Chapter 717
"Okay!" Daniel greeted the team to start camp again.

Wang Xuance also noticed the group of bandits and said, "Take these bandits with you, they can work as coolies in Xizhou."

The team set off again, and along the way Wang Xuance talked about the current situation in Xizhou.

Today's Xizhou can be said to be besieged on all sides, and the greatest pressure comes from Gaochang.

Gaochang State is not far from Xizhou.

And there are quite a few old Western Turkic tribes.

Even the people of Dashi would linger near Xizhou from time to time.

The most troublesome thing right now is Gao Changguo's actions.

Now Gaochang has begun to integrate soldiers and horses.

Xizhou will launch an attack at any time. Today's Xizhou defense only has a thousand Jingyang guards. Once the war starts, whether it can defend it is really a matter of opinion.

It also led to the constant vigilance these days.

Since then, he has traveled more than ten miles to investigate the surrounding movements.

That's why Wang Xuance appeared here.

Daniu followed Wang Xuance's people all day and night, from night to noon the next day before arriving in Xizhou.

From a distance, Xizhou City seems to be repairing the city wall.

Walking into the city of Xizhou, all you see is a busy scene.

Now the entire Xizhou is under the order of His Highness the King of Shu.

Daniel followed Wang Xuance's footsteps and looked around the whole city.

It can be seen that today's fortifications are strengthening and heightening the city wall.

In front of a house, there are several members of the Jingyang guard guarding it.

Daniel followed Wang Xuance into the room, and only then did he meet Li Ke, King of Shu.

At this moment, Li Ke was very busy looking at the blueprints for repairing the city wall.

So much so that Wang Xuance stood in front of him for a long time, but he didn't even look up.

Wang Xuance coughed.

Only then did Li Ke regain his senses and looked up at Wang Xuance and said, "How did the investigation go, did you find any soldiers?"

Wang Xuance asked Daniel to step forward, "I found a soldier."

"Which way of soldiers and horses, how many troops?"

Li Ke asked without raising his head.

Wang Xuance smiled wryly.

Daniel stepped forward and said, "His Royal Highness the King of Shu."

Hearing the voice, Li Ke raised his head and saw Daniel, "Why are you here?"

Daniu smiled and said: "The teacher said that I will come to pick you up, and I was also ordered to pick up His Highness the King of Shu."

Li Ke stopped what he was doing, and held his waist when he stood up.

Apparently it's been sitting there for a long time.

Daniel looked at the pictures one after another, "Is this a picture of building a city wall?"

Li Ke nodded and said: "People in the Western Regions are too slow and stupid to do things. We can't allocate enough manpower for a while. We have been busy repairing the city wall for more than a month."

Daniel looked at the blueprint and said: "I can help His Highness the King of Shu with this matter. In fact, I have seen a kind of city wall in the teacher's books. It should be called a fortress. Every detail of that kind of building is Prepared for war, it is more comprehensive and stronger than the current city wall."

"You are Li Zheng's disciple, you must know more than us."

Daniel said: "I just glanced at it briefly, and I'm not very proficient, but it shouldn't be a problem to draw a gourd."

Li Ke hurriedly said to Wang Xuance: "Da Niu must be very tired with people all the way, why don't you go and rest first, how about we start work after you have rested?"

Daniel said: "I'm not very clear about the situation here, I think it's better to understand the situation here first, and I'll rest after I understand it."

Li Ke nodded repeatedly.

Daniu is Li Zheng's disciple, Li Zheng's closed-door disciple, and Li Zheng's first disciple.

In the village, Daniel's knowledge can be said to be the best under Li Zhengxia.

Even Li Chunfeng and Yan Liben had to ask Daniel for advice on many things.

Having Daniel here is equivalent to half of Li Zheng standing here.

Walking in Xizhou City, Li Ke talked about the current situation in Xizhou.

The entire Western State is in a very relaxed state of defense, and the Western State has also changed hands several times between various small countries.

Daniel wanted to laugh, just like this Xizhou has such a rich land and such a key location in the Western Regions.

It is really a miracle that it can exist for such a long time in such a complicated place in the Western Regions.

Li Ke said in a low voice: "Now Gaochang is bound to attack Xizhou. It is said that the king of Gaochang has become sworn brothers with Tang Xuanzang."

Daniel asked, "Is that the monk who left Guanzhong?"

Li Ke nodded and said, "But we don't like Tang Xuanzang very much, or he hates us, or Xizhou is too attractive for Gaochang."

Daniel stopped and thought about it and said, "I heard from Brother Wang that some Western Turkic tribes, as well as big cannibals, will wander around Xizhou."

Li Ke: "There is indeed such a thing."

Daniel thought about it: "It's okay to talk about Gaochang, but the big cannibals are still at war with Persia. Why do they covet Xizhou through Tubo and Persia? If all parties have something to ask, then Xizhou is Isn't there something else that they want?"

"Because of the treasure."


Li Ke brought Daniel to a burrow, "It is rumored that there is a very powerful leader who plundered many small countries in the Western Regions and possessed a lot of treasures, and he left all these treasures in the Western Province. "

"is it a lot?"

"A lot, almost the most I've seen in my life."

After speaking, Li Ke opened the door of the crypt, and what he saw was an empty space.

Li Ke walked into it and said: "I saw these treasures here before with my own eyes. There are so many treasures that are enough to buy an army in the Western Regions. It's just that these treasures disappeared not long ago."


"There is a legend in the Western Regions. It is a batch of cursed treasures. Those who get it will die or go crazy. No matter how many treasures you take away, they will come back here, and these treasures will also be lost in the wind season. Time is gone, according to what the old man here said, now that the wind season is over, the treasure should be back soon."

Daniel observed here and said: "The story is quite interesting."

Li Ke asked again: "Do you believe such words?"

Daniel grinned and said, "I don't believe it at all."

"As expected, you would say that. After all, you are Li Zheng's disciple. Li Zheng is a person who doesn't believe in such evil things."

Leaving the cave, Daniel said: "In fact, many things can be explained, just like the rainbow we saw after the rain, it is actually the principle of light refraction, I am still learning about this, and what I understand is not a lot of."

When he arrived at the camp of the guards, Wang Xuance cut up watermelons to entertain Daniel.

"Eat it quickly, you won't be able to eat it after this season."

"Brother Wang, did you mean the season of this melon?"

Wang Xuance picked up a watermelon and cut it, "There are rivers near Xizhou, if there are no such good rivers for irrigation, where can we eat such delicious melons?"

(End of this chapter)

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