Chapter 735
Zhang Gongjin said: "I still say that if you use someone else's appearance to demand another person, it will be very tiring. It is actually very difficult for Your Majesty to want Li Zheng to live like others. Li Zheng is Li Zheng, and he is different from many people."

"Then do you think the military power of his Jingyang Guards needs to be handed over to Chaozhong?"

Li Shimin asked.

Seeing that His Majesty finally got to the point, Zhang Gongjin also understood why Li Shimin asked him to come here this time.

Zhang Gongjin said in a low voice: "I think that there is no need for Li Zheng to choose between making friends or not. The Jingyang Guards are at best Li Zheng's part."

"The trilogy?" Li Shimin said with a sneer: "Which family's trilogy is so powerful that it can conquer Tubo, seize Xizhou, and take Gaochang. Li Zheng's trilogy is invincible all the way in Tubo, and they have conquered a country. Famous."

"Is this a trilogy? The Gaochang Kingdom has been taken down. This is simply more brave and good at fighting than my generals in the Weifu. If all the trilogy in Guanzhong have such abilities, will my country be safe?"

Zhang Gongjin was speechless for a while, saying that if all the Weifu in the court were so powerful, the country would indeed be safe.

It may also be that those people in the Western Regions and Tubo are really too weak.

A team of 1000 people made these people from the Western Regions like this.

What's next?
Two years ago, the Western Turks fought against Tubo, and then they fought against the Eastern Turks.

It is said that the Western Turks are so powerful.

Now it seems that it is nothing more than that, but they are all bad?
Zhang Gongjin has also observed Jingyang's guards, and there is not much difference. The only difference from Datang Weifu may be the way of training soldiers.

Soldiers trained in this way can sweep the Western Regions?
Was it because the Western Regions were too weak, or did Li Zheng's guards have something else to say?
Glancing at Li Shimin's tangled expression, Zhang Gongjin said again: "Your Majesty, in fact, you can send generals in the army to join the Jingyang Guard. At first, the Jingyang Guard was led by His Highness the King of Shu. It doesn't matter about military power. The Jingyang Guard said yes." It was created by Li Zheng, but Li Zheng has always handed it over to others."

Li Shimin was a little depressed, "This is where Li Zheng is smart, and I still have nothing to do with him."

Zhang Gongjin said in a low voice: "Your Majesty, His Royal Highness the King of Shu should also be rewarded. After all, His Highness the King of Shu also won the King of Gaochang. As for the expedition to the Western Regions and Tubo, Dashi is still on the Eastern Expedition. Why don't we wait a few more years and don't worry too much."

Li Shimin nodded slightly, "Walk with me."

Zhang Gongjin nodded.

The monarch and his ministers walked on the city wall of Chang'an for a long time.

Talking about the things about conquering the world in the past.

Wang Ding accompanied him all the way.

In the afternoon, a decree left Ganlu Hall.

King Li Ke of Shu has been training troops in Jingyang for several years. This time, he pacified Tubo, fought in the Western Regions, captured the Western Regions, fought against Gaochang, and captured King Gaochang alive and entered Chang'an.
Whenever you go out and accompany you to the Jingyang Trilogy, you will be rewarded with thousands of dollars.

Joined the Longwu Army, and Li Ke, King of Shu, continued to train soldiers.

There is not much opposition from the DPRK and China.

The deputy general of the Longwu Army is a big name.

The position of Longwu Army has been coveted by many dignitaries for a long time.

Unexpectedly, it fell on Li Ke's head.

Thinking about it, Li Ke is also a very dutiful prince.

The mind is clean and there is no city government.

There are no personal relationships that are too responsible.

The members of the Jingyang Guard were incorporated into the Longwu Army, which is also Li Shimin's recognition of the guard's military exploits.

The members of these guards seem to be just Li Zheng's part, but they can be regarded as fighting for Datang.

And also captured the king of Gaochang.

It was incorporated into the Longwu Army and led by Li Ke, King of Shu.

This kind of result is the best, and it also blocks the many voices of impeachment from the DPRK and China.

Sitting in his mansion, Cheng Yaojin listened to his servant's report, "You mean that His Majesty came up with this decree only after meeting Zhang Gongjin?"

The villain said: "It is true that His Majesty made the decree after meeting Zhang Gongjin."

Cheng Yaojin said to Niu Jinda: "This Gongjin is still smart. Firstly, he will block the mouths of Youyou, and secondly, he will not offend Jingyang. Li Ke, the king of Shu, can stay in Chang'an and become the deputy general of the Longwu Army. Use this to stay in Jingyang and help Li Zheng take charge of the guards."

"This strategy of three birds with one stone is really beautiful."

Niu Jinda said disgustedly: "One stone kills two birds, where did one stone kill three birds? This is called killing multiple birds with one stone."

Cheng Yaojin said nonchalantly, "Isn't that the same meaning?"


Li Shimin was sitting in the Ganlu Hall, reviewing the memorial, while Wang Ding had already gone to read out the decree.

Pick up Jingyang's magazine again, this magazine has been flipped through several times.

This time, he thought Li Zheng was defending himself.

I didn't expect this kid to do nothing.

Empress Changsun came with a bowl of soup, "Your Majesty, the soup is just made."

Li Shimin held a bowl and sipped soup and said: "Li Zheng is really unshakable, no matter how big the storm is in the court, he will not be moved at all."

Empress Changsun smiled and said, "Your Majesty has known Li Zheng for so long, so that His Majesty only sees Li Zheng clearly now?"

Li Shimin shook his head, "It is precisely because he is young and extremely seasoned in dealing with people that I am not at ease. You said how this kid can be so smooth in doing things. I thought Li Zheng would defend himself this time, even if he convinced me. Soft, I will not embarrass him."

Empress Changsun said in a low voice: "It seems that His Majesty still has a long way to go to subdue Li Zheng."

Still an unyielding son-in-law and a father-in-law who refuses to let go of his airs.

It has not changed for so many years, Empress Changsun let out a long sigh.


Li Zheng sneezed loudly and continued to listen to Wang Ding's narration.

Seeing Li Zheng sneezing, Wang Ding said, "Chang'an Order, please pay more attention to keep warm in cold weather."

Seeing that winter is coming to an end, the cotton in Jingyang has been harvested, and there is still no sign of spring in this weather, and it will be ten years in Zhenguan soon.

Li Zheng collected his clothes, "My lord, what do you mean by His Majesty's will?"

Wang Ding laughed and said, "How dare this old servant speculate on His Majesty's intentions."

Looking at Li Ke on the side, Li Ke also looked puzzled.

Li Zheng said again: "It seems that His Majesty is saying that life should be lived as it should be, right? It was what it was before, and it is still how it is now."

Wang Ding nodded, "It should be. Recently, Tubo came to the state again, and he still wants to ask for help from the Tang Dynasty. Shouldn't the Chang'an Order be prepared earlier?"

Li Zheng was drinking hot tea and crossing his legs, but did not answer Wang Ding's words.

Prepare early?Li Shimin didn't pay back the money after all.

Li Zheng didn't speak, Wang Ding saluted Li Ke slightly, then saluted Li Zheng again and said: "The old slave will leave first."

(End of this chapter)

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