Chapter 749
Listening to what they said, Princess Fangling supported her forehead and thought about it. If Li Zheng did this, then Li Zheng would be too stupid.

For such an obvious thing, Li Zhenghui sent someone to set it on fire. Wouldn't it be clear to the world that Li Zheng did it?

When Chang Le got married, he had met Li Zheng and tested him.

Li is just a very calm young man, someone like him would not do such a thing.

Listening to the discussion of the monks in front of her, Princess Fangling said in a low voice, "What did the court say?"

The monk in front of him immediately said: "There is news from the court saying that Jingzhao Mansion should investigate."

Princess Fangling said again: "Who is in charge of the Jingzhao Mansion?"

"Li Chongyi, the son of Li Xiaogong."

Burn down the Daci'en Temple?

This matter was not done by Li Zheng, it was more like someone else did it to blame Li Zheng.

Cheng Chumo, who was eating breakfast at home, sneezed loudly. It was still a bit cold in the morning before winter.

Kong Yingda's granddaughter stared at Cheng Chumo who was eating. She and Cheng Chumo had been married for half a year.

This Cheng Chumo's nature is not bad, but he is a little too stunned.

Kong Yingda's granddaughter whispered, "Yesterday, what did you do?"

Cheng Chumo ate a piece of cake and drank a mouthful of soup and said, "Go hunting."

Kong Yingda's granddaughter said again: "Go out to hunt? Didn't you come back from hunting until the next morning?"

"There are too many prey." After saying this, Cheng Chu silently ate faster.

"Too much prey? So you hunted all night?"

Kong Yingda's granddaughter is skeptical.

Cheng Chumo nodded vigorously.

Seeing Cheng Chumo's expression, Kong Yingda became more and more suspicious, "Could it be you who did what happened to the Daci'en Temple? You wouldn't do such a thing."

Cheng Chu was silent for a long time.

Kong Yingda's granddaughter said again: "Everything is packed, you should pack it too. We will go to Jingyang. It has been half a year since we married into your house, so we have to pay a visit."

Cheng Chumo finished the cake in his hand in two bites.

After receiving His Majesty's order, Li Chongyi immediately came to Da Ci'en Temple.

The officials of Jingzhao Mansion have already begun to question the monks here.

Looking at the monastery that was already in a mess, Li Chongyi couldn't find out for a while.

"Shao Yin, we found some clues in the back mountain."

Hearing the report from the little official, Li Chongyi came to the back mountain of Da Ci'en Temple.

Some footprints were found here.

Looking at these footprints, there should be people who have been to the back mountain. There are about ten people in the number, and they have been wandering in this back mountain for a long time.

There is also a bonfire nearby, and it is very likely that someone was in the back mountain last night.

Li Chongyi found some red powder on the grass, picked up some and smelled it was chili powder.

Li Chongyi quickly wiped out the chili powder before the officials around him found out.

Then, as if nothing had happened, he began to patrol the surrounding area.

Now peppers are only available in Jingyang.

Li Zheng doesn't grow much every year, and only occasionally when cooking, Li Zheng himself will use some.

And even Li Zheng himself doesn't carry chili powder with him, even when he usually cooks, he occasionally puts some, and puts it very little.

Cheng Chumo is the one who has a special liking for chili. If this guy doesn't have some spicy food in his meal, he won't be able to eat it anyway.

After some investigation, according to the information collected by the petty officials.

Tang Xuanzang came with several monks, saw Li Chongyi and asked: "Dare to ask the Shaoyin of Jingzhao Mansion if you have a clue."

Li Chongyi put away the written booklet and said, "You guys are..."

Tang Xuanzang saluted and said: "Poor monk Tang Xuanzang."

"It turned out to be Tang Xuanzang, Master Xuanzang, who has long admired his name."

Li Chongyi cupped his hands politely and said.

Tang Xuanzang also returned the courtesy slightly.

Li Chongyi said to him: "The incident has passed overnight, and now we have only found clues. To be honest, it should not be so easy to catch the person who set the fire."

Tang Xuanzang asked in a low voice, "Did Li Zheng do it?"

Li Chongyi smiled, "May I ask Master Xuanzang how he concluded that Li Zheng did it?"

"Master Xuanzang, don't trust people in Jingzhao Mansion."

"He, Li Chongyi, is the Shaoyin of Jingzhao Mansion, and the head of Jingzhao Mansion is Chang'an Ling."

"They're the same breed."

Listening to these monks' comments, Li Chongyi scratched his ears impatiently. These monks really know how to label them. Li Zheng is indeed Chang'an Ling and is in charge of the entire Jingzhao Mansion, but since Li Zheng was appointed Chang'an Ling, he has not Stepping into the Jingzhao Mansion, and never taking care of the daily affairs of the Jingzhao Mansion.

It has to be said that these monks have a great prejudice against Li Zheng, and the case is difficult.

"Your Majesty asked the Jingzhao Mansion to investigate this matter, and I will definitely live up to your Majesty's orders."

Li Chongyi still said.

Tang Xuanzang bowed and said, "Young Yin of the Jingzhao Mansion, let me wait to see Li Zheng and confront Li Zheng."

Face to face?Li Chongyi smiled, it is really honorable to want to confront him face to face.

Li Chongyi said: "Li Zheng is the new Duke of the county, and he is also a son-in-law. He has several positions in the court. He has been busy with Tubo negotiations recently. Now there is no evidence, let alone witnesses. How can he face Li Zheng Quality, Master Xuanzang, you have no official and no position, don’t you think it’s offensive to the nobles of the court to go to see Li Zheng so clamorously?”

Hearing Li Chongyi's words, Tang Xuanzang was also silent for a long time.

Li Chongyi said again: "Our Jingzhao Mansion is following orders. If you are not satisfied, you can ask someone else to investigate."

Tang Xuanzang said: "The poor monk and Lu Dongzan of Tubo are good friends. Since Li Zheng and Lu Dongzan are talking about Tubo affairs, can the poor monk follow Lu Dongzan to see Li Zheng, so that it will not be too offensive."

Li Chongyi put away the file and said, "You can do whatever you want."

Tang Xuanzang glanced at Li Chongyi again, and took a few monks with him.

Seeing the other party leave, the little official said: "Shao Yin, the arrogance of these monks is too arrogant."

Li Chongyi said with a disdainful smile: "These monks eat vegetarian food and recite Buddha for most of their lives. They become monks and abandon their biological parents, which is equivalent to accepting an unnecessary Buddha as their parents. You burn their temples and their Buddha statues. Can I fight you hard?"

A small official said: "These monks think they have become monks. They don't even recognize their parents, let alone support their elderly parents. These monks are not sons of men!"

A small official who came to investigate said: "Shao Yin, judging from the footprints on the back mountain, the footprints are very deep and large. The person who came here should be tall, and the shoe prints are also boots that are only available to the soldiers of the Chaozhongwei Mansion."

The soldiers and horses of the Wei Mansion have to report even if they go out late at night.

Some people in Cheng Yaojin's family came out of Weifu, including the chili powder, Li Chongyi roughly confirmed his thoughts.

It's one thing whether to report it or not, but it's really a hot potato if there's such a big commotion about this errand.

Instead of continuing to investigate, it would be better to go to Chang'an for a drink.

Li Chongyi greeted his people and said: "Everyone go back first, and ask if there is anyone among the soldiers and horses of the guard who left late at night or did not return late at night."

(End of this chapter)

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