Chapter 720 Old Man Gao Chang
Daniel took a look around this border town, and it was really poor here.

People in the Western Regions don't seem to attach much importance to things like border towns.

On the contrary, he has a laissez-faire attitude.

This place is not even as good as Xizhou City.

On the contrary, the border towns in Guanzhong will be much better.

There are more soldiers and horses in the border town than the people in the border town.

The residents wore shabby clothes and lived like beggars one by one. If they were stationed down, maybe the guards would give them food.

"It's really shabby here."

Daniel said with emotion.

"People in the Western Regions and people in Guanzhong think differently. The soldiers and horses of the Tang Dynasty are often external. Unless there is civil strife, they will not transfer soldiers and horses from the frontier to Guanzhong. Even in the time of the first emperor, when the world was chaotic, the first emperor did not mobilize the frontier. To Emperor Gaochang, the territorial expansion of the Tang Dynasty is more important, but to the people in the Western Regions, they only want to protect themselves, and the life and death of the people in the border towns is not so important to King Gaochang."

Li Ke looked at the dilapidated city wall and said.

Wang Xuance tortured several defenders in Western Region dialect, "The king of Gaochang sent [-] troops to attack Xizhou, and there are at least [-] troops stationed in the capital of Gaochang Kingdom."

Li Ke said again: "One hundred thousand troops, for Gaochang Kingdom, one hundred thousand troops is already very good."

Gaochang was originally a small country with limited military strength and population, and it was hard to say whether the [-] troops belonged to Gaochang himself.

The owners of small countries in the Western Regions often hire some bandits from the Western Regions to fight.

Sometimes even worse than some bandit leaders in the Western Regions.

The Western Regions is a very cruel place, and there is not much dignity here.

The news that the soldiers and horses of the Guanzhong people had captured the border city of Gaochang reached the ears of the king of Gaochang within two days.

The old Gaochang King was so angry that he smashed the things in front of him, "Aren't they in Xizhou? They even came to fight Gaochang?"

The Guanzhong people made King Gaochang angry and anxious at the moment.

The charming woman standing next to King Gaochang said: "My respected king, there are only more than 1000 Guanzhong people. Among these people is the son of His Majesty Guanzhong. Songtsan Gampo wrote in a letter and said that he is the current King of Shu."

Listening to the words of the woman beside him, King Gaochang's tone suddenly softened.

The guards and counselors standing aside could tell at a glance that this charming Persian woman was very important to King Gaochang.

The charming woman continued: "King, why don't you take down His Highness the King of Shu first, then we will have more benefits by threatening His Majesty in Guanzhong."

With the beauty at his side, King Gaochang regained his spirits, "Okay! Let's do this."

The Jingyang guards continued to advance towards the capital of Gaochang.

Gaochang Kingdom is not big, and it is just a small piece of land in the Western Regions.

However, Gaochang is also a well-known country in the Western Regions. Since the Western Turks exhausted their population and national power due to the war, Gaochang's status in the Western Regions has become higher and higher.

The scout brought two people from the Western Regions to report, "His Royal Highness, the King of Shu, has arrested two people from the Western Regions who came to surrender."

Two old men were brought before the procession.

Li Ke looked at the two old men.

"Dare to ask, but His Royal Highness the King of Shu in Guanzhong."

The other party first asked in Guanzhong dialect.

"I didn't expect that there were old men from the Western Regions who could speak Guanzhong dialect." Wang Xuance said with great interest.

"Every year in the first year of Guanzhong, we will leave the Western Regions to go to Guanzhong to congratulate His Majesty the Tang Dynasty. We have been to Chang'an several times, and we will also do some jade trading business with the people of Guanzhong."

Li Ke nodded and asked: "Since you can go to Chang'an to congratulate, are you under the throne of King Gaochang?"

"It used to be, but it's not anymore." The old man from the Western Regions said: "When the King Gaochang was a child, we supported the King Gaochang. It's just that after the Western Turks became lonely, the King Gaochang became more arrogant, and the big cannibal from afar sent the King Gaochang a Persian woman."

"The current King Gaochang has been completely confused by that Persian woman. We have also persuaded King Gaochang. He kept saying that that woman was just his plaything, but now it seems that King Gaochang has become this woman's plaything. She let King Gaochang conquer Xizhou is also for the treasure she wants."

Listening to the two old men's explanations, it seems that Gao Chang's problem is quite serious.

The old man from the Western Regions knelt on the ground and said: "We didn't intend to offend His Highness the King of Shu. Knowing that His Highness the King of Shu was in Xizhou, we advised King Gaochang not to offend His Highness the King of Shu and all the soldiers in Guanzhong. But the current King Gaochang has been killed by that hateful The Persian women took control, and we were kicked out from the moment King Gaochang launched the conquest of Xizhou."

Just as the two old men from the Western Regions were crying, "All this is the decision of the king of Gaochang and that Persian woman, and has nothing to do with the people of Gaochang. Please don't blame the people of Gaochang in the future. If you want to blame, let them do it." King Gaochang and that ignorant woman got the punishment they deserved."

"We have been to Chang'an, we know the prosperity of Chang'an, we know the power of Tang Dynasty, the king of Gaochang didn't know it, and neither did the Persian woman. Their arrogance will ruin the current Gaochang sooner or later."

Wang Xuance pulled the rein and asked, "What's the situation in Gaochang now?"

"King Gaochang has sent 2 people to set off, saying that he is coming to capture His Highness the King of Shu."

Li Ke looked stern, and looked at Wang Xuance who was at the side.

Seeing Li Ke's eyes, Wang Xuance immediately took someone to investigate.

Li Ke said to the two old men: "I have written down what you said. After Gaochang is pacified, I will let you take the king of Gaochang to Chang'an to apologize!"

The old man kowtowed again and again, "Thank you, Your Highness, King Shu."

Daniu and his people are checking the surroundings, and the place where they are is a wasteland.

There is not even a weed in the land.

After opening the land, Daniel looked at the indication on the map. According to the marking made by the teacher on the map, there should be a small oil field here.

Several members of the Jingyang Guards are digging, and they have already dug two meters deep.

"General Niu, I seem to have dug up something."

Daniu heard the sound and looked into the cave, and saw a lot of black things oozing out of the soil.

Turning over and jumping into the hole, Daniel looked at the black oil seeping from the ground, and confirmed that the teacher's logo was correct, and there was indeed a small oil field in Gaochang State.

"No more digging, let's go back first."

A few people climbed out of the cave, and Wang Xuance led his people to rush over, "Daniel! Hurry back to the team, Gaochang's army is about to kill them."

Daniu crawled out of the hole in embarrassment, "Dajun?"

Wang Xuance nodded, "It should not be far from here."

Daniu led his men onto his horse, "Where are the soldiers and horses of Gaochang Kingdom now?"

Wang Xuance said: "I have taken people out to investigate, and there should be news soon. His Highness the King of Shu means that we should avoid their army first and go straight to the capital of Gaochang Kingdom."

(End of this chapter)

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