People in Datang have been expelled from school

Chapter 715 From Liangzhou to Shazhou

Chapter 715 From Liangzhou to Shazhou
After thinking about this, Daniu had a plan in mind, and went to Xizhou to meet His Highness the King of Shu first.

After thinking about this, Daniel lay down on the haystack and fell asleep.

The next day, when I woke up, the sky was still only dim.

Many members of the escort team have already got up and started to pack their luggage and prepare to go on their way.

Da Niu saw that Mo Vo had already prepared a meal.

There are no customers in the restaurant now.

There are no people in the vast Gobi.

It was very quiet and flustered, the restaurant was very dark, and it hadn't even opened yet.

Sitting in the restaurant, Da Niu was drinking a bowl of porridge and eating cakes, Jian Mou sat in front of him and cut two pieces of jerky.

Mou said: "Prepare more food, the journey to Xizhou is very long."

Daniel asked: "How many people do you have now?"

Mou thought for a while and said: "I can use about 3000 people by myself now, but these 3000 people are not gathered together, but follow my children to do things."

"Children, are those children who returned to the customs with you before?"

"It is these children who work for Mr. Mo. They are native children of Tubo. They know how to survive in the desert of the Western Regions. I just taught them how to do business."

Daniel ate the porridge in the bowl, put down the bowl in his hand and said: "Many people say that these children are doing things for Mr. Mo. I think it doesn't matter whether Mr. Mo exists or not. From a certain point of view, these children It's all Mr. Mo."

Movo said in a low voice: "The way you speak is very similar to Chang'an Ling, and like Chang'an Ling, you are good at seeing the essence through some falsehood."

Daniel said with a smile: "In fact, I haven't learned too many skills. I still don't know many skills from the teacher. In fact, science is a knowledge that sees through the falsehood and recognizes the essence of things."

Nodding silently, "That's true. Today's Turks are still using witchcraft to cure diseases. I don't know that illness is just a physical problem and has nothing to do with the gods. It is the essence of illness to be cured, but I have seen too many people. Still believing in God."

"As you said, it doesn't matter whether Mr. Mo really exists or not. It doesn't matter who Mr. Mo is. Each of these children is Mr. Mo. When I grow old and die, they don't have to inherit Mr. Mo's status." Names, because they were originally Mr. Mo."

The conversation with Movo made Daniel feel that Movo is a person full of experiences and stories.

When he spoke, there was not much expression on his face, and the light in his eyes was also very faint.

There wasn't much look in his eyes, if he sat motionless.

Just looking at his thin body, it is easy to think that he is a dead man.

Mou handed Daniel a small package and said, "It's full of salt, little general, don't forget to pour some more into the water you drink every day."

Daniel accepted his package and said, "I see."

The guards outside came over and said, "It's all ready."

Daniel was also full, stood up and said: "Then I will set off first, and you have to take care of yourself."

Mo Vo bowed and saluted, "Go slowly."

When they came outside the restaurant, the team was ready.

Daniu got on his horse, confirmed the wind direction on the compass, and headed towards Xizhou.

After walking away, Daniel looked back at the wine shop behind him, thinking about the current situation of silent vomiting.

After passing here, you will leave Liangzhou, and there is a sandbar not far away.

There will be a water source near the sandbar, and it will take two days to get to the sandbar from Xiliang, Liangzhou.

Along the way, Daniel held a telescope in his hand and looked at the mountains and rivers here.

Growing up in the village since he was a child, Daniel is very curious about everything here.

Marching into the night, the team rested under a Gobi cliff.

Daniu followed his own route, starting from Jingyang, leaving Longyou and Longxi, arriving at the Hexi Corridor, crossing the Qilian Mountains, and leaving Liangzhou.

Now I am at the junction of Guazhou and Shazhou.

The territory of Tubo is just below Shazhou, that is, to the south of Shazhou is the territory of Tubo.

North of the sandbar is Xizhou.

Xizhou is a rare place surrounded by water in the desert, and it has been the hub of commercial transportation since the Han Dynasty.

I remember the teacher said that whoever masters Xizhou masters the key to this business.

It's no wonder Songtsan Gampo and Lu Dongzan would go north with their troops to win Xizhou.

As long as the Xizhou you own is in the confrontation between Tubo and Datang, Tubo can have a greater discourse.

Of course, Xizhou is located in the territory of Western Turks, and Gaochang Kingdom is not far from Xizhou.

Six territories and twelve states, 36 countries in the Western Regions.

These multi-party forces scattered in the west of Datang are all factors of instability in Xizhou.

Gaochang Kingdom and Western Turks also often fight over Xizhou.

Without the suppression of the powerful power of the Guanzhong emperor, the entire Western Regions would be a mess.

If Guanzhong becomes strong enough to reach out to the Western Regions, these small countries in the Western Regions will be honest.

Today's own route is somewhat similar to that of Zhang Qian in the Han Dynasty.

The nights here are very cold, and it is more comfortable to sleep by the fire.

Howling wolves can be heard from time to time at night.

Fall asleep to the howling of wolves.

After waking up, the team reorganized and headed towards Shazhou.

As I was walking, I encountered a caravan.

Daniu Ce immediately came forward to say hello and found that the relevant middle-aged people in this caravan also included people from the Western Regions.

"You guys are doing business?"

Daniel asked curiously.

Several Guanzhong people saw that it was Guanzhong people who came to inquire, and they explained with soldiers and horses: "We are going to Tubo to do business."

Daniel took a closer look at the team. There were quite a lot of people, but not many goods.

Noticing the strangeness, Daniel said calmly, "Tubo is very chaotic recently, and business is not easy."

"This little general is right. If it weren't for the people we know, the business wouldn't be easy."

Listening to what they said, Daniel said again: "Are you going to Shazhou?"

The other party replied: "Go to Shazhou and go to Tubo by way."

Daniel said: "I'm going to Shazhou to go to Xizhou by way, how about we go together? We also need someone to accompany us, besides, you also need escorts."

"It's fine."

The other party agreed, and Daniel could see that they were very vigilant.

Daniel naturally understood that these people didn't have much goods.

The Tubo people in the caravan seemed to be threatened by these Guanzhong people.

Not even a guide.

Daniu recalled that the generals in the court seemed to have discussed sending secret agents to Tubo to inquire about the situation. Now it seems that they should be these people, and they probably all came from the Weifu of Datang.

After another three days of marching, we arrived in Shazhou.

After these few days of contact, Daniel became more and more sure of his thoughts.

These people were from Datang Weifu, their every move and even the posture of holding the knife revealed that these people were martial arts, not businessmen.

(End of this chapter)

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