People in Datang have been expelled from school

Chapter 753 I'm a Vegetarian

Chapter 753 I'm a Vegetarian

Li Zheng said to Lu Dongzan: "Don't you think so?"

Lu Dongzan said: "When I was in Tubo, when I met Tang Xuanzang, I thought he was a very nice and very polite person. Now Tang Xuanzang has a very good reputation in Buddhism. Will this kind of Buddhism really wither? "

Holding the teacup, Li Zheng said, "Brother Lu, do you believe in fate?"

"Fate?" Lu Dongzan thought for a while and said, "Believe it."

Li Zheng said again: "Then do you know what is the biggest characteristic of our Central Plains?"

"What is it?" Lu Dongzan lowered his voice.

Li Zheng looked at the sky in the distance and said: "Because no matter how turbulent an age is, how dark an age is, there will be many, many heroes who dare to fight against corruption, dare to fight against heaven and earth, and there are still many in our world." Stories, Yu Gong moved mountains, Dayu controlled waters, these are stories of people fighting against heaven and earth."

"It is our own hands that survive disaster after disaster and live better. People in the Central Plains have a belief of not believing in fate, not yielding, and not being reconciled. When everyone gathers this belief, The power that erupts is unstoppable, this is the characteristic of our Central Plains, and it is also something that has been happening in our Central Plains."

Li Zheng then said to Lu Dongzan: "We use our own hands to benefit ourselves, and use our labor to make us well-fed. Even if the harvest is poor, we will grit our teeth instead of praying to the gods. The philosophy of Buddhism is mutual respect. Those who violate it, the monks are willing to give their body and mind to an unfounded Buddha, and knocking on wooden fish to read scriptures is not labor."

Lu Dongzan stood up and said to Li Zheng, "Thank you Chang'an Ling for your guidance."

Li Zheng said again: "You're welcome."

Lu Dongzan said again: "I have a merciless request."

"please say."

Lu Dongzan said: "I want to know the story of Yugong Yishan and Dayu's flood control."

Li Zheng said: "You go to the market to find out, this kind of story has been passed down for a long time."

"Thank you."

After speaking, Lu Dongzan also turned and left.

Seeing Li Tai looking at him all the time, Li Zheng said, "Why did King Wei bring you down and look at me like that?"

Li Tai came back to his senses and said, "Li Zheng, what you just said is really..."

Li Zheng nodded and said, "His Royal Highness, you don't need to worship me. If you want to worship me, you might as well return my money to me first."

Li Tai smiled again, "If you didn't love money so much, you, Li Zheng, would definitely become a saint."

Li Zheng shook his fan and said, "Lu Dongzan will definitely be touched this time, has this guy forgotten why he came to find me?"

Li Tai sighed and said, "It should have been forgotten."

Li Zheng said to Li Tai: "So, His Royal Highness, we must keep our original intentions and never forget our purpose. Lu Dongzan is a negative example."

"Then are you really planning to expand the printing factory?"

Li Zheng nodded.

Li Tai stomped his feet happily and said, "Great, I'm going to tell my father that you are going to expand the printing factory."

Li Tai also left excitedly, Cheng Chumo was leaning against the horse pen and snoring soundly asleep, even the horse licked him several times, but he didn't respond.

Du Hu looked at this scene and said: "I think brother Mo, who came here, didn't sleep well these days."

Li Zheng glanced at Duo strangely.

Back in the village, Li Lizhi was just about to send Kong Yingda's granddaughter away.

Li Zheng explained: "Cheng Chumo is sleeping in the stables, it's not easy to wake him up."

Kong Yingda's granddaughter smiled and said, "It's okay, I'll call him now."

Li Lizhi said again: "Are you really not going to stay for dinner?"

Kong Yingda's granddaughter bowed slightly to Li Lizhi and said, "It's too much trouble. There are still many family affairs at home, and there are many people who want to visit."

Li Lizhi covered her mouth and smiled and said: "That's right, then don't shirk it when you come next time."

Kong Yingda's granddaughter saluted again, and was about to leave with her servants. She stopped and seemed to have forgotten something. She hurried back and saluted Li Zheng, "Dare to ask Chang'an Ling, where is the horse pen?"

Li Zheng pointed to the north of the village, "It's right there."

Kong Yingda's granddaughter said, "Thank you."

After speaking, she took her servants and left in a hurry.

Looking at the back of Kong Yingda's granddaughter, Li Zheng said, "What did you guys talk about?"

Li Lizhi looked at Li Zheng and said, "It's nothing, just some homework."

"Homely? Oh..." Li Zheng nodded, "Homely? It's good to have a chat."

Li Lizhi looked at Li Zheng and said, "You really don't want to know what they said."

Li Zheng looked at the sky melancholy, "What's for dinner tonight?"

Li Lizhi walked to Li Zheng's side and whispered: "Speaking of which, I got married a few years earlier than her, but I still need to ask her for advice on some things."


"En." Li Lizhi nodded.

Standing in the yard, Xu Hui looked at Li Lizhi who was standing with Chang'an Ling outside the door. Sometimes she thought that the son-in-law and the princess looked more and more suitable. The two husband and wife stood together and whispered.

Li Zheng looked at the clouds in the sky and said, "Let's have some vegetarian dishes tonight. I heard that wild vegetables have already grown. Wild vegetables are the best in this season."

Li Li asked with a smile: "Wild vegetables?"

Li Zheng stroked the stubble of his chin, avoided Li Lizhi's eyes and said, "Recently, I suddenly want to be a vegetarian. Eating more vegetables can help prevent obesity and cardiovascular diseases."

vegetarian?Li Lizhi looked at Li Zheng's expression, seemed to understand something, and said, "I'll ask someone to pick wild vegetables."

After Li Lizhi left, Li Zheng breathed a sigh of relief. Sitting at the door of his house, the heaven and man were at war, "No, I still can't do it. She's still a little girl."

"Teacher, why don't you do it?" Li Zhizheng asked Di Renjie passing by.

"It's nothing." Li Zheng looked melancholy.

"Teacher, we recently made a small wooden boat and plan to try it in the water."

"Go, pay attention to safety, if you fall into the water, call someone."

"Teacher, don't worry, Di Renjie and I can both swim."

After speaking, Li Zhi took Di Renjie and left again.

Li Zheng was still sitting in front of his house with blank eyes.

Shangguanyi, who was working with Li Yifu, saw Li Zheng sitting at the door, and asked curiously, "Chang'an Ling, what are you doing sitting at the door?"

Li Zheng said weakly: "I'm thinking about life."

Shangguanyi said: "Then don't bother, we plan to check the fields again soon."

Li Zheng nodded, "Go."

After a while, Li Yuan and Li Ji came over and said, "What is Li Zheng doing sitting in front of the house?"

Li Zheng looked up at Li Yuan and Li Ji, "I said what happened today? Do you all want to come over and say hello one by one?"

(End of this chapter)

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