Chapter 748
Li Tai said nervously: "Now the Buddhist sect holds Tang Xuanzang, and Songtsan Gampo has a grudge against you."

Li Zheng said helplessly: "There are so many people offended. Sometimes I think about how many people would like to kill me after I leave the village."

Li Tai nodded, "That's true. The families of the five surnames control most of the officials in the world, and there are more than [-] Buddhist monks, plus the royal relatives..."

Speaking of this, Li Tai looked worried at Li Zheng, "So, how many enemies do you Li Zheng have?"

Under Li Tai's gaze, Li Zheng let out a long sigh and left silently.

Looking at Li Zheng's back, Li Tai was inexplicably moved. How much Li Zheng was burdened by himself, he also stood up and said, "Li Zheng, don't worry, even if the whole world is your enemy, we are still friends."

Li Zheng stopped and turned to look at Li Tai, "In this case, can His Royal Highness King Wei pay back the money first?"

"Repay the money..." The words were choked in his throat, and Li Tai couldn't answer for a while, and now he really wanted to go up and beat up Li Zheng, but at this point, this guy still only had money in his eyes, and he just thought that Li Zheng's back seemed to be quite tall, but at this moment the tall image was shattered in his heart.

After Li Zheng left, Li Tai kicked the big tree beside him, yelling and cursing: "Money, money, money, you only have money in your eyes, you can't live without money, right?"

It wasn't until the villagers not far away cast doubtful glances that Li Tai left angrily.

In the next few days, Lu Dongzan stayed in the posthouse all the time, and was rejected several times when he wanted to see Li Shimin, even if he was interviewed, he was interviewed by officials in the court.

The Dashi Eastern Expedition is imminent, and Tubo is in danger, with Western Turkic disasters inside and powerful enemies outside.

If you wait a little longer, Tubo will be at risk of subjugation, and may follow in the footsteps of Gaochang and Tuyuhun.

It is not that Songtsen Gampo, the king of Tubo, came to Chang'an.

A prime minister of Tubo is not qualified enough for His Majesty to meet you today.

Lu Dongzan inquired about the sending of troops to Tubo in the middle of the court everywhere, but he was stunned.

Got nothing.

Even Li Zheng seemed to have forgotten himself.

After going to Jingyang, no one wanted to see Li Zheng by himself.

Lu Dongzan looked at the pedestrians on Zhuque Street in confusion, not knowing what to do and where to go.

Jingyang, Xu Jingzong came to Li Zheng's side and said: "The Chang'an order has been arranged, and the goods can be on the road tomorrow."

Li Zheng looked at the book in his hand and nodded, "Tell Dahu, let him tell Li Junxian that Let Xin go to Tubo with him."

Xu Jingzong nodded and said in a low voice, "Understood."

Seeing that Li Zheng was still reading the book, Xu Jingzong said in a low voice: "Chang'an Order, Da Ci'en has gathered thousands of monks today, and it seems that Tang Xuanzang is asked to preside over the lecture on Buddhist scriptures."

Li Zheng flipped through the book and said, "I know."

Seeing that Li Zheng's words were plain and he didn't seem to care, Xu Jingzong said: "Chang'an Ling, Buddhism in the world is also a force that cannot be underestimated."

Li Zheng smiled disdainfully.

The Buddhist sect was approaching menacingly, and he didn't know why Chang'an Ling was so calm. Xu Jingzong knew that he didn't say much, so he bowed and said, "I'm going to tell Dahu right now."

At this time, thousands of monks gathered here in Daci'en Temple, and they are holding a grand Buddhist event.

Tang Xuanzang brought a lot of scriptures from the Western Regions during his travels outside the pass.

On a high platform, Tang Xuanzang is explaining the essence of the scriptures.

Cheng Chumo stood at the back mountain of Da Ci'en Temple and watched this scene from a distance, and said in a low voice, "A certain family knows that Tang Xuanzang is not a good person."

Following Cheng Chumo's side was the family's trilogy and said: "I really want to burn these temples down."

Recalling how these monks attacked Li Zheng at the beginning, Cheng Chumo felt angry in his heart, then nodded and said: "This method is good, who will go."


There was silence around him, Cheng Chumo looked back, and saw that none of the songs in his family were talking.

"You just said it openly, but now you don't dare to say anything?"

"There are thousands of monks down here. We just did it openly and aboveboard. If someone finds out, I'm afraid we can't be kind."

"Might as well."

After a few steps, looking at the ordinary monk below, he was a little afraid to make a move.

Cheng Chumo nodded and said, "Yes, that makes sense, do you really think I'm stupid, young master?"

A group of trilogy nodded repeatedly, seeing that Cheng Chumo seemed to be about to give up this idea, they also breathed a sigh of relief.

Cheng Chumo nodded and said: "Now we don't do it now, we will do it when there is no one at night."

It was a very quiet night that night.

A torch fell from the back mountain of Da Ci'en Temple and fell on the roof. The sleepy monks did not notice the torch that fell behind.

The wind was strong at night, and the flames soon began to spread from the roof of the Da Ci'en Temple.

By the time someone realized it, a corner of the Zhijian Temple's eaves had already started to burn.

Someone inside the temple started shouting.

There were a few more sudden gusts of evil wind, and the flames became even bigger.

In less than half an hour, the flames had spread to the entire roof of the temple.

Thousands of monks gathered at Da Ci'en Temple also woke up from their sleep and joined in fighting the fire.

One night passed, and when it dawned, most of the main temple of Da Ci'en Temple had been burned down, and the scene was a mess.

Several old abbots knelt in front of the temple and were speechless.

The eyes of thousands of monks were also filled with anger.

"Who the hell did it!"

A question came out of Da Ci'en Temple.

Li Shimin just woke up and was about to go to court when he heard the news reported by Wang Ding.

After tidying up his clothes, Li Shimin calmly practiced Tai Chi in the Lizheng Hall, "Is it just burning like this?"

Wang Ding said in a low voice: "Last night at midnight, the flames were already very high and burned all night."

Not everyone can do such a thing as burning a temple. Li Shimin asked with Tai Chi, "Is it arson?"

Wang Ding said in a low voice: "Not very clear."

Li Shimin said again: "Did Li Zheng do it?"

Wang Ding said again: "The eyeliner of the arranged village said that few people have been out of Jingyang recently, and Li Zheng has been in Jingyang all the time."

Li Shimin frowned and said, "Let the Jingzhao government investigate."

"Here." Wang Ding left immediately after receiving the words.

The news of the burning of Ci'en Temple quickly spread throughout Chang'an.

For a while, people all over Chang'an were talking about the news that Da Ci'en Temple had been burned.

Previously, thousands of monks gathered at Da Ci'en Temple to listen to Tang Xuanzang explaining the scriptures.

The scene was great, but now the temple was burned.

Thinking of the grievances between Fomen and Li Zheng, many people suspected that Li Zheng did it.

Princess Fangling sat in her mansion, listening to the old monks in front of her tell what happened last night, her eyes were full of doubts.

"It must have been done by Li Zheng."

"Yes, Li Zheng wants to deal with us wholeheartedly."

"If Li Zheng is not eliminated, Buddhism will not prosper!"

(End of this chapter)

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