People in Datang have been expelled from school

Chapter 718 Gao Chang's Conspiracy

Chapter 718 Gao Chang's Conspiracy

Daniel bit off the red melon flesh in one bite, and the sweet and juicy flesh felt cool in his mouth, and the tiredness all over his body immediately disappeared, and he ate up a piece of watermelon in two or three bites.

"Have fun." Wang Xuance said with a smile: "Eat slowly, there are more."

Daniel ate it and asked, "What kind of melon is this?"

Wang Xuance spat out the watermelon seeds and said, "His Royal Highness the King of Shu said that this melon is called a watermelon, but there are people in the Western Regions who pay tribute to the court, and ordinary people can't eat this kind of melon."

Daniel picked up another piece and ate it. There are such delicious melons in this hot and dry Western Region.

"I've thought about it. When I return to Guanzhong, I will bring these watermelon seeds back. Such delicious melons cannot be eaten only by these people from the Western Regions."

Listening to Wang Xuance's words, Daniel asked: "Can this kind of melon be grown in Guanzhong?"

"I asked people here, and they said that this kind of melon is not very picky."

After eating a few pieces of watermelon, Daniel is also full.

When he came to the camp of the guards, Daniel fell asleep and went all the way to Xizhou for half a month, and finally he was able to sleep comfortably.

Daniel didn't know how long he had slept this time, it might be because he was too tired. After waking up, Daniel felt dizzy, and the city of Xizhou was still very busy.

After receiving the water handed by the soldiers at the side, Daniel drank it in one gulp to make his throat more comfortable.

"General Niu, His Royal Highness the King of Shu is already waiting for you."

Daniel patted his face to wake himself up.

Follow the soldiers all the way.

All the way to a barracks, I saw Li Ke discussing things with Wang Xuance.

Daniu stepped forward and said, "His Royal Highness, Brother Wang."

"Let's eat something first." Li Ke said

Daniu took the cake and ate it, his teeth were a little gritty, it seemed that it had been stored for a long time, and it was still good to eat.

A marching map was placed on the table, and Daniel looked at the markings on it, "Is there going to be a war?"

Li Ke nodded grimly, "Our scouts have received news that Gaochang's [-] soldiers are only a day's walk from Xizhou, and they may come to the city as soon as tomorrow."

Wang Xuance continued: "There are [-] soldiers and horses as seen right now, and there is nothing else to say after that."

It's hard to say how many soldiers Gaochang has. If Gaochang intends to win Xizhou with the whole country, the small city of Xizhou will not be Gaochang's opponent at all.

Even with the 1000 troops we are facing now, more than [-] people have to deal with [-] soldiers and horses, the number of people is too large.

The most important thing right now is to solve the current predicament first.

Daniel opened his package and took out another map from it.

This map is much larger and has a lot of detail drawn on it.

Li Ke had seen this kind of map before, except for the academy in Jingyang, only Li Zheng had it in his hands. Li Zheng had brought out this kind of map when he was negotiating with Songtsan Gambo.

Daniel drew several travel routes on the map and said: "Although Xizhou is rich, Xizhou is also a place where there is no danger."

Li Ke and Wang Xuance remained silent, and what they said was correct. Now they are alone in the depths, and there is no support in the rear, except for the Hexi Corridor, which is thousands of miles away.

Even if troops are dispatched in the Hexi Corridor, it will take half a month at the fastest to reach Xizhou.

Moreover, even if the news of sending troops is sent to the Hexi Corridor, His Majesty still needs to approve it, and His Majesty still has to go through the court council to make a decision. Even if he agreed to send troops to help, it is estimated that more than a month has passed.

At that time, I don't know whether I will be dead or alive.

Xizhou has no danger to defend, and the city wall is also in disrepair for a long time, and it cannot be repaired in a short time.

Daniel whispered: "Why do I have to stick to Xizhou?"

Wang Xuance said: "Because Xizhou is very rich, it is suitable for us to rest and garrison."

Daniel looked at the map and said, "Gaochang is not far from us."

Li Ke seemed to understand what Daniel meant, and he himself seemed to have never thought about it.

Wang Xuance asked curiously, "If we give up Xizhou, where should we go?"

"Go to Gaochang."

Daniel said.

Wang Xuance gasped, "Going to Gaochang?"

Li Ke: "..."

Sure enough, as expected, I knew this kid would say that.

Wang Xuance looked at Daniel, "Tell me what you think."

Daniel said: "Since Gaochang Kingdom sent [-] troops to attack Xizhou, it is too risky to stick to Xizhou, and even if we defend Xizhou City, we will lose troops and lose generals. It is not good for us. The safety of the more than [-] members of the Jingyang Guard."

"There is no support in the rear, and no one will rush to help us."

"Why don't we bypass Xizhou and go straight to Gaochang Kingdom?"

Wang Xuance said: "The old men in Xizhou said that they can ask for help from other small tribes in the Western Regions. As long as they give some food to other small countries in the Western Regions, they will help defend them. Xizhou has always used this method to defend. It would be too risky to take Gaochang."

Li Ke said in a low voice: "This is not what I'm most worried about now. Isn't it strange that Gaochang Kingdom came to attack Xizhou this time? Dashi is fighting west of Persia, and they are going to attack Xizhou at this time? They can't protect themselves. At this moment, we should save more strength, so that after Persia is defeated, the big cannibals will drive straight in."

Wang Xuance and Li Ke looked at Daniel together.

Daniel ate the cake and said, "What's wrong with that Tang?"

Li Ke said: "Tang Xuanzang?"

Daniel nodded and said: "This Tang Xuanzang is also a monk in Guanzhong. Didn't he say that he and the king of Gaochang are brothers? Let him persuade the king of Gaochang not to attack Xizhou for the time being."

Li Ke sighed and said: "Our people have sent letters to Tang Xuanzang, but this guy doesn't seem to like to take care of our affairs."

Wang Xuance said: "I think it is this Tang Xuanzang and Songtsen Gampo who joined hands to kill us first with the help of the Gaochang Kingdom. Songtsan Gampo knew that His Highness the King of Shu in the Tang Dynasty was here, and that Songtsen Gampo and Li Zheng The enmity of Tang Xuanzang is not shallow, and this Tang Xuanzang even went to curry favor with Songtsen Gampo, it is really abominable!"

The words were very angry.

In the barracks, several people fell silent again.

Li Ke said: "All in all, we can't defend this Xizhou city. Let's leave here first, and we can come to take Xizhou another day, how about it?"

Wang Xuance nodded.

Daniel didn't object either.

Li Ke went on to say: "It's not impossible to take a detour to attack Gaochang. We can take a detour to the vicinity of Gaochang. Now Gaochang has sent [-] troops to encircle us. If the Gaochang defenders are insufficient, we can take the opportunity to take Gaochang." Not impossible."

In the barracks, a decision was made.

When the guards decided to leave Xizhou, many people in Xizhou were still reluctant.

The old man in Xizhou begged.

(End of this chapter)

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