People in Datang have been expelled from school

Chapter 736 A knife hangs on the head

Chapter 736
After Wang Ding left, Li Ke looked at Li Zheng, "What do you think of Father's will?"

Li Zheng pondered for a while while holding the thermos cup he made.

Li Ke went on to say: "Actually, my father wants me to be the deputy general of the Longwu Army. I don't even know where the Longwu Army is stationed. You are the commander-in-chief of the Longwu Army. You should know."

Li Zheng nodded, "Do you think it's inappropriate for His Majesty to let His Royal Highness the King of Shu come down to be my lieutenant general?"

"Is there anything inappropriate?"

Li Ke was puzzled.

Li Zheng said distressedly: "You are His Majesty's son, and I order His Majesty's son to do things. Do you think it is appropriate, Your Highness the King of Shu?"

Hearing this, Li Ke stood up straight and said, "Li Zheng, you and I are not in a normal relationship."

Li Zhengxin is of course not in an ordinary relationship, your father is my immediate boss.

Li Ke said again: "Li Zheng, I don't know how to get along with others. I don't have many friends, but you are my best friend Li Ke."

After drinking a cup of tea in the cup, Li Zheng said melancholy: "His Royal Highness King Shu really doesn't understand anything."

Li Ke blinked in confusion.

Li Zheng said to Li Ke: "By the way, shouldn't the children's military training begin?"

Li Ke looked at the sky, "It's getting late, and it's time for me to go to train."

After speaking, Li Ke left in a hurry.

After taking a sip of hot tea, Li Zheng held the teacup and let out a long sigh.

When Li Ke was gone, Li Lizhi came out of the house, followed by Wu Mei.

Li Lizhi said with a smile: "The cotton harvest is good, it should be enough for us to make [-] bolts of cotton cloth."

After speaking, Li Lizhi saw the yellow silk placed on the table, which was the order of his father to ask Wang Ding to bring it.

Opening it and glanced at the above content, Li Lizhi said: "Father must have a lot of intentions in letting His Royal Highness the King of Shu be the deputy general of the Longwu Army."

Li Zheng put all his body weight on the recliner, "There are indeed many intentions."

Looking at the stubble on Li Zheng's chin, Li Zheng also had a beard before he knew it.

Although Li Zheng often cleans his own beard, there will be a little stubble left, and he will not clean it very cleanly. According to Li Zheng, he feels that if his face is too clean, he will look like an eunuch, maybe because of Wang Ding's reason.

Li Lizhi sat beside Li Zheng, following his gaze, looking at the sky that Li Zheng was looking at.

"After this year, you will be 20 years old."

Li Lizhi said in a low voice.

Li Zheng also took a look at Li Lizhi, Li Lizhi is also 19 years old this year.

To be precise, it is a false age. In terms of age, I should be 20 years old, and Li Lizhi should be [-] years old.

I don't know if this girl said that on purpose, or if she is not young anymore.

What age is 19 years old? In later generations, it may also be the age to work hard for academics.

Wu Mei quietly looked at the expressions of Chang'an Ling and Princess Changle.

It has been three years since Chang'anling and Princess Changle got married, and they have never had any children.

However, there seems to be an unspeakable tacit understanding between Chang'an Ling and Her Royal Highness.

Sitting together, the two looked very close, yet seemed to maintain a tacit distance.

According to what sister Xu Hui said, Chang'an Ling and Her Royal Highness have known each other for five years and married for three years.

After eight years of acquaintance, the relationship can still be like this, and it seems that I am not bored, let alone bored.

On the contrary, there has always been a day of mutual speculation.

Princess Changle helped Li Zheng manage Jingyang's business in an orderly manner.

Li Zhengjie took care of herself and didn't look for other women.

Although he has no heirs, his relationship has always been so good.

Li Lizhi said in a low voice: "Father asked Li Ke to be your lieutenant general because he wanted to keep an eye on you or to distribute power."

Li Zheng shook the fan in his hand and said, "If Her Royal Highness thinks so, then your father is thinking too simply."

Li Lizhi looked at Li Zheng's face and whispered, "Then what do you think it means?"

Seeing Xu Hui coming with some cloth, Wu Mei got up to help Xu Hui.

The conversation between Li Zheng and Li Lizhi involved royal matters. It is better not to listen too much to such matters. Wu Mei is still very clear in her heart. Being beside Princess Changle, there are some things that can help Princess Changle, but there are some things that absolutely cannot Ask more, don't interfere.

Taking a look, Wu Mei followed Xu Hui away.

Li Zheng said: "Is there any prince in the court who holds military power?"

Li Lizhi thought for a while, "It seems that you really don't have any."

"That's right, your father let His Royal Highness the King of Shu control the Longwu Army. This is a knife hanging over the King of Shu. People's hearts are complicated and complicated. Now His Royal Highness the King of Shu can be considered to have mastered part of the military power. This What kind of things will the military power make His Royal Highness the King of Shu do?"

"Li Ke is not that kind of person, he probably wouldn't do anything."

Li Lizhi said.

Li Zheng looked at Li Lizhi and said, "Usually, you do business affairs neatly and are very good at adapting to changes. How come you don't understand at this juncture?"

Li Lizhi added: "Li Ke has been a very down-to-earth person since he was a child. Among his brothers and sisters, he has always been very sensible."

"It's one thing to be sensible, and another thing to do things. The Longwu Army has always been the most secretive guard in the court. His Highness the King of Shu has the military power in his hands, and I have a lot of money. I can do it together with His Highness the King of Shu." what?"

"what do you mean……"

Li Lizhi understood Li Zheng's meaning, "You mean Father is trying to test Li Ke?"

Li Zheng shook his head and said: "So, don't think too much about your father, and think about the worst results in everything. Your father seems to have given a reward, but in fact he didn't give anything. He gave it back to His Royal Highness Shu and me. There was a knife hanging over his head."


Li Zheng emphasized: "So your father is a bad person."

Pointing to himself again, Li Zheng said, "I am a good person."

Li Lizhi covered her mouth and smiled: "Father is not a good person, so you are not a good person either."

"I'm a good person." Li Zheng nodded seriously and said.

Li Li smiled knowingly and walked towards Xu Hui, sorting the cloth with Xu Hui and Wu Mei.

In the village, Zhang Gongjin was walking in the village and saw Li Daxiong and Li Ji sitting together talking and laughing.

Li Daxiong said with a smile: "Where did I teach Li Zheng any art of war, and I don't know how this kid learned it."

Li Ji said: "I don't believe it, your kid has a lot of hidden skills."

Zhang Gongjin listened from a distance, Li Zheng's ability does have many secrets.

Let’s just say that the war between Western Turks and Tubo started, who is the person who commanded the Western Turks to fight?

When many coincidences are strung together, we have to think of Li Zheng.

(End of this chapter)

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