Chapter 719 Detour to Gao Chang

It was said at the beginning that as long as they can stay and guard Xizhou, all the treasures of Xizhou can be taken out.

But Li Ke has never touched the treasures of Xizhou.

Few people would not be tempted by so much treasure.

I have even seen many people fighting each other because of these treasures.

It is really rare for people like these people to be unmoved by treasures.

The old man also had nothing to do with their departure. These guards owed nothing to Xizhou.

If they want to leave, Xizhou won't be able to keep them.

Wang Xuance counted the number of people and directed the team to leave the city.

Li Ke took people to pack the luggage and food, and stored the necessary water.

The team was resting. Daniel looked at the river not far from Xizhou City, and then at the soil under his feet.

Water sources in the Western Regions are rare. Daniel reopened the map and looked at the tributaries on the map of the Western Regions. With such a water system, is there an underground river under the city of Xizhou on the surface of the water?

In addition, Xizhou is a basin with low terrain. Assuming that Xizhou used to be a rainy place, then the rainwater will definitely go to the center of the basin after it falls, and because the sandy soil has poor soil and water-fixing ability, The water will keep going down.

It is very likely that the Hexi Corridor was not a Gobi a thousand years ago, nor was it a desert.

It's a huge oasis.

Subterranean rivers may well exist.

"What are you thinking? Let's go?"

Wang Xuance's words came from behind him, Daniel regained his senses and put away the map again, and rode his horse to keep up with the team.

Wang Xuance said in a low voice: "This time Gao Chang dared to get involved in Xizhou and even came to attack us. Doesn't he know that His Royal Highness the King of Shu is in Xizhou? I dare say that Xizhou made a big mistake this time. If His Majesty intends to settle accounts after the fall, Gao Chang will definitely something happened."

Li Ke said in a low voice: "What does it have to do with me? Father already has ideas about the Western Regions. One day he wants to unify the Western Regions. If he really wants to do this, Father will think that it is a very good choice to destroy Gaochang and come to Liwei .”

Daniel said to Wang Xuance: "His Royal Highness, I seem to know what happened to the disappearing treasure in Xizhou."

Li Ke said in a low voice: "I don't care about those treasures, nor do I take them to heart."

Daniel wanted to say that this might have something to do with the underground river in Xizhou, and that the crypt where the treasure was stored was located in the center of the basin in Xizhou.

It's still too early to say, what if my guess is wrong?

The team headed all the way to the west of Xizhou City.

The farther you go to the west, the farther you go beyond the boundary of Xizhou, there are mountains everywhere.

The wind blowing on his face also started to get cold.

Gradually, some green vegetation can be seen, very sporadic and not many.

Da Niu looked around with a telescope on horseback. Even if there were mountains, there was no vegetation to be seen on these mountains.

They are all bare hills.

Wang Xuance said to Daniel: "There is a snow mountain next to Lhasa in Tubo, it should be in the southwest of us, can you see it?"

Daniel looked at the telescope and looked in the southwest direction, "The telescope must see the target and it must be within the line of sight. Things that people cannot see cannot be seen by the telescope."

It is not so magical that Wang Xuance has little interest in the telescope in Daniel's hands.

The distribution of the entire 36 countries in the Western Regions revolves around huge deserts.

In the center of the desert there is no kingdom.

The Western Regions and Tubo are separated by a large mountain. To the north of the mountain is the Western Region, to the south of the mountain is Tubo, and to the west of the mountain are Persian Tianzhu and Dashi.

To the west of this mountain is another world.

The teacher also gave this mountain a strange name on the map, called Himalayas.

The Himalayas separated the East and the West, and the extension of the Himalayas to the east was a dividing line between Tubo and the Western Regions.

There is also a mountain north of the Western Regions called Tianshan.

The Western Regions are in the middle of these two mountain ranges.

Now in the Western Regions, Daniel can now feel the size of this world.


The scout's report interrupted Daniel's thoughts.

"A brigade of soldiers and horses from the Gaochang Kingdom are found ahead."

Wang Xuance and Li Ke glanced at each other, "This should be the army sent by Gaochang Kingdom to attack Xizhou."

Li Ke said: "I didn't expect them to be so close to Xizhou."

Wang Xuance said in a low voice: "Bypass them first, let's go to Gaochang first, and see where the king of Gaochang has the confidence to attack Xizhou."

Li Ke grinned and nodded, "Okay!"

The team changed direction, bypassing the opponent's army and headed towards Gaochang Kingdom.

After walking for two days, when the surrounding green plants became more and more, we reached the boundary of Gaochang Kingdom.

Marched all the way into the night.

The land here is not as deserted as in Xizhou. It is hard to step on, like real dirt, not sand.

Daniel wraps his clothes tightly around his body, the night here is very cold.

Under the cold moonlight, the ground was reflected white.

Sitting on a high slope, Daniel looked at the full moon in the sky. It has been more than a month since he came to the Western Regions.

It should have snowed in the middle of winter in Guanzhong now.

The moon here is very round and big, and I don't know if the moon they see is the same as theirs.

Seeing Daniel staring at the moon, Wang Xuance also walked up the high slope and said, "Homesick?"

Daniel nodded and said, "Of course I do, but I have a lot of things to do in Tubo, and I have to go to Tubo after I finish my work in the Western Regions."

Wang Xuance smiled and patted Daniel on the shoulder and said, "I will help you then."

After speaking, Wang Xuance looked at Shu King Li Ke who was sitting by the campfire not far away.

Daniel said in a low voice: "This time, when you come to the Western Regions, Your Majesty means to take His Highness the King of Shu back, and I have also told His Highness the King of Shu."

Wang Xuance tightened his clothes and said, "He didn't say a word, maybe he wanted to return to Guanzhong after making some military achievements."

The team rested for one night, and at dawn they broke camp and came to a border town in Gaochang Kingdom.

This border city is not very big, and the city walls are rammed with earth.

It's so crude that it feels like it's going to fall if you push it.

Li Ke looked at the city for a long time with a tangled expression, but he still planned to make a move. Before he did, he ordered: "Don't hurt the civilians."

Wang Xuance nodded and rode towards the small city with hundreds of guards.

Daniu stood beside Li Ke, watching from afar as Wang Xuance and his men began to attack the city.

The way of siege is very simple and direct.

Just kill people directly at the door, and the low city walls are easy to climb.

Moreover, there were very few defenders, and the small town was taken with almost no effort.

When Li Ke came forward with him, Wang Xuance had already put all the defenders here in front of the city.

A total of more than 300 defenders were kneeling in embarrassment.

Wang Xuance said: "All those with weapons have been arrested, and a few have escaped."

Li Ke smiled, "A border town in Gaochang? It's useless."

(End of this chapter)

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