Chapter 721 Terrible Science
Daniel glanced at the hole he had just dug and said, "I have a way, and I want to try it."

He returned to the team with Daniel.

Daniel and Li Ke expressed their thoughts.

Li Ke hesitated and said, "How sure are you?"

Daniel thought about it and said: "It's not very sure, but if we fail, we can win and get out of it."

Wang Xuance looked at Li Ke suspiciously, waiting for a decision.

Li Ke said: "You can try it, but if the situation is not right, we will take people to evacuate immediately."

Daniel nodded.

Li Ke and Daniel make a plan together.

Wang Xuance led his people into action, and led hundreds of people to leave the team to find Gaochang's army.

The [-] troops who left the capital of Gaochang not long ago learned that the people from Guanzhong had left the border town and were heading for the capital.

Just about to go back the same way, I saw a soldier and horse.

Looking at each other's clothes, they are not from the Western Regions.

The two sides looked at each other for a short while, and the compound bow in Wang Xuance's hand was fully drawn, and he shot an arrow at the Gaochang army.

The arrow pierced through the air and accurately hit the horse under the general of Gaochang Kingdom.

Watch the other party beat the horse to the ground.

Wang Xuance laughed and fled with his men on horseback.

Hearing the other party's ridicule, the enraged general of Gaochang State snatched a horse from his subordinates and chased after him.

The troops of the brigade also chased after Wang Xuance's team.

the other side.

Daniel first fished out some black oil, tried the black oil, and sure enough, it would burn when it came into contact with fire.

Turned over and jumped into the hole, and put a lighted candle in it. Now the black oil in the hole has spread to the ankle, and the black water will only increase. Crystals, this crystal will explode when exposed to an open flame, producing a huge flame.

Bury these clay-coated crystals into the cave walls.

Next, fill the wood near the hole in the ground and light it.

Li Ke watched this scene very curiously, and felt very ritual.

When everyone came to a high slope to hide, Li Ke couldn't help but asked with doubts in his heart: "What kind of formation is this?"

Daniel took out the binoculars and said, "It's also my first attempt, so I don't know if I can succeed."

If you look into the distance with the telescope, you can see the people and horses coming here.

As the opponent got closer, Daniel also saw clearly that it was Wang Xuance's team.

Thinking about speed and time, and how long the candle will burn.

Only when Wang Xuance led the people through the entrance of the cave did Daniel let out a sigh of relief.

In the field of vision of the telescope, there is a black army rolling in the dust farther away.

Counting the time, thinking about the burning of the candle in my mind.

The opponent's army is getting closer and closer and has already covered the hole.

nothing happened...

Li Ke looked at Daniel.

Daniel also scratched his scalp vigorously, "Could it be that I made a mistake in my calculation?"

As soon as the voice fell, the hole suddenly exploded.

The sound of the marching army of the Gaochang people drowned out the sound of the explosion.

But this scene in front of him, Li Ke will never forget it in his life.

Black water rushed out of the ground with flames.

A water column formed for a while.

The falling black oil carried flames, falling continuously like a rain of fire.

Gaochang's army was in a mess, and many people were running with flames.

Immediately afterwards, the ground began to crack, and the flames were instantly sucked into the cracks in the ground.

It was as if everything stopped for an instant.

Li Ke swallowed hard.

There was a loud explosion on the other side of the ground, and the flames shot into the sky.

The other end also exploded.

All of a sudden, the ground exploded.

After a brief pause, a larger explosion began.

The panicked Gaochang people standing on the ground have not recovered yet.

The land in front of him suddenly exploded, and flames rushed towards his face.

Blink and become a living being.

The sound of explosions continued.

A large area of ​​flame rushed out of the ground, looking down from the high slope, the battlefield with a radius of five miles became a sea of ​​flames.

Daniel felt the ground shaking under his feet, and said to Li Ke: "Quick, run!"

Li Ke also came back to his senses and shouted: "Run!"

Everyone got on their horses and quickly evacuated the area.

The place behind where everyone was standing also began to crack.

It continued to spread, and the flame even spread to the feet.

After running for three miles, the horses fell to the ground.

That's the only way to be safe.

Daniu panted and sat on the ground, looking at the flames constantly spewing from the ground in the distance, the shock in his heart was hard to calm down.

Li Ke mechanically turned his head to look at Daniel, "What did you do?"

Daniel said fearfully: "I will never do this again next time."

Those two old men from the Western Regions knelt down on the spot when they saw this scene. It is really impossible for humans to do things, and the earth is punishing Gao Chang.

Wang Xuance is still a little soft-footed until now, but at the beginning he just knew that Daniel had a way.

I didn't expect that Da Niu could make such a big thing. What did Li Zheng teach this kid?Is this science?Tens of thousands of people can be buried in flames in an instant.

This ability is more terrifying than weapons.

This is the real murder.

The flame burned for three full days and three nights before it weakened. The whole land was covered with a layer of black and thick black oil, which smelled very bad.

But the fire in the heartland is still burning.

Li Ke heard from Daniel that although this kind of flame will continue to weaken, as for when it will stop burning, he himself does not know.

The two old men from the Western Regions now looked at the team from Guanzhong with more awe and even fear in their eyes.

Daniel explained to Wang Xuance: "This is not magic, let alone fairy art. It is science. A little flame can ignite an entire land, and tens of thousands of people can be buried in flames in an instant."

Wang Xuance asked: "Did Li Zheng teach you to do this?"

Daniel shook his head and said, "The teacher didn't teach me to do this. I just know that there is an oil field underground. The oil field is not very deep, so no vegetation can grow in that area, and even weeds can't grow. Because of the impact of underground oil fields on the soil."

"Although my conjecture was confirmed, the result this time was beyond my expectation. I thought it would not be on such a large scale. I didn't expect that the consequences would be dozens of hectares of flames, and I didn't expect that we almost let ourselves suffer."

Wang Xuance patted Daniel on the shoulder, "You don't have to blame yourself, this time you wiped out Gaochang's [-] troops, the king of Gaochang must be very angry now."

Daniel took out his booklet and wrote his summary on it.

After the team rested, they headed towards Gaochang again.

Five days later, you can see the capital of Gaochang Kingdom.

Standing in the distance to observe the capital of Gaochang Kingdom.

The city of Gaochang Kingdom does not seem to be too prosperous, and the houses where the common people live are all earthen houses made of rammed earth.

The whole capital is khaki.

Only the palace where King Gaochang lived looked normal.

(End of this chapter)

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