talking about his future plans, of course he didn't want to drown out the passion in Cheng Chumo's heart, no one was young and passionate.

Use this kind of blood to meet the cruel reality, stand up again and again, and fall down again and again.

And those who tell you that the future is good, you just need to take a step forward.

These people paint a big cake for you and give you a future.

They often won't tell you about the process, let alone the cruelty of the future, and often just want to fool you.

Cheng Chumo got very drunk in Jingyang, and Li Zheng had someone send him back.

Standing alone at the door of his own house, Cheng Chumo also got married.

Unknowingly, so many years have passed.

Recalling that he and Cheng Chumo set fire together and went to jail together.

In the distance, Li Lizhi, Wu Mei and Xu Hui were chatting and laughing, but they didn't know what they were talking about.

Li Zheng stretched his waist and returned to the yard, then took a nap.

On the second day, Cheng's marriage began.

Suzaku was very lively for a while.

The marriage of the eldest son in the family is a big event for the Cheng family.

Marriage of a warrior is rather rough for Kong Yingda.

After sending his granddaughter to Cheng's mansion, he came to Cheng's mansion and sat down, watching Cheng Yaojin talking and laughing with a group of generals.

Under Kong Yingda's gaze, Cheng Yaojin was so happy that he knocked down more than a dozen of his own melodies happily.

It was obviously a wedding banquet, but in Kong Yingda's eyes, it became a wild dance of demons.

How vulgar!

Kong Yingda attended the wedding banquet with a look of disgust, and then bid farewell to her granddaughter with a look of reluctance.

On the second day after the marriage, Cheng Chumo came to Jingyang with a bruised nose and a swollen face.

Li Zheng looked at Cheng Chumo's red, swollen and bruised face and asked curiously, "Brother Chumo, didn't you get married yesterday?"

Cheng Chumo sighed and said, "Yes, I did get married yesterday."

Li Zheng returned to his study and took out some wound medicine from the system pharmacy.

While applying medicine to Cheng Chumo, Li Zheng asked again: "Could it be that you wanted to escape marriage last night, and you were beaten up by your old man?"

Cheng Chu shook his head silently.

Li Zheng took a breath, "The wound on your face looks like it happened overnight, and it doesn't look like it happened this morning."

Cheng Chumo said in a low voice: "Li Zheng, do you think I'm useless?"

Li Zheng quickly waved his hand and said, "I've never thought about it that way before."

Cheng Chumo endured the pain of applying the medicine on the wound, "Li Zheng, do you know how these wounds on my face came from?"

(End of this chapter)

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