People in Datang have been expelled from school

Chapter 716 Entering the West State

Chapter 716 Entering the West State

In the subsequent conversation, Daniel didn't want to expose them, they were also ordered to go to Tibet to handle errands.

There is a small tributary in Shazhou, where several families live.

Daniel communicated with them in his blunt Tubo dialect.

I don't know if they can understand what I mean.

After the exchange, Daniel felt that he didn't even know what he was talking about.

Can only communicate through gestures.

This exchange is really tiring.

Fortunately, I finally figured it out, along this small river and across a desert is Xizhou.

With this result, it's fine, and Daniel doesn't want to communicate too much with these guys.

The team began to bury pots and boil water here to replenish water sources.

The people in the caravan also went to Tibet.

From the beginning of this river, they parted ways.

It is very hot in the daytime on the Gobi, and now it is winter, and the heat is unbearable.

The team rested for an hour before heading north to Xizhou.

The scorching heat made the horses a little impatient, and the team walked very slowly.

Every time a certain distance is completed, Daniel will mark it on the map.

As he was walking, the scout who was the first to check the situation ahead reported, "General Niu, there is a group of people gathered ahead, they look like soldiers from the Western Regions."

Daniel followed the scout and went to investigate.

When I came to a sand dune, I followed the eyes of the scouts, and there was indeed a team of people in the distance, and there were about ten people.

Take out the binoculars and look at these people, and use the binoculars to observe that these people are wearing weapons.

It seems to be arguing about something.

Daniel looked further away and asked, "Are there any other soldiers and horses around?"

"Within a radius of five miles, there are no other soldiers and horses."

After receiving the reply, Daniel thought for a while and said, "Take down these people first."


The members of the guard immediately went into action.

The war horses ran down from the sand dunes, surrounded all the tents one by one, and grabbed seven or eight people from the Western Regions from the tents.

Daniel rode his horse and followed behind the team, observing the reactions of these people from the Western Regions.

They are all men, and each has a weapon in his hand.

"Guanzhong people?"

The other party asked in the tone of a Guanzhong person.

"Who are you?" Daniel asked as he stood behind.


These people from the Western Regions explained in Guanzhong dialect mixed with Western Region dialect.

Basically, they were originally the defenders of Xizhou City.

Pulling the reins, Daniel comforted the horses under him, and stared at a few people from the Western Regions.

These people from the Western Regions saw that the opponent's troops were still surrounding them, and they had several times as many people.

Naturally dare not do it lightly.

And there was a young man staring at him all the time.

Seeing that the other party didn't seem to believe it, a few people from the Western Regions knelt on the ground and began to swear to the sky that we are really the guards of the Western Region.

Daniel looked at their ridiculous looks and looked up at the sky. According to His Royal Highness Shu's report, Xizhou City was originally controlled by bandits, and the original defenders of Xizhou City had been killed by bandits long ago.

As a result, Xizhou City fell into the hands of His Highness the King of Shu.

After taking Xizhou City, His Royal Highness Shu Wang did not kill too much, but drove some surrendered Western Region bandits out of Xizhou City.

Most of these people are bandits who were driven out from Xizhou City.

Daniu thought for a long time, and it seemed that he was not far from Xizhou City.

If this is the case, it is obviously a hidden danger to keep these people in the rear.

In the desolate desert, it is difficult to deal with the ambushed and unsecured places.

Daniel said to the members of the guards around him: "Take all the weapons and food from these people, tie them all up and let them lead us to Xizhou."


The weapons were collected, all hands were tied, and they were neatly connected in a row. These bandits were like recipients of human life.

Not much resistance.

Sweat flowed from his forehead and dripped on his eyelids, and Daniel tasted the sweat flowing from his forehead.

Now I finally understand the importance of salting what Movo said.

The dry and hot climate in the desert will make people sweat a lot, especially the Guanzhong people who have not experienced the climate of the Western Regions much.

Now Daniel really wants to find a place to cool off and rest for a few hours.

Glancing at the marching team, Daniel also knew that he couldn't walk three miles and rest for an hour.

It was not until the evening that the team stopped to rest.

Daniel wrapped the jerky in a piece of cake and ate it. A member of the guard came up and said, "Boy Niu, some people from the Western Regions over there can still speak Guanzhong dialect."

This guard member who called himself Niuwa used to be a villager in Jingyang, and he was like a big brother when he was young.

Daniu handed him a piece of jerky and said, "You can rest after arriving in Xizhou, and let the elder brother suffer with me."

"Where did we come from to endure hardship? When we go back to the court, we will give us military merits. After I have military merits, my daughters will look at me when they go home. It will be much easier to find a daughter-in-law then."

Hearing this, Da Niu grinned. In fact, this eldest brother’s family is quite well-off, and he is also a wealthy family outside. It’s just that the family is rich and has high vision. He wants to find a better wife as his wife, but Jingyang Many people come from poor backgrounds and have no family background.

If you have military merits, you can be regarded as some kind of family.


The person sent out came to report: "General, we have encountered soldiers from Jingyang."

"Soldiers and horses from Jingyang? Are they from His Highness the King of Shu?"

"Yes, people have followed?"

Daniu got up quickly, and saw a group of soldiers and horses coming here, not many people came, about a dozen.

The leader is Wang Xuance.

Seeing Daniel, Wang Xuance was so shocked that he couldn't speak for a long time.

"Brother Wang!"

Daniel greeted happily.

"You!" Wang Xuance was stunned for a while, "Why did they let you come to the Western Regions as a child?"

Daniel still wanted to explain something, but Wang Xuance said again: "No, you can go back to me now, this Western Region is no better than Guanzhong, it's in chaos here."

Taking out a letter, Daniel said: "Actually, I want to come by myself, and the teacher also agreed, this is a letter."

Wang Xuance took a look at the letter, and then looked at Daniel's expression. The handwriting on this letter is very familiar, and it is very messy. It is probably written by Chang'an Ling himself.

Daniel explained: "This time I am here mainly to pick up His Royal Highness the King of Shu, and I also want to help the teacher do some things in Tubo."

There was nothing wrong with the contents of the letter, so Wang Xuance returned the letter to Daniel, "Is the journey going smoothly?"

"Successful." Daniel nodded and said, "We went all the way from Longxi out of the Hexi Corridor all the way to Shazhou, and we didn't encounter any obstacles."

Seeing Wang Xuance's solemn expression, and appearing at the border of the sandbar more than ten miles away from Xizhou, Daniel asked in a low voice, "Brother Wang, why are you here?"

Looking back at the direction of Xizhou, he said, "Nowadays, Xizhou is a bit tricky. Come back to Xizhou with us first, and then I'll talk to you in detail."

(End of this chapter)

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